

单词 in print
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hacky Sack〕A trademark used for a footbag. This trademark often occurs in print hyphenated or in uppercase or lowercase as a name for the game of footbag.哈奇鞋袋:用在鞋袋的一种商标,此类商标通常出现在印制好的连字符号或是在大写或小写字母以作为鞋袋比赛的名称美国传统〔advertising〕The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in print or on the air.广告活动:诸如通过已出版的或正在广播的有偿启事吸引公共对产品或企业注意力的活动美国传统〔appear〕Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams appeared in print in 1899.弗洛伊德《梦的解析》一书于1899年出版。外研社新世纪〔appear〕Some of the material used has appeared in print before (=has been published) .用到的一些材料曾经刊登过。朗文当代〔appear〕The word first appeared in print in 1782.这个单词于1782年首次被刊印出来。韦氏高阶〔backlist〕A publisher's list of older titles kept in print.存书目录:保存在出版物中的较早篇目的出版者目录美国传统〔deviousness〕Newman was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private.纽曼阴险得很,明里一套,暗里一套。柯林斯高阶〔devious〕Newman was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private.纽曼阴险得很, 明里一套, 暗里一套。外研社新世纪〔excited〕Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print.不要一看到你的名字出现在出版物中就过分激动。牛津高阶〔friendliness〕Asmus became friendly with a number of writers and appeared in print as a literary critic.阿斯穆斯和许多作家成为了好友,而且还作为一名文学评论家出现在报纸上。柯林斯高阶〔friendly〕Asmus became friendly with a number of writers and appeared in print as a literary critic.阿斯穆斯同很多作家交好, 还作为一名文学批评家出现在报纸上。外研社新世纪〔kick〕I got a kick out of seeing my name in print.当看到我的名字印成铅字时,我感到无比兴奋。柯林斯高阶〔kick〕I got a kick out of seeing my name in print.看到我的名字出现在出版物上, 我感到很激动。外研社新世纪〔kick〕It gave me a kick to see my story in print.看到我的小说印了出来,我感到极度的兴奋。牛津同义词〔long-lived〕A successful textbook is long-lived and stays in print for several years.成功的教科书使用期长,还可重版好几年。英汉大词典〔memorialize〕He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South.在整个南方地区,他被人们著书称颂,刻碑纪念。柯林斯高阶〔nothing〕There's nothing more exciting than seeing your name in print.没什么比看到你的名字刊印在出版物上更令人激动的了。麦克米伦高阶〔parade〕They don't like having their personal problems paraded in print for everyone to see.他们不喜欢自己的私事被报刊登载,让公众知晓。韦氏高阶〔printing〕Written characters not connected to one another and resembling those appearing in print.印刷字体:手工写成的与普通铅字相似的互不相连的字体美国传统〔print〕After fifty years, the book is still in print.五十年后,那本书仍在印行。朗文当代〔print〕All her books are still in print.她所有的书仍在印行。牛津搭配〔print〕For any book to be still in print after 50 years is a rare enough event.任何一本书在50年后仍能买到,都是件十分罕见的事。英汉大词典〔print〕It must be really exciting to see your work in print.看到自己的作品发表一定非常激动。朗文当代〔print〕It was the first time he had seen his name in print.那是他第一次见到自己的名字被刊印出来。牛津高阶〔print〕Many of their books have been in print for nearly 40 years.他们的很多书都印行将近40年了。柯林斯高阶〔print〕Many of their books have been in print for nearly 40 years.他们的许多书已印行近40年了。外研社新世纪〔print〕Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths.这些诗人中有很多都是在去世很久以后作品才得以发表的。柯林斯高阶〔print〕Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths.这些诗人中有许多都是在其死后很久作品才得以出版。外研社新世纪〔print〕The book is in print.书已出版。英汉大词典〔print〕The debate is still raging, both in print and online.这场争论仍然激烈进行着,无论在报刊还是在网络上。剑桥高阶〔print〕The story has already appeared in print.这部小说已出版。外研社新世纪〔print〕To write (something) in characters similar to those commonly used in print.书写:以类似于通常使用的印刷字体的写(东西)美国传统〔print〕To write characters similar to those commonly used in print.用印刷体写:类似于在印刷中用普遍的字符写美国传统〔render〕She made a sound that in print is rendered as 'harrumph.' 她发出一个声音,写下来就是 harrumph。朗文当代〔reproduce〕They do not reproduce well in print.这些东西翻印得不清楚。牛津搭配〔reward〕All his hard work was rewarded (= was made worth it) when he saw his book in print.看到了自己的书付梓出版,他感到一切的艰辛都得到了回报。剑桥高阶〔space writer〕A writer, such as a journalist, who is paid according to the amount of space his or her material occupies in print.按作品篇幅计酬的新闻记者:作者(尤指新闻记者),按照印出的他或她所撰写的材料的空间数量来计酬美国传统〔taster〕Here's a taster of what will be in print next month.这儿有一份下个月刊载内容的小样。朗文当代〔text〕The words of a speech appearing in print.演讲稿:印刷出的演讲词美国传统〔unauthorized〕This unauthorized biography of the star has sold over 10,000 copies in its first week in print.这本未经授权的明星传记刊印后第1个星期就卖出了1万多本。剑桥高阶He finally saw his poems in print. 他终于见到他的诗作发表。译典通His second book is already in print. 他的第二本书已出版。译典通The book became an instant best-seller with more than 5 million copies in print.这本书瞬间成了畅销书,印了 500 多万册。牛津商务The debate is still raging, both in print and on the radio and television.这场争论仍然在报刊、电台、电视里激烈地进行着。剑桥国际The two writers had a number of tilts in print. 这两位作家写过一些文章互相攻击。译典通This unauthorized biography of the Princess has sold over 10,000 copies in its first week in print.这本未经授权的公主传记刊印后第一周就售出了上万本。剑桥国际




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