

单词 grasp
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Red with rage, Frank turned on Anna, grasping her arm in a vice-like grip. 弗兰克气得满脸通红,突然向安娜冲过去,像老虎钳一般牢牢地抓住她的手臂。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕Mitterrand's oratory and writings displayed a wide grasp of history, philosophy, religion and literature. 密特朗的演讲词与文章均显示了他对历史、哲学、宗教及文学的广泛认识。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕Helen tightened her grasp on my collar and shouted ‘Don't fool around with me, Mickey!’ 海伦把我的衣领抓得更紧,并大声叫道:“不要耍我,米基!”朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕He grasped one of the mules and began to loosen the hitch that held its load. 他拽住其中的一头骡子,开始解开绑着货物的绳结。朗文写作活用〔MAIN〕She was always very quick to grasp the essentials of an opponent's argument. 她一向能迅速抓住对手论据的要点。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕Bernice moved to slap him, but with lightning reflexes, he grasped her arm. 伯尼斯动手想打他耳光,但他本能地以闪电般的速度抓住了她的手臂。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Fame has come suddenly, and Peyton is finding it hard to grasp. 突然成名,佩顿一下子还未明白过来。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Science lessons should be taught in a way that makes the material easier to grasp. 自然科学应该使用让材料更容易理解的方法来授课。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Some of the historical nuances are beyond the grasp of most children. 一些历史事件的微妙变化超越了大部分孩子的理解力。朗文写作活用〔cannonball〕To jump into water while grasping one's upraised knees with one's arms.抱膝跳水:用双臂紧抱伸直的双膝跳入水中美国传统〔chelicera〕Either of the first pair of fanglike appendages near the mouth of an arachnid, such as a spider, often modified for grasping and piercing.螯肢:蜘蛛等蛛形纲动物在嘴边的第一对肢状附属物,常用来抓握和刺穿物体美国传统〔chin〕To pull (oneself) up with the arms while grasping an overhead horizontal bar until the chin is level with the bar.做单杠:抓住高过头顶的水平杠用手臂将(身体)拉上直到下巴与杠水平美国传统〔clasp〕A grip or grasp of the hand.紧握:用手抓住或握住美国传统〔clench〕A tight grip or grasp.抓紧或咬紧美国传统〔clutch〕His fingers grasped John's flesh with a convulsive clutch.他的手指突然紧紧抓住约翰。外研社新世纪〔clutch〕To grasp and hold tightly.抓紧,紧握:紧紧抓住美国传统〔comprehension〕The act or fact of grasping the meaning, nature, or importance of; understanding.理解:理解…的意思、性质或重要性的行为或事实;理解美国传统〔concept〕He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.他无法掌握数学的基本概念。牛津高阶〔concept〕I failed to grasp the film's central concept.我没理解这部电影的中心思想。剑桥高阶〔concept〕It's very simple, once you grasp the concept .你一旦掌握了这个概念之后就很简单了。朗文当代〔concept〕She finds it difficult to grasp abstract concepts.她觉得很难明白抽象的概念。牛津搭配〔concept〕Some students failed to grasp even the simplest mathematical concepts.一些学生连最简单的数学概念都没掌握。麦克米伦高阶〔essential〕The problem is to grasp the essential man.问题是要抓住人的实质。英汉大词典〔fact〕He doesn't seem able to grasp this basic fact.他似乎理解不了这一基本事实。牛津搭配〔finality〕Young children have difficulty grasping the finality of death.小孩子很难理解死亡的不可改变性。柯林斯高阶〔finality〕Young children have difficulty grasping the finality of death.小孩子难以理解死亡的终结性。外研社新世纪〔fineness〕We found it difficult to grasp distinctions of such fineness.我们发现难以领会这种细微的差别。