

单词 meteoric
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕The film tells the story of Lee's meteoric rise from North Dakota radio singer to jazz legend. 这部影片讲的是李从北达科他州的电台歌手一举成为爵士乐传奇人物的故事。朗文写作活用〔chart〕This magnificent show charts his meteoric rise from 'small town' country singer to top international Rock idol.这场盛大的演出展示了他是如何从一个“小镇”乡村歌手一跃成为国际顶级摇滚偶像的。柯林斯高阶〔chondrite〕A stone of meteoric origin characterized by chondrules.球粒陨石:以粒养体为特征的陨石美国传统〔meteoric〕He enjoyed a meteoric rise to power.他在极短时间内迅速掌权。外研社新世纪〔meteoric〕Her political career has been meteoric.她的政治生涯可谓扶摇直上。剑桥高阶〔meteoric〕His early career had been meteoric.他早年的事业像流星一样绚丽而短暂。外研社新世纪〔meteoric〕His early career had been meteoric.他的早期生涯平步青云。柯林斯高阶〔meteoric〕The company has exerienced meteoric growth.公司已经历了飞速增长。朗文当代〔meteoric〕The group had a meteoric rise to fame in the 70s.这支乐队在20世纪70年代迅速成名。剑桥高阶〔meteoric〕The scandal ended his meteoric political career .这桩丑闻结束了他平步青云的政治生涯。朗文当代〔meteoric〕The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.夜空中突然出现的亮光是一颗流星火球引起的。剑桥高阶〔meteoric〕The true story of a millionaire's meteoric rise from poverty.一个百万富翁白手起家迅速发迹的真实故事麦克米伦高阶〔meteoric〕Wind and rain are meteoric phenomena.刮风和下雨是大气现象。英汉大词典〔micrometeorite〕A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon.微陨星:微小的陨星颗粒,特指大量坠向地球或月球表面的微陨星美国传统〔radiant〕Astronomy The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower.【天文学】 流星群的辐射点:明显的流星雨太空光源美国传统Hail is a meteoric phenomenon. 下冰雹是一种大气现象。译典通Her parliamentary career has been meteoric.她的国会生涯转瞬 即逝。剑桥国际His meteoric rise to stardom befuddled many people. 他快速地成为明星让不少人看了傻眼。译典通The company enjoyed meteoric growth in the 1990s.这家公司在 20 世纪 90 年代迅速发展。牛津商务The group had a meteoric rise to fame in the 70s, but are now almost forgotten.合唱团在七十年代迅速出名,但现在几乎被遗忘了。剑桥国际The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.夜空中的突然闪光是由一颗流星火球造成的。剑桥国际




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