

单词 hint
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔TASTE〕a wine that tastes of blackcurrants with just a hint of vanilla 一种尝起来有黑醋栗味并带些许香草味的酒朗文写作活用〔acid〕a flavour with a hint of acid lemons有一点酸柠檬味的味道外研社新世纪〔blarney〕a tale with more than a hint of blarney 很是谄媚的叙述韦氏高阶〔broad〕drop (或make) a broad hint 作明白的暗示英汉大词典〔broad〕gave us a broad hint to leave.作一个明白的暗示叫我们离开美国传统〔drop〕drop a hint 露口风 英汉大词典〔gentle〕a gentle hint 善意的暗示英汉大词典〔gooseberry〕a crisp, dry wine that has a hint of gooseberry flavour略带醋栗味的爽口干葡萄酒外研社新世纪〔helpful〕a helpful hint 有用的提示韦氏高阶〔hint〕hint for an invitation 暗示希望能被邀请英汉大词典〔hint〕a hint from my boss about my absences from the office 老板暗示我数次旷工牛津搭配〔hint〕a hint of a smile 一丝笑意牛津高阶〔hint〕a hint of spice 些微香料英汉大词典〔hint〕a dish with a strong hint of garlic 一盘蒜味很重的菜肴牛津搭配〔hint〕be able to take a (或the) hint 能领会暗示英汉大词典〔hint〕drop (或give, throw out) a hint 给暗示(或露口风) 英汉大词典〔hint〕just a hint of color.些微色彩美国传统〔hint〕receive a broad hint 得到明白的示意英汉大词典〔hint〕to hint for joining暗示着想要加入21世纪英汉〔hint〕wanted to avoid any hint of scandal.想要避免任何丑闻的迹象美国传统〔hint〕wouldn't hint at the true purpose of the meeting.See Synonyms at suggest 不会透露会议的真正目的 参见 suggest美国传统〔hint〕yellow with a hint of green 黄中透绿麦克米伦高阶〔menace〕a sense/an air/a hint of menace in his voice 他的话音里的威胁语气╱腔调╱意味牛津高阶〔mere〕the merest hint of criticism一丁点儿批评的暗示外研社新世纪〔take〕take a hint 会意英汉大词典〔throw〕throw out a hint 转弯抹角地暗示英汉大词典




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