外研社新世纪〔firmly〕He managed to grasp the metal, get a firm grip of it and heave his body upwards.他设法牢牢抓住了那个金属物,把整个身子往上提。柯林斯高阶〔firm〕He has a firm grasp of the principles.他牢牢掌握了这些原则。外研社新世纪〔firm〕He managed to grasp the metal, get a firm grip of it and heave his body upwards.他设法抓到金属物, 紧紧地握住, 并用力把身体往上拉。外研社新世纪〔firm〕She has a firm grasp of the basic principles.她牢牢把握住几个基本原则。韦氏高阶〔fist〕To grasp with the fist.用拳头抓美国传统〔flounder〕I know that you're floundering around, trying to grasp at any straw.我知道你正不知所措,是在病急乱投医。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕To grasp the meaning or reasoning of something; understand.理解:掌握某事的意义和推理;理解美国传统〔forceps〕An instrument resembling a pair of pincers or tongs, used for grasping, manipulating, or extracting, especially such an instrument used by a surgeon.钳子,镊子:象钳子或夹子的一种器械,用来夹、操纵或抽取,尤其指外科医生用的这样的器具美国传统〔fraction〕The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.学生们掌握了小数、百分数和分数。柯林斯高阶〔free〕I wriggled one hand free from his grasp.我从他的紧握中挣脱出一只手来。麦克米伦高阶〔grapple〕A grasp or grip in such a contest.扭打,抓:在这种比赛中的抓美国传统〔grasp at〕He grasped at his last chance of being famous.他急切地抓住最后的成名机会。外研社新世纪〔grasp at〕He grasped at the opportunity to speak with her.他急忙抓住这次机会与她搭讪。韦氏高阶〔grasp at〕He grasped desperately at the rope as he slid towards the edge.滑向边缘的时候, 他拼命抓住绳子。外研社新世纪〔grasp at〕She was trying to grasp at something.她使劲想抓住什么。外研社新世纪〔grasp at〕They were ready to grasp at any possible solution.他们愿意采用任何一个可能的解决方案。韦氏高阶〔grasp the nettle〕He decided to grasp the nettle and try to solve the problem himself.他决定迎难而上,尽量自己解决这个问题。韦氏高阶〔grasp the nettle〕You've been putting off making that phone call for days - I think it's about time you grasped the nettle! 那个电话你拖了好几天都没有打—— 我觉得你应该果敢地去面对这个问题。剑桥高阶〔grasping〕They were grasping and manipulative.他们贪得无厌而且喜欢摆布人。柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕Alan grasped the handle and pulled it.艾伦抓住手柄拉它。朗文当代〔grasp〕An agreement to end the war seemed within their grasp.签订协议结束战争似乎在他们的掌握之中。朗文当代〔grasp〕As she jumped forward, the ball slipped from her grasp.她向前跳跃时,球从她的手中滑落。牛津搭配〔grasp〕At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.当时,我们没有完全明白所发生之事的重要性。朗文当代〔grasp〕Charlie grasped the point at once.查利立刻就领会了要点。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕Hands were grasping at his coat as he walked past.他走过的时候很多手伸出来想抓住他的外套。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕He grasped at the opportunity.他抓住了机会。21世纪英汉〔grasp〕He grasped my hand and shook it warmly.他热情地抓住我的手握了起来。牛津高阶〔grasp〕He could not grasp what was happening.他不能理解正在发生的事。英汉大词典〔grasp〕He had allowed the ball to slip from his grasp.他让球从手里滑了出去。朗文当代〔grasp〕He had failed to grasp his one chance of happiness.他没有抓住他那唯一一次享有幸福的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕He had not fully grasped the fact that he was the one who would pay for all this.他还没有完全明白他要独自承担这一切代价。牛津搭配〔grasp〕He had the country in his grasp.他掌控了这个国家。韦氏高阶〔grasp〕He has a good grasp of the issues.他对这些问题非常了解。剑桥高阶〔grasp〕He instantly grasped that Stephen was talking about his wife.