

单词 imitative
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Georgian〕A person of, or whose style is imitative of, the period of the first four Georges of Great Britain.英国四乔治第一世时期的人或有类似风格的人美国传统〔anthropomorphic〕The world of the gods is anthropomorphic, an imitative projection of ours.神界是拟人化的,是模仿我们人类世界的一个投影。柯林斯高阶〔elastic〕A flexible, stretchable fabric made with interwoven strands of rubber or an imitative synthetic fiber.弹性织物:由橡皮线或类似的合成材料织成的柔韧的容易拉伸的织物美国传统〔imitative〕A number of imitative articles appeared in various publications.好几篇因袭之作出现在了不同的出版物上。外研社新世纪〔imitative〕Acting is an imitative art.表演是种模仿性艺术。英汉大词典〔imitative〕All these magazines are imitative of each other.所有这些杂志都是互相抄袭。剑桥高阶〔imitative〕Babies of eight to twelve months are generally highly imitative.8 到 12 个月大的婴儿通常很爱模仿。柯林斯高阶〔imitative〕Babies of eight to twelve months are generally highly imitative.8至12个月大的婴儿一般都非常喜欢模仿。外研社新世纪〔imitative〕He's an imitative artist, with very little originality in his work.他是个模仿别人的艺术家,作品中很少有自己的独创。剑桥高阶〔imitative〕His work has been criticized for being imitative and shallow.他的作品被批评为抄袭而且肤浅。牛津高阶〔imitative〕It was not creative, it was imitative.那不是原创, 而是模仿。外研社新世纪〔imitative〕Monkeys are imitative.猴儿爱学样。英汉大词典〔imitative〕None of his pictures was imitative of Adams or anyone else.他的画没有一张是模仿亚当斯或别的什么画家的。英汉大词典〔imitative〕Such imitative play was a vital part of boy culture.这样的模仿性游戏是男孩文化的重要部分。外研社新世纪〔imitative〕The architecture is imitative of a Japanese temple.这座建筑是仿一座日本寺院造的。韦氏高阶〔imitative〕To some extent, we're still imitative in many things that we do.在某种程度上, 我们做许多事仍旧是模仿他人。外研社新世纪〔imitative〕Young people might be provoked into imitative crime by the exploits they see on TV.年轻人可能因对电视上看到的英雄行为进行模仿而导致犯罪。朗文当代〔likeness〕An imitative appearance; a semblance.肖像;外表美国传统〔mimetic〕Of or relating to an imitation; imitative.模拟的:模拟的或与之相关的;模拟的美国传统〔mimic〕Tending to imitate; imitative.好模仿的:有模仿倾向的;模仿的美国传统〔none〕None of his pictures is (或are) imitative of Adams or anyone else.他的画没有一幅是仿效亚当斯或其他什么人的。英汉大词典〔rip-off〕Something, such as a film or story, that is clearly imitative of or based on something else.冒牌货,抄袭之作:明显是模仿别人的或建立在别的东西基础上的事物,如电影或小说美国传统〔shantung〕A rayon or cotton fabric that is imitative of this silk fabric.仿茧绸:一种人造丝或棉线织物,它是天然丝织品的仿制物美国传统〔shoddy〕Conspicuously and cheaply imitative.很明显地或低劣地模仿的美国传统〔sound effects〕Imitative sounds, as of thunder or an explosion, produced artificially for theatrical purposes, as for a film, play, or radio program.音响交果:模拟音响,如模拟打雷或爆炸,为了舞台演出的需要而由人工制成,如为电影、戏剧或者广播剧制作者美国传统〔takeoff〕Informal An amusing imitative caricature or burlesque.【非正式用语】 一个滑稽的模仿性漫画或嘲弄美国传统〔vox humana〕An organ reed stop that produces tones imitative of the human voice.人声音栓:管风琴上能发出模仿人声的音调的簧管音栓美国传统〔womanish〕Resembling, imitative of, or suggestive of a woman.像女子的:像女子的,模仿女子的,或使人联想女子的美国传统All these magazines are imitative of (=copy) each other.所有的这些杂志都互相模仿。剑桥国际He's an imitative artist, who does very little original stuff.他是个模仿别人的艺术家,很少自己的独创。剑桥国际




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