

单词 impress on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔impress sth on/upon sb〕Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.西蒙斯先生力图让我明白,如果我能更有条理,我的生活会更安逸。剑桥高阶〔impressed〕Cannon's film impresses on many levels.坎农的电影在很多方面令人印象深刻。柯林斯高阶〔impressed〕I impressed on him what a huge honour he was being offered.我让他铭记他当时被授予了多么大的荣誉。柯林斯高阶〔impress〕All 10 fingers are impressed on the card.10个手指都在卡片上按了手印。英汉大词典〔impress〕Cannon's film impresses on many levels.坎农的电影能吸引多层次的观众。外研社新世纪〔impress〕Father impressed on me the value of hard work.父亲向我强调努力工作的重要意义。朗文当代〔impress〕He impressed on us the need for immediate action.他让我们认识到立刻采取行动的必要。牛津高阶〔impress〕I impressed on him what a huge honour he was being offered.我让他认识到他得到了多么巨大的荣誉。外研社新世纪〔impress〕I'll impress one thing on you.我要你记住一件事。英汉大词典〔impress〕Parents have always tried to impress on kids the dangers of driving.家长们一直试图让孩子们牢记开车的危险。外研社新世纪〔impress〕She impressed on us the need for caution.她要我们知道必须小心。牛津同义词〔impress〕That accident impressed on me the necessity of observing regulations.那次事故使我深感遵守规则的必要。文馨英汉〔impress〕They impressed on us the need to keep the project completely secret.他们向我们强调了对该计划绝对保密的必要性。麦克米伦高阶〔impress〕Time has left its impress on him.时间的流逝在他身上留下了痕迹。英汉大词典〔protest too much〕She keeps trying to impress on me how she doesn't like him but does she protest too much? 她不停地试图让我觉得她不喜欢他,但她是不是做得太过了呢?剑桥高阶〔tool〕A design impressed on a book cover by such a stamp.压印:用压印器盖出来的书封面上的图案美国传统〔veronica〕According to popular legend, an image of the face of Jesus as impressed on the handkerchief offered to him by Saint Veronica on the road to Calvary.耶稣面像:根据流行的传说,印在圣女维罗尼卡在耶稣去往骷髅地的路上递给他的手巾上的耶稣面像美国传统〔watermark〕A translucent design impressed on paper during manufacture and visible when the paper is held to the light.水印:制造过程中压在纸上的半透明设计,纸张对光时可辨美国传统He's always trying to impress on me how much easier life is if you're well-organized.他一直想让我明白,一个人如果很有条理,生活会舒服多了。剑桥国际My father impressed on me the importance of hard work. 我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。译典通Their honesty and hospitality left an enduring impress on her life. 他们的诚实与好客给她一生留下了难以磨灭的印象。译典通Trying to impress on my brother the importance of personal hygiene was never an easy task.想让我弟弟明白个人卫生的重要性从来不是件容易的事。剑桥国际




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