他马上就明白斯蒂芬在说他的妻子。柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕He kept the letter firmly in his grasp.他紧紧地抓着那封信。牛津搭配〔grasp〕He shook my hand with a very firm grasp.他非常有力地和我握了握手。剑桥高阶〔grasp〕He slipped out of our grasp (= he escaped).他摆脱我们的控制逃走了。牛津搭配〔grasp〕He took her in his grasp.他搂住她不放。英汉大词典〔grasp〕He was finding it difficult to grasp the rules of the game.他发现很难弄明白那游戏规则。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕Her grasp of the issues was impressive.她对这些问题的领悟能力极强。朗文当代〔grasp〕Her hands were grasping at his coat.她双手抓着他的大衣。牛津搭配〔grasp〕His arthritis is so bad he can barely grasp a pencil.他的关节炎很严重,几乎连铅笔都握不住。韦氏高阶〔grasp〕His hand was taken in a warm, firm grasp.他的手被热情地紧紧握住。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕I grasped his arm firmly and led him away.我紧紧抓住他的胳膊把他带走了。朗文当代〔grasp〕I grasped the end of the rope and pulled as hard as I could.我抓住绳子的末端,用尽全身力气拉绳子。韦氏高阶〔grasp〕I grasped the opportunity to work abroad.我毫不犹豫地抓住了去国外工作的机会。牛津高阶〔grasp〕I grasped the rope by its end.我抓住了绳子的一端。韦氏高阶〔grasp〕I could not grasp what she was talking about.我不明白她在说什么。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕I grabbed him, but he slipped from my grasp.我紧抓着他,可他还是从我手里溜掉了。牛津高阶〔grasp〕I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.我觉得我还是理解了演讲的要点。剑桥高阶〔grasp〕It took him some time to grasp that he was now a public figure.他过了些时候才意识到自己已是个公众人物了。牛津高阶〔grasp〕Just when victory seemed within grasp, the referee blew his whistle.就在胜利似乎触手可及之时,裁判的哨声响了。牛津搭配〔grasp〕Kay grasped him by the wrist.凯紧紧抓住他的手腕。牛津高阶〔grasp〕Peace is now within our grasp.和平现在已经在望。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕Peace is now within our grasp.现在和平在望。柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕Peace was not completely beyond his grasp.和平并非完全是他力所不及的事。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕Rosie suddenly grasped my hand.罗茜突然抓住了我的手。剑桥高阶〔grasp〕She grasped his hand and pulled him towards her.她抓住他的手拉向自己这边。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕She grasped hold of the banister to support herself.她抓住楼梯扶手以支撑自己的身体。牛津搭配〔grasp〕She grasped the letter and held it to her breast.她急切地抓住信把它举在胸前。21世纪英汉〔grasp〕She has a good grasp of Spanish.她的西班牙语学得很好。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕She is ready to grasp any opportunity to expand the business.她准备抓住一切机遇拓展业务。朗文当代〔grasp〕She kicked the gun out of his grasp.她踢掉他手中的枪。牛津搭配〔grasp〕Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to grasp.有些人觉得相对论的概念很难理解。朗文当代〔grasp〕Such luxury items are beyond the grasp of the average household.普通家庭买不起这些奢侈品。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕The Government has not yet grasped the seriousness of the crisis.政府当局还没有意识到这场危机的严重性。柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕The Government has not yet grasped the seriousness of the crisis.政府还没有弄明白危机的严重性。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕The act of grasping.抓住:抓住的动作美国传统〔grasp〕The concepts were difficult to grasp.这些概念很难把握。