

单词 hair
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔band〕a band of ribbon for the hair 扎头发的缎带英汉大词典〔bind〕to bind her hair with a ribbon用丝带束住头发21世纪英汉〔black〕jet black hair 乌黑的头发朗文当代〔blonde〕have one's hair blonded 把头发染成金黄色英汉大词典〔braid〕to braid one's hair every morning每天早晨梳辫子21世纪英汉〔brush up〕to brush one's hair up把头发往上刷21世纪英汉〔brush〕a thick brush of wavy hair 一头短而浓密的鬈发英汉大词典〔bun〕a woman with her hair tied back in a loose bun 在脑后松松地挽了一个圆发髻的女人牛津搭配〔care〕a product for the care of fine floors; hair care products.保养考究地板的产品;护发用品美国传统〔clotted〕clotted hair 黏结成一团的毛发文馨英汉〔condition〕a shampoo that cleans and conditions hair 可清洁并养护头发的洗发剂牛津高阶〔copper〕copper-coloured hair 红棕色的头发牛津高阶〔crisp〕crisp one's hair 使头发变鬈英汉大词典〔crop〕closely cropped hair 剪得很短的头发牛津高阶〔curler〕a woman with her hair in curlers.头戴卷发夹的女人柯林斯高阶〔descent〕the descent of blond hair in that family 那个家族的金发遗传英汉大词典〔dry〕a shampoo for dry hair 适用于干性发质的洗发水剑桥高阶〔dull〕sun-dulled hair 被太阳晒得失去光泽的头发英汉大词典〔fix〕fix one's hair 梳头英汉大词典〔flaming〕flaming red hair 火红色的头发韦氏高阶〔flowing〕her flowing hair 她飘垂的头发韦氏高阶〔gel〕hair gel 发胶剑桥高阶〔glossy〕her glossy black hair 她那光亮的黑发朗文当代〔gout〕a gout of hair 一束头发英汉大词典〔greasy〕long greasy hair 油性长发牛津高阶〔grey〕a tall woman with greying hair 头发渐白的高个子女人牛津高阶〔growth〕a new growth of hair 一头新长的头发英汉大词典〔growth〕the growth of facial hair 胡子的长出韦氏高阶〔hair〕hair tonic 护发精华素英汉大词典〔hair〕a chilling tale that will make your hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然的故事牛津高阶〔hair〕a stylist specializing in hair extensions 专门从事接发的美发师牛津搭配〔hair〕also 又作 ginger hair BrE (=hair that is orangey-brown in colour) 红褐色头发,姜黄色头发朗文当代〔hair〕straight/curly hair 直发/鬈发朗文当代〔hair〕take sb. a hair above the contestants 使某人在参赛选手中略胜一筹 英汉大词典〔hair〕the world-famous Oktoberfest, a time when everyone in Munich really lets their hair down.全球闻名的啤酒节,一个让所有身在慕尼黑的人都尽情放松的节日柯林斯高阶〔her〕a black dog, her hair erect along the centre of her back.背部中央的毛竖立着的黑狗柯林斯高阶〔lacklustre〕lacklustre hair 无光泽的头发牛津高阶〔light〕light hair and skin.浅色头发和皮肤美国传统〔limp〕limp and lifeless hair 软而无光泽的头发麦克米伦高阶〔long〕long hair 长发剑桥高阶〔loss〕hair loss脱发外研社新世纪〔nut-brown〕nut-brown hair 深棕色的头发牛津高阶〔put〕put up one's hair before a party 参加宴会前梳理头发英汉大词典〔ribbon〕little girls with ribbons in their hair 头发上系着丝带的小姑娘们朗文当代〔root〕hair that is blonde at the ends and dark at the roots 发梢金黄而发根黑的头发牛津高阶〔rumple〕rumple sb.'s hair 弄乱某人的头发英汉大词典〔sallow〕a woman with dark hair and a sallow complexion 一个黑头发、脸色蜡黄的女人朗文当代〔sandy〕sandy hair 浅黄色的头发麦克米伦高阶〔silky〕her silky brown hair 她像丝绸一样柔滑光亮的棕色头发韦氏高阶〔slick〕slick one's hair down 把头发捋平英汉大词典〔squeaky clean〕squeaky clean hair 光洁的头发牛津高阶〔streaky〕streaky blonde hair 染成的一绺一绺的金发牛津高阶〔tumble〕her red hair flashing in a tumble of angry waves 她那头闪着愤怒之光的杂乱的红发麦克米伦高阶〔underarm〕underarm hair 腋毛朗文当代〔unruly〕his unruly hair 他那难打理的头发韦氏高阶〔untidy〕untidy hair 蓬乱的头发牛津高阶〔wave〕a wave in the hair 头发的拳曲英汉大词典〔wintry〕wintry hair 皓发英汉大词典〔with〕a tall woman with dark hair 高个黑发女子剑桥高阶new hair fashions 新发式牛津商务




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