

单词 hotel
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ARRANGE〕to arrange to use a plane, train, hotel room, restaurant etc 安排使用飞机、火车、酒店房间、餐厅等朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕a hotel that offers air-conditioned rooms at relatively inexpensive prices 一家提供空调房间、价格比较公道的酒店朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕an old hotel with lovely sloping lawns 一家有漂亮的斜草坪的古老酒店朗文写作活用〔Roman〕a Roman hotel room.罗马的一个宾馆房间柯林斯高阶〔accommodation〕top-quality hotel accommodation 第一流的旅馆房间英汉大词典〔accommodation〕travel and hotel accommodations 旅行及酒店住宿朗文当代〔allot〕allot hotel rooms to members of the delegation 将旅馆房间分配给代表团团员英汉大词典〔allowance〕a travel allowance that covers hotel and restaurant bills.包括食宿费用的旅行补贴美国传统〔approbate〕a certificate approbating a hotel 批准旅馆开业的执照英汉大词典〔avenue〕a hotel on Fifth Avenue 第五大街上的一家旅馆牛津高阶〔basic〕the extremely basic hotel room.陈设极简单的旅馆房间柯林斯高阶〔bed and breakfast〕a small bed and breakfast hotel near London伦敦附近一个提供住宿和早餐的小旅馆外研社新世纪〔bedroom〕a hotel with 50 bedrooms 有 50 间客房的旅馆朗文当代〔bookable〕bookable hotel rooms 可供预订的宾馆客房韦氏高阶〔character〕a traditional hotel with a lot of character and charm 颇具特色和魅力的传统宾馆麦克米伦高阶〔elegant〕a classically elegant hotel 一家典雅的旅馆牛津搭配〔empire〕the staff who help run his hotel empire 帮助他经营庞大的旅馆业的职员牛津搭配〔encourage〕encourage the hotel industry by granting it tax concessions 准予税率优惠以促进旅馆业的发展英汉大词典〔exclusive〕an exclusive hotel 高级酒店韦氏高阶〔first class〕a first-class hotel 一流的旅馆麦克米伦高阶〔fit〕a hotel fitted up with modern comforts and conveniences 配有现代化舒适设施的旅馆英汉大词典〔five-star〕a five-star hotel 第一流的旅馆,五星级大饭店文馨英汉〔flaring〕a flaring hotel 奢华的旅馆英汉大词典〔gratis〕gratis hotel accommodations 免费的宾馆住宿韦氏高阶〔high-class〕a high-class hotel [restaurant] 高级旅馆[餐馆]文馨英汉〔higher〕a higher diploma in hotel management.酒店管理高级证书柯林斯高阶〔hotel〕hotel rooms/guests 旅馆的房间╱客人牛津高阶〔hotel〕a family hotel with a playground for small children 一家设有儿童游戏场地的家庭旅馆牛津搭配〔hotel〕a friendly family-run hotel 一家友好的家庭旅馆牛津搭配〔hotel〕a friendly, family-run hotel 一家亲切随和、家庭经营的旅店牛津高阶〔hotel〕a luxury hotel 豪华旅馆牛津高阶〔hotel〕check into a hotel 登记入住旅店韦氏高阶〔jump〕jump a hotel bill 未付旅馆账单而溜走 英汉大词典〔kudos〕a new hotel chain that has won kudos for the way it treats guests.因其待客方式受到好评的新的连锁酒店柯林斯高阶〔lakeside〕a lakeside hotel 湖边旅馆牛津高阶〔land〕land at a hotel 抵达旅馆文馨英汉〔lobby〕a hotel lobby 旅馆大厅牛津高阶〔lobby〕a hotel lobby 旅馆大厅韦氏高阶〔luxury〕a luxury hotel 豪华酒店牛津高阶〔nicely〕another hotel owner who is doing very nicely, thank you又一位成功的酒店老板, 谢谢外研社新世纪〔out-of-town〕a deluxe hotel for out-of-town visitors.供外地来客下榻的豪华旅馆柯林斯高阶〔out-of-town〕a deluxe hotel for out-of-town visitors接待外地游客的豪华酒店外研社新世纪〔place〕the hotel reception area 旅馆接待处牛津高阶〔register〕register at a hotel 在旅馆登记投宿英汉大词典〔residence〕take up residence on the top floor of a hotel 在一家旅馆顶层住下 英汉大词典〔sauna〕a hotel with a swimming pool and sauna 带游泳池和桑拿浴室的旅馆牛津高阶〔select〕a select hotel 高级宾馆韦氏高阶〔setting〕a hotel in a beautiful mountain setting 坐落在优美山景中的旅馆牛津搭配〔staff〕the 300 workers who staff the hotel 在这家宾馆工作的300名员工韦氏高阶〔staid〕a relatively staid and old-fashioned hotel 相对保守的老式酒店牛津搭配〔star〕a four star hotel 四星级旅馆英汉大词典〔theatrically〕a white hotel theatrically set along a ridge如同戏剧布景般坐落在一座桥边的白色旅店外研社新世纪〔the〕the best hotel in Paris 巴黎最好的宾馆麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕a hotel with a personal touch 一家使人有宾至如归感的旅馆英汉大词典〔transient〕a transient hotel 过往客小住旅店英汉大词典〔well run〕a well-run hotel 经营良好的旅馆牛津高阶〔wired〕a wired hotel room.装有电窃听器的旅店房间美国传统a downtown hotel 位于市中心的酒店牛津商务a receipted hotel bill 注明款项收讫的旅馆账单牛津商务the hotel reception area 酒店接待区牛津商务




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