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕The people in your grasp are not guests, they are hostages.你所控制的这些人不是客人,而是人质。柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕The people in your grasp are not guests, they are hostages.被你控制的人不是客人, 而是人质。外研社新世纪〔grasp〕The robber tried to free the case from her grasp.强盗试图从她的手中夺走箱子。牛津搭配〔grasp〕The tasks were beyond the intellectual grasp of many pupils.超出某人的理解力麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕These complex formulae are beyond the grasp of the average pupil.这些复杂的公式是一般小学生不能理解的。牛津高阶〔grasp〕These ideas are all beyond his grasp.他完全无法理解这些观点。牛津搭配〔grasp〕They have a good grasp of foreign languages.他们外语掌握得很好。柯林斯高阶〔grasp〕Victory was now within their grasp.胜利现已在他们的掌握之中。麦克米伦高阶〔grasp〕We must grasp every opportunity to strengthen economic ties with other countries.我们必须把握住一切机会加强与其他国家的经济联系。剑桥高阶〔grasp〕We need to grasp the nettle of prison reform.我们需要当机立断,攻破狱政改革这个难题。朗文当代〔grasp〕You should try to grasp the meaning of whole sentences.你应该试着理解整句话的意思。麦克米伦高阶〔gripe〕A firm hold; a grasp.紧抓:紧抓;紧握美国传统〔grip〕To maintain a secure grasp.抓牢,紧握:保持紧握美国传统〔handshake〕The grasping of hands by two people, as in greeting or leave-taking.握手:在见面或离别时两个人握住彼此的手美国传统〔hand〕Hannah grasped her hand.汉娜抓住了她的手。牛津搭配〔hearty〕He grasped her hand and gave it a hearty shake.他抓住她的手, 热情地握了握。外研社新世纪〔hold〕Something that may be grasped or gripped, as for support.抓住或握住可用来支撑的东西美国传统〔hold〕The act or a means of grasping.抓握:抓握的行为或方法美国传统〔hold〕To maintain a grasp or grip on something.握住,抓住:维持抓住或握住某物美国传统〔hoop snake〕Any of several snakes, such as the mud snake, said to grasp the tail in the mouth and move with a rolling, hooplike motion.滚环蛇:一种蛇,如泥蛇,据说它们能将尾衔于口中,象滚铁环一样前进美国传统〔immense〕The immensity of the universe is difficult to grasp.宇宙的浩瀚难以捉摸。柯林斯高阶〔inner〕You need to have a detailed grasp of the inner workings of the EU.你得详细了解欧盟的内部运作机制。外研社新世纪〔jerk〕Buster jerked the lead from my grasp.巴斯特从我手中抢走了拴狗绳。外研社新世纪〔know〕To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.通晓,领悟:直接地理解;在心中清晰或明确地掌握美国传统〔lazy tongs〕Tongs having a jointed extensible framework operated by scissorslike handles, used for grasping an object at a distance.惰钳:有一连接并能伸展构造的钳子,用剪刀状把手操作,用于夹取远处的物体美国传统〔magnify〕They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.他们不去把握大局, 而是在细枝末节上大做文章。外研社新世纪〔magnify〕They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.他们不去把握大局,而是在细枝末节上花费时间大做文章。柯林斯高阶〔magnitude〕They don't seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem.他们似乎未领会问题的重要性。剑桥高阶〔masterly〕Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly.阿特利聪明过人, 对局势的把握颇为高明。外研社新世纪〔masterly〕Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly.阿特利聪明过人,对局势的把握颇为高明。柯林斯高阶〔mutely〕I crouched by him and grasped his hand, mutely offering what comfort I could.我蹲在他身旁,握住他的手,默默地,尽我所能地安慰他。柯林斯高阶〔nettle〕Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place.一些实业家认为政府应该在全民公决前果断出手解决棘手的货币贬值问题。柯林斯高阶〔nettle〕Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place.一些实业家认为政府应该在全民公决前迎难而上处理货币贬值问题。外研社新世纪〔nettle〕The nettle will have to be grasped.那棘手问题非放手大胆去抓不可。