

单词 in a straight line
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕Walk in a straight line.沿直线行进。柯林斯高阶〔STRAIGHT〕It's difficult to walk in a straight line with your eyes closed. 闭上眼睛走路很难走得直。朗文写作活用〔STRAIGHT〕Light always travels in a straight line. 光总是直线运动。朗文写作活用〔alignment〕Arrangement or position in a straight line or in parallel lines.直线排列:直线或平行线的排列或位置美国传统〔crow〕In a straight line.沿直线地美国传统〔dipole〕Electronics An antenna, usually fed from the center, consisting of two equal rods extending outward in a straight line.【电子学】 偶极天线:天线,常从中间反馈,包括直线向外延伸的两根相同的杆美国传统〔fluctuate〕You can't march in a straight line to the victory; you fluctuate to it.你不可能一帆风顺地走向胜利,而要经过许多波折才能达到。英汉大词典〔gravity〕Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.要不是重力使箭落向地面,它们将永远以直线往前飞行。柯林斯高阶〔in-line skate〕A roller skate whose wheels are arranged in a straight line.直排轮滚轴溜冰鞋:滚轴溜冰鞋,鞋底的轮子排成直线美国传统〔line〕Baseball To hit (a ball) sharply, usually in a straight line.【棒球】 击出边线快速直线球:通常沿着直线方向猛击(球)美国传统〔line〕He was so drunk he couldn't walk in a straight line.他醉得太厉害了,以至于走路歪歪扭扭的。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕Light travels in a straight line .光沿直线传播。朗文当代〔line〕My legs felt all wobbly when I stood up and I couldn't walk in a straight line (= walk without moving to the side while moving forward).我站起来时觉得腿直打颤,走起路来左右摇晃。剑桥高阶〔line〕Walk in a straight line.走直线。牛津搭配〔line〕Walk in a straight line.沿直线走。外研社新世纪〔nonlinear〕Not in a straight line.不在直线上的美国传统〔queen〕Abbr. QThe most powerful chess piece, able to move in any direction in a straight line.缩写 Q王后:最具威力的国际象棋棋子,可以在一直线上沿任一方向移动美国传统〔row〕A series of objects placed next to each other, usually in a straight line.一行:挨在一起放的一种物体,通常成一条直线美国传统〔straight-line〕Lying in a straight line.排成直线的美国传统〔straightaway〕Extending in a straight line or course without a curve or turn.直线延伸的:无弯曲或回转地成直线延伸的美国传统〔straight〕They sat down in a straight line .他们坐成一直溜儿。朗文当代〔syzygy〕Either of two points in the orbit of the moon when the moon lies in a straight line with the sun and Earth.朔望:月球轨道中月球与太阳或地球处于同一直线的两点之一美国传统〔syzygy〕The configuration of the sun, the moon, and Earth lying in a straight line.会合:太阳、月球与地球处于同一直线时的形状美国传统〔take〕In the Chinese chess, the chariot takes in a straight line.在中国象棋里“车”沿直线吃子。21世纪英汉〔take〕The chariot in the Chinese chess takes in a straight line.中国象棋里的“车”沿直线吃子。英汉大词典〔triangle〕The plane figure formed by connecting three points not in a straight line by straight line segments; a three-sided polygon.三角形:一种由直线线段连接不在一条直线上的三点形成的平面图形;三边图形美国传统My legs felt all wobbly when I stood up and I couldn't walk in a straight line (= walk without moving to the side while moving forward) .我站起来时腿发抖,走路时都在摇摆。剑桥国际Stand in a straight line and shut up! 站直了,闭嘴!剑桥国际




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