

单词 helm
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assertion〕Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.赫尔姆先生打算声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。柯林斯高阶〔binnacle〕A case that supports and protects a ship's compass, located near the helm.罗经柜:位于舵附近用于放置和保护船上罗盘的柜子美国传统〔down〕Put the helm down! 下手舵!英汉大词典〔feel〕The ship feels her helm.船受舵的操纵航行。英汉大词典〔gripe〕She was easy on the helm, and showed little tendency to gripe.这条船很容易掌舵, 几乎没有偏航的倾向。外研社新世纪〔helm〕A new dean is at the helm of the medical school.医学院由一位新院长领导。英汉大词典〔helm〕As I helmed, the others relaxed on deck.我掌舵的时候, 其他人在甲板上休息。外研社新世纪〔helm〕He helmed Air Canada in 2001 when it lost $1.25 billion.他在2001年接管了亏损12.5亿美元的加拿大航空公司。外研社新世纪〔helm〕He helmed a weekly TV show.他负责一档每周一期的电视节目。外研社新世纪〔helm〕He has been at the helm of Lonrho for 31 years.他已经掌管罗荷集团长达31年之久。外研社新世纪〔helm〕He has been at the helm of Lonrho for 31 years.他执掌伦罗公司已达31年。柯林斯高阶〔helm〕He was determined to helm the exhibition.他决定负责此次展览会的领导工作。21世纪英汉〔helm〕I helmed out of the harbour.我把船驶离了港口。外研社新世纪〔helm〕I got into our dinghy while Willis sat at the helm.我钻进我们的小艇, 威利斯掌舵。外研社新世纪〔helm〕I got into our dinghy while Willis took the helm and positioned the boat for the photograph.我钻进我们的小艇,威利斯掌舵,将船摆好位置准备拍照。柯林斯高阶〔helm〕She took the helm of the university.她当了这所大学的领导。韦氏高阶〔helm〕The boat was usually helmed by a student.这艘小船通常由学生掌舵。外研社新世纪〔helm〕The coach will remain at the helm for the rest of the season.该教练在赛季剩下的时间里会继续执教。麦克米伦高阶〔helm〕To take the helm of; steer or direct.给…掌舵;掌舵或控制美国传统〔helm〕We have a new prime minister at the helm.我们有个新首相执政。朗文当代〔helm〕Who was at the helm when the collision occurred? 发生碰撞时谁在掌舵?剑桥高阶〔helm〕With Steve Lewis at the helm, we are certain of success.由史蒂夫‧刘易斯负责,我们肯定会成功。剑桥高阶〔helm〕Wright took the helm at the food retailer in December 2001.赖特于 2001 年 12 月开始掌管这家食品零售公司。朗文当代〔helm〕Yutaka Kume took the helm as Nissan's president in June 1985.久米丰从1985年6月起担任日产汽车的社长。外研社新世纪〔helm〕Yutaka Kume, who took the helm as Nissan's president in June 1985.1985年6月成为日产汽车社长的久米丰柯林斯高阶〔midships〕In the center position. Used of the helm.在中部:在中间部位。用于指舵的中部美国传统〔obey〕A ship obeys the helm.船随舵转动行驶。英汉大词典〔poison〕Helms attempted to poison his whole family with strychnine.赫尔姆斯企图用马钱子毒死全家。朗文当代〔position〕The President has positioned himself firmly at the nation's helm.总统已牢牢执掌了国家大权。英汉大词典〔steerageway〕The minimum rate of motion required for a ship or boat to be maneuvered by the helm.舵效速率:船舵生效所要求的最低速率美国传统〔steerage〕The effect of the helm on a ship.舵能:船舵的效力美国传统〔trick〕A period or turn of duty, as at the helm of a ship.(轮值或值班的一班):值班的时间或轮换,如在轮船的舵旁的值班美国传统〔up〕Put the helm up.向上风推舵柄(使船首转向下风)。英汉大词典He took the helm at the bank in 1999.他于 1999 年开始掌管这银行。牛津商务Someone more competent than me had better take the helm if this wind increases.如果风力增大,最好让比我强的人来掌舵。剑桥国际With Mr Munro at the helm, the company has continued to grow.蒙诺先生掌权后,公司继续成长壮大。牛津商务




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