

单词 high rank
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alderman〕A noble of high rank or authority in Anglo-Saxon England.贵族,当权者:盎格鲁-撒克逊时期英格兰的高等贵族或当权者美国传统〔attach〕A moral obligation attaches to high rank.道义上的责任是和高级职位连在一起的。英汉大词典〔august〕Venerable for reasons of age or high rank.尊贵的:因年龄或地位高等原因而受人尊敬的美国传统〔braid〕Slang Naval officers of high rank.【俚语】 高军衔的海军官员美国传统〔city〕A Canadian municipality of high rank, usually determined by population but varying by province.自治区:加拿大的高级自治城市,通常依人口而定,但因省而异美国传统〔class〕Social rank or caste, especially high rank.上流阶层:社会等级,尤指高等级美国传统〔constable〕A medieval officer of high rank, usually serving as military commander in the absence of a monarch.统帅:中世纪时的高级官员,通常在君主不在的时候担任军事统帅美国传统〔dignitary〕A person of high rank or position.职位高的人:有高官或地位的人美国传统〔etiquette〕He did not know the proper etiquette for greeting people of such high rank.他不知道欢迎这样高级别的人物采用什么样的礼仪才合适。牛津搭配〔grandee〕A person of eminence or high rank.显贵,显要人物:地位显赫或居高位的人美国传统〔high commissioner〕A chief commissioner or one of high rank.高级专员:最高特派专员或高级特派专员美国传统〔hold〕His high rank and chilly manner held people off.他的高贵官阶及冷淡态度使人们不敢接近他。英汉大词典〔honor〕High rank.高位美国传统〔place〕High rank or status.高等级或地位美国传统〔provost〕A university administrator of high rank.教务长:一种高层的大学管理人员美国传统〔rank〕He must be treated as a hostage of high rank, not as a common prisoner.必须把他当成高级人质来对待,而不能像对待普通囚犯那样。柯林斯高阶〔rank〕He must be treated as a hostage of high rank, not as a common prisoner.必须把他当成高级人质来对待, 而不能像对待普通囚犯那样。外研社新世纪〔retainer〕A servant or an attendant, especially one in the household of a person of high rank.仆人或服务员,尤指高阶层人士家中的美国传统〔sirdar〕A person of high rank, especially in India.酋长,贵族,高级军官:级别高的人,尤用于印度美国传统He is an officer of high rank.他是个高级军官。剑桥国际




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