

单词 in power
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-powered〕The party has been in power since independence in 1964.该党自1964年独立以来一直执政。柯林斯高阶〔GET RID OF〕He was deposed after more than 18 years in power. 他当政超过了18年以后遭到了罢免。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕Gorbachev could not have remained in power without the support of the Red Army. 他要是没有军队的支持是无法掌权的。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Socialists have been in power since the 1965 revolution. 自1965年革命以来,社会党一直掌权。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Military success always reflects well on the government in power at the time. 军事上的成就总是充分反映了当权政府的能力。朗文写作活用〔START〕Once in power, the government set to work on major reforms to the tax system. 政府一上台就开始进行重大的税制改革。朗文写作活用〔amplidyne〕A rotating magnetic amplifier with specialized windings that allow small changes in power input to produce large changes in power output.电机放大机:带有专用线圈的旋转磁放大器,能使电流输入时的小变化在电流输出时产生大变化美国传统〔badly〕If the war goes badly, he is unlikely to remain in power.如果战事不利的话,他不大可能继续掌权。麦克米伦高阶〔bulldoze〕The party in power planned to bulldoze through a full socialist programme.执政党打算强制推行一个全面的社会主义方案。柯林斯高阶〔counter〕He became a counter in power struggles between them.他成了他们之间权力斗争的棋子。外研社新世纪〔creep〕A slow change in a characteristic of electronic equipment, such as a decrease in power with continued usage.蠕变:电子仪器的特性参数的缓慢变化,如由于连续使用而造成的功率下降美国传统〔cynical〕Voters tend to have a cynical view of the probity of those in power.选民们往往对掌权者的诚信持怀疑态度。外研社新世纪〔degeneration〕Electronics Loss of or gain in power in an amplifier caused by unintentional negative feedback.【电子学】 负反馈:由无意的负反馈引起的放大器中功率的丧失或获得美国传统〔electricity〕They generate electricity in power stations.他们在电厂发电。文馨英汉〔equivalent〕These first computers were equivalent in power to a modern calculator.这些最初的计算机与现代计算器功能等同。牛津搭配〔fence-mending〕The government employees have spent their time and energy on fence-mending to keep their party in power.政府工作人员花费时间和精力来改善政治关系,力图使他们的政党保持执政地位。英汉大词典〔ignitron〕A single-anode, mercury-vapor rectifier in which current passes as an arc between the anode and a mercury-pool cathode, used in power rectification.引燃管:用于调整电力的单阳极,汞气调节器,电流以电弧的形式流动于阳极和水银液体的阴极之间美国传统〔labour〕Labour was/were in power for many years.工党曾执政多年。牛津高阶〔match〕I had finally met my match in power and intellect.我终于遇上了与我在力量与智力上不相上下的劲敌。柯林斯高阶〔opposition〕Often Opposition A political party or an organized group opposed to the group, party, or government in power. 常作 Opposition 反对党,反对组织:反对执政党、团体或政府的政治党派或有组织的机构美国传统〔opposition〕The Socialists were back in power after six years in opposition.社会党在野6年后又重新掌权。麦克米伦高阶〔outmoded〕What hope is there if those in power continue to promote outmoded attitudes?如果当权者仍然抱残守缺, 还有什么希望可言?外研社新世纪〔out〕The Social Democrats were voted out after 15 years in power.社会民主党在执政15年后被选下了台。剑桥高阶〔overbearing〕Overwhelming in power or significance; predominant.压倒一切的:在力量或重要性上势不可挡的;支配的,显著的美国传统〔paranoia〕External threats will just fuel paranoia among those in power.外部威胁只会加剧当权者的偏执。牛津搭配〔party〕The new regulations have been attacked by opposition parties (=parties who are not in power and oppose the government) .新法规受到了各反对党的攻击。朗文当代〔power〕The dictator had been in power for seven years.那个独裁者已经掌权 7 年了。朗文当代〔power〕The party has been in power since independence in 1964.该党自1964年独立以来一直执政。外研社新世纪〔power〕The present regime has been in power for two years.现政权已经执政两年了。牛津高阶〔power〕The ruling Social Democratic party has been in power for ten years.执政的社会民主党已经当权10年了。麦克米伦高阶〔prepotency〕The condition of being greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominance.优势:比别人具有更大的权势、影响、权力的状态;优势美国传统〔prepotent〕Greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominant.具有优势的:比其他人具有更大的力量、影响或权势;优越的美国传统〔presuppose〕His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power.他的论点前提是谁掌权都无关紧要。牛津高阶〔referendum〕The president called a referendum that he hoped would confirm him in power.总统宣布举行全民投票,以期巩固其执政地位。牛津搭配〔remain〕The dictator has remained in power for over 20 years.这个独裁者已执政20多年。麦克米伦高阶〔settled〕The government is quite settled in power.政权很稳固。英汉大词典〔supreme〕Greatest in power, authority, or rank; paramount or dominant.至上的:权力、权威或地位最高的;至上的或居于统治地位的美国传统〔utmost〕The new model of the car offers the utmost in power and performance.这款新车动力最大,性能最佳。剑桥高阶After eight years in power, the government can no longer use the previous government's policy as an alibi for its own failure.经过8年执政,本届政府再不能以前任政府的政策作为自己失败的借口了。剑桥国际During his 29 years in power he has shown a decisiveness and far-sightedness that puts most other politicians, anywhere, to shame.在当政的29年中他显示了自己的果断和远见,令其他各地政客有点惭愧。剑桥国际Had he been more astute he might have stayed in power longer.要是城府更深些的话,他掌权的时间也许会更长些了。剑桥国际He was the first of the eastern leaders to read the runes and make political changes to stay in power.他是推知事态变化并进行政治改革以继续掌权的第一位东方领导人。剑桥国际In Britain, the party in power has the right to choose the date of the next general election.在英国,执政党有权挑选下一届大选的日期。剑桥国际Politicians who are high in power must be able to listen to the aggrieved voice of the people. 主政者一定要能倾听人民愤恨不平的声音。译典通The Conservative Party is now in power. 现在由保守党执政。译典通The Social Democrats were out after 15 years in power.社会民主党执政15年后下台。剑桥国际The new model of the car offers the utmost in power and performance.这种新车提供了最大动力和最佳性能。剑桥国际The official propaganda machine went into overdrive yesterday in an attempt to show that the government is still firmly in power.官方的宣传机器昨天进入加速运作,企图表明政府仍然大权在握。剑桥国际The ruling party jiggered the election results to be sure they would stay in power.执政党篡改了选举结果,以确保他们继续掌权。剑桥国际To add 5% to the top speed, an increase of 20% in power output is needed.最大速度再提高5%,就需要增加20%的功率输出。剑桥国际




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