

单词 homosexual
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GAY〕Greek literature provides evidence for homosexual activity among both males and females. 古希腊文学中提供了男女同性恋行为的实据。朗文写作活用〔GAY〕Most fundamentalist churches disapprove of homosexuals. 大多数原教旨主义教会都反对同性恋。朗文写作活用〔GAY〕Steve was 18 when he told his parents he was homosexual. 史蒂夫18岁的时候告诉父母说他是同性恋。朗文写作活用〔GAY〕The law applies to both heterosexual and homosexual employees. 这条法规对于异性恋和同性恋的雇员都适用。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Anyone can catch the disease -- not just homosexual men or drug addicts. 人人都可能染上这种病——不只是男性同性恋者或吸毒者。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕Homosexual men and women are campaigning for equal rights. 同性恋男女在为自己争取平等的权利。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕He finally came out in 1998, after years as a closet homosexual. 他多年来一直不公开表明是同性恋者,终于在1998年站出来承认了。朗文写作活用〔associate〕They disapproved of her dancing at discos and associating with homosexuals.他们不同意她在迪斯科舞厅跳舞并和同性恋鬼混。柯林斯高阶〔closet queen〕Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man who chooses not to reveal his sexual orientation.暗地搞同性恋的男人:贬损性用语,用作指不愿显示其性别定位的同性恋男子美国传统〔closet〕Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet.公众人物中的同性恋者如今逐渐公开自己的性取向。牛津高阶〔closet〕Some people think he's a closet homosexual.有人认为,他是个隐秘的同性恋者。韦氏高阶〔come〕To reveal that one is gay or homosexual.揭露某人同性恋的身份美国传统〔declared〕He is a declared homosexual.他是一个公开表明的同性恋者。文馨英汉〔declared〕He's a declared homosexual.他是个公开身份的同性恋者。外研社新世纪〔dump on〕Homosexuals have also made it a practice to dump on religious leaders.同性恋者也以诘难宗教领袖为惯用手法。21世纪英汉〔faggot〕Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.男同性恋者,同性恋者:用作贬义,指同性恋者或男性同性恋美国传统〔fag〕Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.男同性恋者,同性恋者:用作贬义,指同性恋者或男性同性恋者美国传统〔fairy〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 同性恋者,男性同性恋:用作贬义,指同性恋者或男性同性恋美国传统〔fruity〕Offensive Slang Gay or homosexual.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 同性恋的美国传统〔fruit〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 男同性恋者美国传统〔gay〕Homosexual.同性恋的美国传统〔gay〕Of, relating to, or sharing the lifestyle and concerns of the homosexual community.同性恋的:有关或与同性恋者的生活方式或问题有联系的,具有同性恋者的生活方式的美国传统〔heterosexism〕Discrimination or prejudice against gay or homosexual people by heterosexual people.异性恋主义:异性恋者对同性恋者的歧视或偏见美国传统〔heterosexuality〕In Denmark the age of consent is fifteen for both heterosexuals and homosexuals.在丹麦,异性恋者和同性恋者允许进行性行为的合法年龄都是15岁。柯林斯高阶〔homoerotic〕Of or concerning homosexual love and desire; amatory.同性恋的:同性间的爱欲的,与之有关的;色情的美国传统〔homophile〕Being actively concerned with the rights and welfare of gay or homosexual people.积极关心同性恋者权利和福利的美国传统〔homophile〕Gay or homosexual.同性恋的美国传统〔homophobia〕Aversion to gay or homosexual people or their lifestyle or culture.同性恋恐怖症:对同性恋者或其文化或生活方式的厌恶美国传统〔homosexuality〕A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.一桩涉及两名同性恋律师的欺诈案审判被撤销了。柯林斯高阶〔homosexuality〕The judge said that discrimination against homosexuals is deplorable.法官说对同性恋者的歧视应予以谴责。柯林斯高阶〔homosexual〕A homosexual person; a gay man or a lesbian.同性恋者:男同性恋者或女同性恋者美国传统〔homosexual〕A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.一桩涉及两名同性恋律师的欺诈案审判被撤销了。