英汉大词典〔net〕The ball slipped through his grasp and into the net.球从他的手中滑出, 钻进了球门。外研社新世纪〔niggard〕A stingy, grasping person; a miser.吝啬的人;小气鬼美国传统〔none〕Her hand grasped my shoulder, none too gently.她的手紧紧抓住了我的肩膀。柯林斯高阶〔penetrate〕To grasp the inner significance of; understand.洞悉,明了:掌握其内在重要性;理解美国传统〔pluck〕He plucked the wallet from the man's grasp.他抢走了那个男人紧抓着的钱包。牛津高阶〔prehension〕The act of grasping or seizing.抓握:抓紧或提取的行为美国传统〔purport〕You must grasp the purport of what he said.你必须抓住他话中的要旨。英汉大词典〔quick〕He's a quick study and easily grasps all the details of a discussion.他学东西很快,轻松地掌握住了讨论的每一个细节。剑桥高阶〔read〕To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).读,阅读:检查并掌握(书面或印刷体的文字、词语或句子的)意思美国传统〔read〕To examine and grasp the meaning of printed or written characters, as of words or music.阅读,理解:检查并掌握各种书面或印刷文字的意思,如文学作品或音乐美国传统〔reality〕He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.他对现实的认识很肤浅。牛津搭配〔reality〕I don't think you have quite grasped the realities of our situation! 我认为你还没有完全搞清楚我们的实际情况!牛津搭配〔releasability〕You must release your grasp of the rope.你一定要松开手,别再抓住绳子不放。21世纪英汉〔rip〕She saw a second gold medal cruelly ripped from her grasp yesterday.昨天她眼睁睁地看着第二块金牌被无情地从她手中夺走。麦克米伦高阶〔roll〕Experts claimed that teachers had to be Einstein, Marie Curie and Linford Christie rolled into one to help children grasp the new national curriculum.专家们称老师必须集爱因斯坦、居里夫人和林弗德·克里斯蒂的本领于一身,才能帮助孩子们掌握新的国家课程大纲。柯林斯高阶〔self-evident〕Solutions which seem self-evident to humans are often beyond the grasp of computers.对人类来说一些显而易见的解决办法常常是计算机所不能做到的。剑桥高阶〔significance〕She couldn't grasp the full significance of what he had said.她未能充分领会他那番话的意思。牛津高阶〔significance〕The press were slow to grasp the significance of what happened.新闻界迟迟没有领会此次事件的意义。朗文当代〔slip〕The child slipped from his grasp and ran off.他一把没抓牢,让那孩子跑掉了。牛津高阶〔slip〕The hammer slipped out of her grasp.锤子从她的手中滑落。柯林斯高阶〔slow〕He is not slow to grasp an opportunity.他能及时抓住良机。英汉大词典〔snap〕A sudden attempt to bite, snatch, or grasp.嘶咬,抓住或握住的突然企图美国传统〔snatch〕Katherine angrily snatched her hand out of his grasp.凯瑟琳气愤地把被他紧紧抓住的手快速地抽了回来。麦克米伦高阶〔snatch〕The act of snatching; a quick grasp or grab.抢:抢夺,抢劫的行动;快速的握住或抓住美国传统〔sound〕He has sound grasp of European history.他对欧洲历史有着透彻的理解。朗文当代〔so〕Grasp the handle with both hands, so.用双手抓住把手,这样。麦克米伦高阶〔squirm〕I started to squirm out of his grasp.我开始感到不安,想挣脱开他的手。牛津搭配〔stark〕Too many community leaders seem unable to grasp this stark reality.似乎有太多的社区领导人无法理解这个残酷的现实。麦克米伦高阶〔strap〕A narrow band formed into a loop for grasping with the hand.撩铐:用于扣住手的做成环状物的狭窄的束缚物美国传统〔straw〕Near the end we were grasping at straws.快到最后我们在抓救命稻草美国传统〔stupid〕At the time, I was too obtuse to grasp the true implications of her behavior.那时,我是那样迟钝以至于不能领会她的行为的含义。美国传统〔sure〕She has a sure grasp of social issues such as literacy, poverty and child care.她对扫盲、贫穷和儿童保育等社会问题都有深切的认识。柯林斯高阶〔take〕To seize, as by grasping.(如通过抓握来)夺取美国传统〔tear〕She tore herself from his grasp.她挣脱了他紧紧抓着她的手。牛津高阶〔tendril〕A twisting, threadlike structure by which a twining plant, such as a grape or cucumber, grasps an object or a plant for support.