

单词 image
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Emmy〕alteration of image orthicon image orthicon的变化 美国传统〔acoustic〕an acoustic image 听觉心像文馨英汉〔all-American〕the image of the standard all-American boy典型的美国男孩形象外研社新世纪〔assignment〕the computer's assignment of a number to each image 计算机给每个图像确定一个识别码韦氏高阶〔blurry〕a blurry image 模糊的图像韦氏高阶〔bury〕the popular image of writers burying themselves in the country in order to write.常见的退隐乡间写作的作家形象柯林斯高阶〔clickable〕a clickable image on a Web page 网页上可以点击的图像韦氏高阶〔contrived〕the carefully contrived image of party unity 精心设计出的党内团结形象牛津搭配〔downmarket〕the company's downmarket image 公司面向低端市场的形象麦克米伦高阶〔edge〕the left edge of the image 图像的左边缘牛津搭配〔eidetic〕an eidetic image 重现形象(尤指儿童在幻觉中看到的过去事物的清晰形象)英汉大词典〔elitist〕the elitist image associated with hunting与狩猎联系在一起的精英阶层形象外研社新世纪〔emend〕emend sb.'s image to suit one's own needs 为适应自己的需要换一种样子描绘某人的形象英汉大词典〔erase〕erase a bad image 消除坏印象英汉大词典〔ethereally〕an ethereally beautiful image 优雅美丽的形象韦氏高阶〔everyman〕an actor who is seen as the image of everyman 被认为普通人形象的男演员韦氏高阶〔freeze-frame〕freeze-frame an image 定格影像韦氏高阶〔freeze-frame〕to freeze-frame the image of…把…的图像定格21世纪英汉〔fuzzy〕a fuzzy image 模糊的形象牛津高阶〔grave〕a graven image 雕像,偶像文馨英汉〔idealized〕an idealized image of how a parent should be为人父母者的理想化形象外研社新世纪〔image〕image frequency 镜像频率英汉大词典〔image〕a politician who cares more about image than about telling the truth 比起讲真话更加在乎个人形象的政治人物韦氏高阶〔image〕a standard video output for image transfer or remote viewing 可用于图像传输或者遥控观看的标准视频输出牛津搭配〔image〕a tarnished corporate image 受损的公司形象韦氏高阶〔image〕help with eating disorders and body image 有助于调理进食紊乱症状和改善身体意象牛津搭配〔image〕night as an image of death.黑夜是死亡的象征美国传统〔image〕sb.'s image in the mirror 某人在镜中的映像英汉大词典〔image〕the painted image of a human being 一幅人体油画图像牛津搭配〔image〕the pixel information used to display a digital image 用于显示数字图像的像素信息牛津搭配〔invert〕an inverted image 倒影韦氏高阶〔macho〕a car with a macho image 具有阳刚外型的汽车朗文当代〔magnification〕magnification of an image 图像放大韦氏高阶〔magnify〕an image magnified by a factor of 4 放大了 4 倍的图像牛津高阶〔mass〕the image of America with arms open wide to the world's huddled masses 向全世界饥寒交迫的人们敞开怀抱的美国形象牛津搭配〔molten〕a molten image 铸像英汉大词典〔narcissistic〕the image of the vain, narcissistic man.自负自恋的男人形象柯林斯高阶〔negative〕the negative image on a photographic plate 照相底片上的负像英汉大词典〔oneiric〕an oneiric image 梦一般的影像英汉大词典〔packaging〕the packaging of the company image 公司形象的包装朗文当代〔persona〕pl. personas The role that one assumes or displays in public or society; one's public image or personality, as distinguished from the inner self.【复数】 personas 人格面貌:在公共场合或社会上担任或扮演的角色;某人公开场合的形象或性格,与其内在的个人明显不同美国传统〔pixelated〕a heavily pixelated image 打了很多马赛克的图像韦氏高阶〔positive〕a positive photographic image 正像英汉大词典〔public〕attempts to improve the public image of the police 试图改善警察公众形象的努力朗文当代〔rebrand〕steps to rebrand the image of English football abroad重塑英国足球海外形象的措施外研社新世纪〔recast〕recast one's political image to fit the times 改变政治形象以适应时代英汉大词典〔reengineer〕reengineer one's image 重建自己的形象英汉大词典〔refurbish〕refurbish one's country's tarnished image in the world 刷新国家在全世界人民心目中遭污损的形象英汉大词典〔repackage〕repackage a candidate's public image 进一步改善候选人在公众心目中的形象 英汉大词典〔resolution〕a high/low resolution image 高/低清晰度图像剑桥高阶〔sanitize〕try to sanitize one's image 设法改善自己的形象英汉大词典〔sharp〕a sharp image (recording) 清晰的图像(录音) 英汉大词典〔tarnished〕the company's tarnished image 公司受损的形象韦氏高阶〔three-d〕a three-D image 立体视像牛津高阶〔uninspiring〕his image as a dull and uninspiring leader.他呆板无趣的领导者形象柯林斯高阶〔visual〕a visual image 视觉象[心象]文馨英汉〔visual〕form a visual image of the author's description 对作者的描述形成一幅生动的画面英汉大词典〔work〕an image of teaching which highlighted the stressful and difficult aspects of the teacher's work.突出显示了教师工作的压力和困难的教学场景柯林斯高阶a brand/corporate image advertising campaign 品牌/企业形象广告宣传活动牛津商务a marketing strategy designed to improve the company's image 一项旨在改善公司形象的营销策略牛津商务




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