外研社新世纪〔homosexual〕Ruth's brother was homosexual.露丝的兄弟是同性恋。朗文当代〔homo〕Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual person.对同性恋者的蔑称美国传统〔invert〕Used as a term for a homosexual person.同性恋者:用指同性恋者的术语美国传统〔lesbian〕A gay or homosexual woman.同性恋女子美国传统〔mainline〕The homosexual issue catches all mainline churches in varying states of theological and emotional unpreparedness.同性恋问题使所有传统教会在神学与情感方面都或多或少地感到不知所措。英汉大词典〔nance〕Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man, especially a gay or homosexual man.女子气的男子,同性恋男子:用来指女子气男子的贬义词,尤指同性恋者或同性恋男子美国传统〔nelly〕Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate gay or homosexual man.用于对女人气的男子或男同性恋者的蔑视语美国传统〔open season〕To pass this legislation would be to declare open season on homosexuals.这项法律的通过就是宣布对同性恋者采取不公正待遇。剑桥高阶〔pansy〕Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.同性恋的男子:对男同性恋者的贬称美国传统〔prejudice〕He claims that prejudice against homosexuals would cease overnight if all the gay stars in the country were honest about their sexuality.他称如果国内所有的同性恋明星都能对自己的性取向开诚布公,那么对同性恋者的偏见就会立即消失。剑桥高阶〔prejudice〕The campaign aims to dispel the prejudice that AIDS is confined to the homosexual community.这项运动旨在消除艾滋病仅限于同性恋群体的偏见。剑桥高阶〔queen〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 同性恋者:用来指男子同性恋或同性恋者的贬蔑语美国传统〔queer〕Offensive Slang Gay; homosexual.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 放荡的;同性恋的美国传统〔queer〕Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual person.用来指同性恋者的贬蔑语美国传统〔solicitation〕He has been accused of homosexual solicitation.他被控犯有勾引同性的罪行。英汉大词典〔swish〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.【无礼用语】 【俚语】 脂粉气的男子:一贬义词语,指搞同性恋的男子美国传统〔transmission〕HIV transmission among homosexual men 男同性恋者之间艾滋病病毒的传播牛津搭配〔vocalize〕Archbishop Hunthausen also vocalized his beliefs that women and homosexuals should be more active in the church.大主教亨特豪森也发言阐述了他的看法:妇女和同性恋者应该更积极地参与教堂事务。柯林斯高阶He claims that prejudice against homosexuals would cease overnight if all the gay stars in the country were honest about their sexuality.他说如果国内所有的同性恋明星都能对自己的性生活开诚布公,那么对同性恋者的偏见就会在一夜间消失。剑桥国际He is a self-confessed homosexual. Very few people dare to come out of the closet like he did. 他自认是同性恋者,像他这样敢出柜的不多。译典通He led a McCarthyite witch-hunt against homosexuals.他对同性恋者实行麦卡锡式的迫害。剑桥国际He put forth a clear, logical argument for allowing homosexuals in the armed forces.他为在军队中允许同性恋者的存在提出了一条条理清楚、符合逻辑的理由。剑桥国际He said that the press had been vilifying homosexuals for years.他说新闻界好些年都在诋毁同性恋。剑桥国际In the past, faggots were used to make the fires on which heretics, witches and homosexuals were burned.在过去,人们用柴禾烧死异教徒、巫师和同性恋者。剑桥国际In those days it had been dangerous to be suspected of homosexual leanings.在那时被怀疑有同性恋倾向是非常危险的。剑桥国际It's an often repeated fallacy that homosexual men have more promiscuous life-styles than heterosexuals.认为同性恋男子比异性恋男子过着更为乱交的生活,这是一个常被重复的谬论。剑桥国际The Gay Liberation movement of the late 1960s set out to challenge the stereotyped ideas that many people had about homosexuals. 20 世纪60年代晚期的同性恋解放运动开始向许多人对同性恋者所抱有的成见进行挑战。剑桥国际The campaign aims to dispel the prejudice that AIDS is confined to the homosexual community.这项运动旨在消除艾滋病仅限于同性恋者的偏见。剑桥国际




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