

单词 acting suspiciously
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕The victim was attacked after spotting the men acting suspiciously outside his house in Bracknell, Berkshire. 受害者在伯克郡布拉克内尔的家门外看到行迹可疑的男子后遭到袭击。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Police hope that a member of the public will be able to identify a man seen acting suspiciously a few hours before the murder took place. 警方希望公众中有人能够指认出谋杀案发生前几小时被人看到行动可疑的一名男子。朗文写作活用〔SUSPECT〕A man was seen acting suspiciously just before the break-in. 就在盗窃案发生之前,有人看到一名男子行迹可疑。朗文写作活用〔act〕A man was seen acting suspiciously twenty minutes before the robbery.在抢劫案之前20分钟,曾发现一名男子举止可疑。麦克米伦高阶〔act〕The youths were acting suspiciously.那些年轻人形迹可疑。外研社新世纪〔aforementioned〕The aforementioned person was seen acting suspiciously.有人看见前面提到的那个人行动可疑。牛津高阶〔alert〕Be on the alert for anyone acting suspiciously.警惕举止可疑的人。朗文当代〔alert〕Several neighbors alerted the authorities/police when they noticed strangers acting suspiciously.几个邻居注意到一些鬼鬼祟祟的陌生人,立即报告了当局/警方。韦氏高阶〔eye〕The store detective had his eye on a group of boys who were acting suspiciously.商店保安留意着一群行为可疑的男孩子。牛津搭配〔notice〕People should not hesitate to contact the police if they've noticed anyone acting suspiciously.一旦发现任何行为可疑的人, 应当立即报警。外研社新世纪〔suspiciously〕He saw two youths acting suspiciously .他发现两个年轻人形迹可疑。朗文当代〔suspiciously〕Let me know if you see anyone acting suspiciously.如发现有人形迹可疑,你就告诉我。牛津高阶〔suspiciously〕Police are questioning anyone who was acting suspiciously.警方正在质询形迹可疑者。外研社新世纪〔suspiciously〕The officers noticed two men acting suspiciously (= as if they were doing something wrong).警官们注意到有两个人形迹可疑。剑桥高阶〔suspiciously〕Two men were seen nearby acting suspiciously.有人看见附近有两名男子形迹可疑。麦克米伦高阶〔suspicious〕They'll question them as to whether anyone was seen acting suspiciously in the area over the last few days.他们将询问这些人最近几天在这一带有没有看到形迹可疑的人。柯林斯高阶The officers noticed two men acting suspiciously (= as if they were doing something wrong) in a car.警官发现一辆车中的两名男子形迹可疑。剑桥国际




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