

单词 in accord
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hoyle〕In accord with the prescribed rules or regulations.根据制定的规则或规定美国传统〔accord〕My notes are in accord with the formal record of the meeting.我的笔记和会议的正式记录一致。外研社新世纪〔accord〕The project is completely in accord with government policy.该项目完全符合政府政策。剑桥高阶〔accord〕These results are in accord with earlier research.这些结果和先前的研究一致。朗文当代〔accord〕This action would not be in accord with our policy.这一行动不会符合我们的方针。牛津高阶〔agree〕To come into or be in accord, as of opinion.投合,一致:达到或处于一致的状态,如意见看法美国传统〔comme il faut〕Being in accord with conventions or accepted standards; proper.得体的:与常规的或可接受的标准相符合的;恰当的美国传统〔consort〕To be in accord or agreement.一致或符合美国传统〔disoblige〕To refuse or neglect to act in accord with the wishes of.不满足…的愿望,不答应…的要求:拒绝或忽略按…的意愿行事美国传统〔error〕These nouns refer to what is not in accord with truth, accuracy, or propriety.这些名词指与真理不符、不准确或不适宜的事物。美国传统〔inharmonious〕Not in accord or agreement.不一致的美国传统〔legal〕One that is in accord with certain rules or laws.守法者:和某些规定或法律保持一致的人美国传统〔morality〕The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.品德:符合正确的或好的行为标准的品质美国传统〔moral〕These adjectives mean in accord with principles or rules of right or good conduct.这些形容词意为符合正确或好的行为的原则或规则。美国传统〔one〕In accord or unity.一致,合力美国传统〔parliamentary〕Being in accord with the rules and customs of a parliament.根据议会(国会)的:与议会(国会)的规定和习惯相一致的美国传统〔physiological〕Being in accord with or characteristic of the normal functioning of a living organism.生理的,生理机能的,生理上正常的:根据有生命的有机体正常功能的,或具有此特征的美国传统〔true〕In accord with reality, fact, or truthfulness.准确地,真实地:符合现实、事实或真实地美国传统〔truth〕These nouns refer to the quality of being in accord with fact or reality.这些名词指符合事实或现实的性质。美国传统〔unchristian〕Not in accord with the spirit or principles of Christianity.违反基督教教义的:不符合基督教精神的或原则的美国传统〔uncommercial〕Not in accord with the spirit or methods of commerce.违反商业信誉的美国传统〔unconstitutional〕Not in accord with the principles set forth in the constitution of a nation or state.违宪的:违反一国宪法原则的美国传统〔ungrammatical〕Not in accord with a language as used by a native speaker.不合习惯用法的:不符合本国人用的语言的美国传统〔ungrammatical〕Not in accord with the rules of a prescriptive grammar.不合语法的:不符合规定的语法规则的美国传统〔unparliamentary〕Not in accord with parliamentary procedure.不符合议会程序的美国传统




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