

单词 guilty
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ACCUSE〕someone who officially tries to prove that someone is guilty 通过正式途径证明某人有罪的人朗文写作活用〔CRIME〕someone who is guilty of a crime 有罪的人朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕guilty 有罪的;有错的朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕a guilty feeling 内疚感朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕someone who is guilty 有罪或有错的人朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕to deliberately try to make someone seem guilty when they are not 故意使没有罪的人显得有罪朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕to feel guilty 感到内疚朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕to not feel guilty about something 不为某事感到内疚朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕to officially prove that someone is guilty 正式证明某人有罪朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕to show that someone is guilty 表明某人有罪或有错朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕to stop yourself feeling guilty 不让自己感到内疚朗文写作活用〔admission〕her admission of guilt = her admission that she was guilty 她的认罪韦氏高阶〔assault〕guilty of indecent assault 犯强暴猥亵罪麦克米伦高阶〔behavior〕guilty of contemptible behavior.为可耻的行为而感到追悔。美国传统〔blameworthy〕secret guilty deeds; 无人知晓的罪行;美国传统〔break〕be guilty of breaking traffic regulations 犯有违反交通法规罪英汉大词典〔burden〕the burden of a guilty conscience; 犯罪意识的重负;美国传统〔charge〕a charge of murder; pleaded not guilty to the charges.指控犯谋杀罪;对控诉辩称无罪美国传统〔complicity〕to be guilty of complicity in the murder 犯凶杀同谋罪牛津高阶〔conscience〕a dying man with a guilty conscience 心怀愧疚的垂死之人牛津搭配〔crime〕men who have been found guilty of violent crimes 被判犯有暴力罪行的男子朗文当代〔criminal〕a convicted criminal (=someone who has been found guilty of a crime) 一名已决罪犯朗文当代〔excess〕be guilty of the worst excesses 犯有最恶劣的暴行英汉大词典〔feeling〕guilty feelings 内疚感牛津高阶〔find〕find sb. guilty (innocent) 裁决某人有罪(无罪) 英汉大词典〔grade〕be guilty of a very low grade of crime 犯有很轻微的罪行英汉大词典〔guilty〕guilty of cheating; the guilty party.犯诈骗罪;犯罪一方美国传统〔guilty〕guilty of wrongdoing.有不正当行为罪。牛津同义词〔guilty〕a guilty conscience 内疚英汉大词典〔guilty〕a guilty conscience.犯罪感美国传统〔guilty〕a guilty look 愧疚的表情英汉大词典〔guilty〕a guilty look.内疚的神色。牛津同义词〔guilty〕a guilty smirk; a guilty secret.See Synonyms at blameworthy 罪恶的假笑;罪恶的秘密 参见 blameworthy美国传统〔guilty〕be guilty of underestimating rather than overestimating 错在过低估计而非过高估计英汉大词典〔guilty〕be found guilty of tax evasion (murder) 被判决犯有逃税(谋杀)罪英汉大词典〔guilty〕plead guilty to seven charges of theft 供认了7桩盗窃罪英汉大词典〔guilty〕the guilty party(= the person responsible for sth bad happening) 有罪的一方当事人牛津高阶〔heresy〕guilty of heresy.犯了异端罪。牛津同义词〔indulgence〕guilty of sheer indulgence 为彻底放纵而内疚牛津搭配〔insanity〕was judged not guilty for reasons of insanity.由于精神失常而被判无罪。美国传统〔judge〕to judge sb guilty/not guilty 判某人有罪╱无罪牛津高阶〔justification〕believe with ample justification that sb. is guilty 有充分理由相信某人有罪英汉大词典〔lucre〕so they can feel less guilty about their piles of filthy lucre.这样他们就可以对那大把大把的黑心钱感到不那么内疚柯林斯高阶〔lucre〕so they can feel less guilty about their piles of filthy lucre这样他们就可以对那大把大把的黑心钱感到不那么内疚外研社新世纪〔maleficence〕be guilty of more than one maleficence 犯下不止一桩罪行英汉大词典〔malfeasance〕be guilty of malfeasance 犯渎职罪英汉大词典〔manslaughter〕plead not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter 抗辩犯过失杀人罪而非谋杀罪英汉大词典〔nail〕nail the guilty and spare the innocent 制裁罪人赦免无辜英汉大词典〔neglect〕guilty of neglect.犯疏忽罪。牛津同义词〔plead〕plead guilty to causing death by dangerous driving 承认犯有因危险驾驶而造成死亡的罪行英汉大词典〔plead〕to plead guilty/not guilty 认罪;不认罪牛津高阶〔plea〕a guilty plea 承认有罪朗文当代〔plea〕a guilty/not guilty plea 有罪/无罪抗辩麦克米伦高阶〔plea〕a plea of guilty/not guilty 承认╱不承认有罪牛津高阶〔plea〕enter a plea of guilty 表示认罪英汉大词典〔premise〕the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty 在证明有罪之前被告无罪的前提朗文当代〔sin〕be guilty of the sin of greed 犯贪婪之罪英汉大词典〔that〕allegations that he is guilty of war crimes 关于他犯有战争罪的指控朗文当代〔treachery〕be guilty of treachery 犯叛国罪英汉大词典〔trespass〕be guilty of trespass 犯非法侵入罪英汉大词典




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