

单词 harness
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔clip〕a safety harness that clips onto your belt 扣在你腰带上的安全带麦克米伦高阶〔energy〕attempts to harness solar energy 尝试利用太阳能牛津搭配〔harness〕harness a horse to a carriage 把马套到车上英汉大词典〔harness〕harness a river 治河 英汉大词典〔harness〕harness anger to fight injustice 以愤怒对抗不公正韦氏高阶〔harness〕harness individual talents to a common end 把各人的才能用于一个共同的目标英汉大词典〔harness〕harness nuclear energy 利用原子能 英汉大词典〔harness〕harness the horses 给马套上挽具韦氏高阶〔harness〕a baby harness 婴儿学步用的系带剑桥高阶〔harness〕a horse in harness 套着马具的马牛津搭配〔harness〕a parachute harness 降落伞吊带 英汉大词典〔harness〕a parachute harness 降落伞吊带剑桥高阶〔harness〕a safety harness (飞机或汽车乘客系的) 安全带 英汉大词典〔harness〕a safety harness 安全带剑桥高阶〔harness〕a safety harness 安全带朗文当代〔harness〕a safety harness 安全带牛津高阶〔harness〕a safety harness 安全带韦氏高阶〔harness〕a toddler on a harness 用带系着学步的幼儿英汉大词典〔harness〕a window-washer's harness 洗窗工的保险带 英汉大词典〔harness〕attempts to harness the sun's rays as a source of energy 利用日光作为能源的尝试牛津高阶〔harness〕die in harness 工作 (或在职) 时死去 英汉大词典〔harness〕get back into harness after a vacation 假期结束后回去工作英汉大词典〔harness〕the movement's ability to harness the anger of all Ukrainians.该运动之疏解所有乌克兰人怒气的能力柯林斯高阶〔harness〕the movement's ability to harness the anger of all Ukrainians该运动之排解所有乌克兰人怒气的能力外研社新世纪〔harness〕to harness a horse 给马上挽具牛津高阶〔harness〕to harness a horse.套马。牛津同义词〔harness〕to harness nuclear anergy to generate electricity利用核能发电21世纪英汉〔harness〕to harness the forces of nature.利用自然力。牛津同义词〔harness〕work in harness with sb.与某人合作 英汉大词典〔incineration〕harness the energy from refuse incineration 利用焚烧垃圾所产生的能量英汉大词典〔silk〕silks Sports The brightly colored identifying garments of a jockey or harness driver. silks 【体育运动】 骑师服:职业赛马骑师或骑马者为辨别身份而穿的彩色明亮的衣服美国传统〔truck〕harness horses to a truck 把马套到货车上去英汉大词典




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