

单词 implements
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bronze Age〕A period of human culture between the Stone Age and the Iron Age, characterized by weapons and implements made of bronze.青铜器时代:石器时代和铁器时代之间的一段人类文化时期,以武器和工具均由青铜制成为特征美国传统〔Olduvai Gorge〕A ravine in northern Tanzania west of Mount Kilimanjaro. It contains archaeological sites rich in fossils and Paleolithic implements.奥杜瓦伊峡谷:坦桑尼亚北部的一个峡谷,位于乞力马扎罗山以西。它有一些考古学遗址,在这些遗址内有许多的化石和旧石器时代的工具美国传统〔TOOL〕Some children find it difficult to hold their writing implements. 有些小孩觉得很难握住他们的书写工具。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕The native women grind the wheat with heavy stone implements. 本地妇女用沉重的石器来碾小麦。朗文写作活用〔ax〕Any of various bladed, hand-held implements used as a cutting tool or weapon.砍伐工具:任何一种有刀口的,可以手握的器具,用于砍伐的工具或武器美国传统〔crude〕These implements are crude but effective.这些工具虽然简陋但却有效。外研社新世纪〔ditty bag〕A bag used by armed forces personnel to carry small items such as sewing implements.随带的日用杂品袋;针线包:武装部队人员用于携带日用杂品,如针线的袋子美国传统〔fire irons〕Implements, such as tongs, a shovel, and a poker, used to tend a fireplace.火炉用具:火钳、火铲和火钩等用于照管火炉的工具美国传统〔implement〕Make sure that all sharp implements have covers.必须确保所有的锋利器具都有护套。牛津搭配〔implement〕Shopkeepers are not supposed to sell knives and other sharp implements to children.店主不应该向儿童出售小刀及其他锋利的器具。剑桥高阶〔implement〕To supply with implements.向…提供工具美国传统〔metalware〕Articles made of metal, especially flatware and other household implements.金属制家用品:以金属制造的物品,尤其是指盘碟类及其它家用器具美国传统〔needle〕Any one of various other implements, such as one used in knitting or crocheting.编织针:一种别的小器具,如用于编织和钩针编织用的美国传统〔shaft〕The handle of any of various tools or implements.柄:工具或装置的把手美国传统〔shear〕Any of various implements or machines that cut with a scissorlike action. Often used in the plural.剪切机:以剪刀状动作切割的设备或机器。常用作复数美国传统〔taster〕Any of several devices or implements used in tasting.任一种在试味中使用的装置或仪器美国传统〔telnet〕A program that implements this protocol.远程登录程序:执行远程登录协议的程序美国传统〔warlike〕They were armed with spears and other warlike implements.他们用矛和其他作战工具武装自己。柯林斯高阶〔workbag〕A bag to hold implements needed for work or material, such as needlework, that one is working on.工具袋,针线包:用来装工作用具或是所需材料的袋子,如针线包美国传统Ploughs and other agricultural implements were on display at the exhibition.展览会上展出了犁以及其它农具。剑桥国际Shopkeepers should not be allowed to sell knives and other sharp implements to children.不应允许店主们向儿童出售小刀和其它锋利的器具。剑桥国际The store supplies agricultural implements. 这商店供应农具。译典通




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