

单词 handling
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔astute〕his astute handling of the situation 他对局势的巧妙处理剑桥高阶〔burn〕burned my fingers by handling dry ice.拿干冰时灼伤了我的手指。美国传统〔cat-and-mouse〕the cat-and-mouse technique of handling an opponent 猫戏老鼠似折磨对手的手法英汉大词典〔competence〕competence in handling money 理财的本领英汉大词典〔contrive〕contrive ways of handling the situation 设想出对付局势的各种办法英汉大词典〔cool〕her cool handling of the situation 她对局面的冷静处理麦克米伦高阶〔damning〕a damning report into his handling of the affair.确凿证明他对此事的处理存在过错的报告柯林斯高阶〔damning〕a damning report on his handling of the affair确凿证明他对此事处理不当的报告外研社新世纪〔devise〕devised a new system for handling mail orders.设计一个新的信件处理系统美国传统〔dexterity〕dexterity at handling figures 计算敏捷文馨英汉〔diplomatic〕a delicate situation that requires diplomatic handling 须用圆滑手腕处理的微妙局面英汉大词典〔divorce〕the lawyers handling their divorce 处理他们离婚的律师牛津搭配〔finesse〕handling momentous diplomatic challenges with tact and finesse.运用机智和策略处理重大外交难题柯林斯高阶〔freight〕an agent handling freight and passengers 经营客货运输的代理商牛津搭配〔handling〕a handling charge 搬运费英汉大词典〔handling〕a handling fee处理费外研社新世纪〔handling〕a car designed for easy handling 为驾驶简便而设计的汽车牛津高阶〔handling〕a child who needs a great deal of handling 需要费心费力照看的孩子英汉大词典〔handling〕a dramatist's handling of the climax 剧作家对高潮的处理英汉大词典〔handling〕a small handling charge 少许的手续费牛津高阶〔handling〕a sophisticated cargo handling and distribution network 先进的货物运送分销网麦克米伦高阶〔handling〕ball handling 控球方式 英汉大词典〔handling〕cargo handling 搬运货物朗文当代〔handling〕data handling on computer 计算机的数据处理牛津高阶〔handling〕food handling 食物处理麦克米伦高阶〔handling〕toys that can stand up to rough handling 经得起摔打的玩具牛津高阶〔inapt〕inapt handling of the project.对这项计划的不恰当的处理美国传统〔incompetent〕his incompetent handling of the affair 他在处理这件事上的无能表现牛津高阶〔ineptitude〕the ineptitude of the police in handling the situation 警方在处理这个局面时的无能牛津高阶〔inept〕his inept handling of the army.他治军无方柯林斯高阶〔inept〕his inept handling of the crisis他对这次危机的不当处理外研社新世纪〔inept〕inept handling of the account.笨拙地处理帐目美国传统〔knack〕a woman with a real knack for handling horses 深谙驭马之道的女子牛津搭配〔line〕a production line capable of handling three different products一条能生产三种不同产品的流水线外研社新世纪〔masterly〕the masterly handling of a complex topic 对复杂论题的巧妙处理英汉大词典〔master〕a master at handling people 处理人际关系老手英汉大词典〔modal〕the modal pattern for handling a problem 处理问题的典型形式英汉大词典〔namby-pamby〕namby-pamby handling of juvenile delinquents 对少年罪犯优柔寡断的处理英汉大词典〔niche〕a firm of solicitors that has carved a niche for itself in handling claims for investor compensation.凭借为投资者赔偿诉讼提供服务谋得一席生存空间的律师事务所柯林斯高阶〔niche〕a firm of solicitors that has carved a niche for itself in handling claims for investor compensation一家在投资者索赔业务方面闯出一片天地的律师事务所外研社新世纪〔official〕the official responsible for handling the case 负责处理此案的官员牛津搭配〔preparation〕food preparation and food handling tips 食物准备及处理的诀窍牛津搭配〔statesmanlike〕his statesmanlike handling of the crisis 他处理这场危机时表现出的政治家才干朗文当代〔treat〕handling a case with discretion. See also Synonyms at confer 谨慎地处理这些案子 参见同义词 confer美国传统〔upload〕tips on handling file uploads 关于如何上传文件的提示朗文当代a $2 charge for postage and handling 2 元邮费及手续费牛津商务baggage handling 行李装卸牛津商务economy of effort in the handling of loads 在重货装卸方面省力牛津商务his incompetent handling of the company's finances 他在处理公司财务问题上的无能表现牛津商务manual handling injuries 人工装卸伤牛津商务materials handling equipment 物料输送设备牛津商务moves to cut handling costs 削减贮运成本的措施牛津商务new legislation governing the manual handling of goods and materials 关于人工装卸货物的新立法牛津商务products that can stand up to rough handling 能够经受碰撞装卸的产品牛津商务the firm's cash handling operations 企业的现金处理业务牛津商务




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