卷须:一种缠绕状的、象线一样的组织,通过缠绕植物如葡萄或黄瓜来抓紧一个物体或一株植物以寻求支撑美国传统〔tooth〕To be actively involved in; get a firm grasp of.积极地参与其中;牢牢地抓住美国传统〔tussle〕I tussled with him for a few minutes and managed to wrench the book from his grasp.我和他激烈争夺了几分钟,终于从他手中夺走了那本书。英汉大词典〔twist out〕He twisted out of their grasp.他从他们的手里挣脱出来。外研社新世纪〔twist〕She twisted the gun from his grasp.她把枪从他手里扯了过来。外研社新世纪〔understand〕They failed to grasp the importance of his words.他们没有理解他的话的重要性。牛津高阶〔unseen〕Recognized or grasped without previous study; understood or done as soon as seen.即席:不经学习就能识别或掌握的;一看到就会被理解或被做好的美国传统〔upright〕The chimpanzee stood upright and grasped the bars of its cage.黑猩猩抓住笼子的铁栅直直地站着。朗文当代〔wrench〕I wrenched the packet from his grasp.我从他紧握的手里猛地拽走了那个纸包。朗文当代〔wrench〕The bag was wrenched from her grasp.那只包从她紧握的手里被夺了出来。牛津高阶〔wrench〕The ball was wrenched out of his grasp by another player.球被另一名球员从他手中猛地抢了过去。剑桥高阶〔wrest〕He wrested the gun from my grasp.他把枪从我手里抢走了。牛津高阶〔wrest〕He wrested the letter from my grasp.他从我手中夺走了那封信。剑桥高阶〔wrest〕I managed to wrest the photograph from his grasp.我从他紧握着的手中把照片夺了过来。朗文当代〔wriggle〕The dog wriggled free of his grasp and ran off.狗扭动着从他手中挣脱,跑掉了。牛津搭配〔yet〕We don't have a firm grasp of the situation yet.我们还没有牢牢地把控局势。韦氏高阶As a concept, it is intriguing even if I don't fully grasp its logic.即使我并未完全领悟它的逻辑,这个概念还是引起了我的好奇心。剑桥国际He held my hand in a friendly grasp. 他友好地紧紧握著我的手。译典通He shook my hand with a very firm grasp.他紧紧握着我的手。剑桥国际He will grasp at anything that might help him achieve fame. 他会抢著做任何有助于他成名的事情。译典通I don't think he grasps what a serious situation it is. 我认为他并不了解这是多么严重的一个局势。剑桥国际I think I failed to grasp the film's central concept.我想我没能理解这部电影的中心思想。剑桥国际I think I managed to grasp the main points of the lecture.我想我理解了讲演的要点。剑桥国际I'm afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited.我恐怕对经济学知之甚少。剑桥国际She grasped at his shirt as he ran past.当他跑过时她去抓他的衬衫。剑桥国际She grasped me by the arm and led me to the window.她抓住我的胳膊把我拉到窗口。剑桥国际She is in the grasp of a wicked man. 她受到一个恶人的控制。译典通She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job, but she was just grasping at straws.她提出减薪来保留她的工作,但她这只是在捞救命稻草。剑桥国际She was portrayed in the press as a grasping sort of character who was only interested in men for their money.她被新闻界描述成一个贪婪的人物,只对男人的钱感兴趣。剑桥国际Solutions which seem self-evident to humans are often beyond the grasp of computers.对人类来说一些显而易见的解决办法常常是计算机能力所不能及的。剑桥国际The ball was wrenched out of his grasp by a player on the other team.球被对方球队中的一名队员猛地从他手中抢了过去。剑桥国际The fish wriggled out of my grasp. 那条鱼扭动著从我握著的手中滑落下来。译典通The passage of time is a concept seemingly grasped only by humans.时间的流逝是一个似乎只为人类掌握的概念。剑桥国际The school feels the family has not fully grasped the seriousness of the situation.学校觉得这个家庭并未完全理解这种情况的严重性。剑桥国际We need a government that will grasp the nettle. 我们需要一个敢于大刀阔斧地处理问题的政府。译典通You've been putting off making that phone-call for days--I think it's about time you grasped the nettle! 你已经推迟打那个电话好几天了----我想现在是你迎难而上的时候了。剑桥国际




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