

单词 himself
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ONLY〕a gesture peculiar to himself 他独有的一个手势朗文写作活用〔above〕a king who thought himself above the law 一个自以为高踞于法律之上的君王英汉大词典〔advance〕a picture of a man throwing himself before an advancing tank.一名男子冲向迎面开来的坦克的一幅照片柯林斯高阶〔advance〕a picture of a man throwing himself before an advancing tank一张男子冲向迎面开来的坦克的照片外研社新世纪〔apprentice oneself to〕to apprentice himself to a carpenter做木匠的学徒21世纪英汉〔appropriate〕arrogating to himself the most interesting tasks; 为他自己取得最有趣的任务;美国传统〔beard〕beard the Bard himself 向诗圣莎翁挑战英汉大词典〔bestir〕finally bestirred himself to look for work.他最终打起精神去找工作美国传统〔bind oneself to〕to bind himself to secrecy保证坚守秘密21世纪英汉〔bootstrap oneself〕to bootstrap himself out of poverty靠自己努力摆脱贫困21世纪英汉〔by〕a dark-haired man sitting by himself in a corner.一个独自坐在角落里的黑发男人柯林斯高阶〔by〕sitting by himself in a corner独自坐在角落里外研社新世纪〔cast〕fancied himself to be of a macho cast.想象他自己是一个强壮男子美国传统〔confidence〕his confidence in himself 他对自己的信心牛津搭配〔content〕contented himself with one piece of cake.(他)吃了一块蛋糕非常地满足美国传统〔corrupt〕debased himself by pleading with the captors; 通过恳求俘获者而使自己蒙羞;美国传统〔deport〕teach a child how to deport himself in public 教孩子在公众场合如何举止得体英汉大词典〔enrol oneself〕to enrol himself in the army应征入伍21世纪英汉〔entangle oneself in〕to entangle himself in debt债台高筑21世纪英汉〔entangle oneself with〕to entangle himself with criminals和犯罪分子有往来21世纪英汉〔enter oneself for〕to enter himself for the competition报名参加竞赛21世纪英汉〔establish oneself〕to establish himself in the town在城里定居下来21世纪英汉〔excuse〕as though trying to excuse himself for some inadequacy就好像在努力为他的不足道歉外研社新世纪〔expose oneself〕to expose himself on the beach在沙滩上有意识地裸露自己的性器官21世纪英汉〔extend yourself〕an actor who extends himself by choosing difficult roles 选择高难度角色以挑战自我的男演员韦氏高阶〔extricate〕extricated himself from an embarrassing situation; 从窘境中解脱他自己;美国传统〔felicitously〕expressing himself felicitously 恰当地表达他自己的观点韦氏高阶〔find〕found herself at home that night; found himself drawn to the stranger.发现她自己那天晚上在家中;发现他自己被拉到一个陌生人面前美国传统〔fix〕fixed the room for the guests; fix lunch for the kids; fixed himself a milkshake.为客人们准备好房间;为孩子们准备午饭;他给自己准备了一份奶昔美国传统〔groom〕groomed himself carefully in front of the mirror.在镜子前仔细地打扮他自己美国传统〔hire〕hired himself out as a cook; hired out the cottage for the summer.他被雇佣当厨师;夏天把小屋租了出去美国传统〔hold〕held himself as a gentleman at all times.他总是保持绅士风度美国传统〔interregnum〕a 25-year interregnum, when he stopped going to church and called himself an atheist他不做礼拜、将自己称为无神论者的那25年间断期外研社新世纪〔invisible〕a wizard who could make himself invisible 能隐身的术士牛津高阶〔know〕the movie in which the actor first made himself known to the world 使那名演员第一次为世人所知的影片韦氏高阶〔lean, mean〕an athlete who describes himself as a lean, mean scoring machine 自称为高效完美得分机器的运动员韦氏高阶〔little man〕a politician who portrays himself as a friend of the little man 把自己标榜为老百姓之友的政客韦氏高阶〔man〕manned himself for the battle ahead.使自己振作以应付眼前的战斗美国传统〔museum piece〕the bed in which he killed himself (since preserved as a museum piece)他自杀时躺的那张床(从那时起就被作为珍贵文物保存)外研社新世纪〔occupy〕occupied himself with sculpting.他自己忙于雕刻美国传统〔play in〕a master batsman who has thoroughly played himself in渐入佳境的主力击球手外研社新世纪〔plume〕plumed himself on his victory.他以胜利自豪美国传统〔pot-valiant〕like a man who has drunk himself pot-valiant 就像酒后逞勇的人那样英汉大词典〔present〕all those tricks which would help him to present himself in a more confident way in public所有那些能使他在公众面前表现得更为自信的窍门外研社新世纪〔proclaim〕a prime minister who proclaims himself a champion of the free market 宣称自己是自由市场体制捍卫者的首相麦克米伦高阶〔project〕his attempts to project himself as a potential leader 他表现得有潜力成为领导的努力朗文当代〔prostitute yourself〕a writer who prostituted himself by writing commercials 撰写商业广告糟蹋自己才华的作家韦氏高阶〔providence〕a man who believed himself to be “one of Providence's chosen few” 自信是“天之骄子”的人英汉大词典〔rebrand〕the actor's attempt to rebrand himself as a literary figure这位演员为把自己重新塑造成一位文学家所作的努力外研社新世纪〔repeat〕repeats himself constantly.时常自言自语美国传统〔reprogram〕a dieter reprogram(m)ing himself for lifelong slimness 改变饮食常规以期终身保持精瘦体形的节食者英汉大词典〔respect〕a society in which every single person is respected for himself 每一个人都因自己的人格而受到尊敬的社会 英汉大词典〔shocking〕the shocking news that Mark had hanged himself 马克上吊自杀的惊人消息朗文当代〔surrender〕surrendered himself to grief.沉湎于悲伤美国传统〔terra firma〕his relief on finding himself once more on terra firma.他发现自己又回到了陆地的如释重负感柯林斯高阶〔thrill〕the stories which Peter himself had thrilled to so often 彼得本人听了总是那么激动的故事英汉大词典〔throw〕threw himself on the mercy of the court.将自己置于法庭的怜惘之下美国传统〔varnish〕a special varnish which he has invented himself 他本人发明的一种特殊清漆英汉大词典〔warhorse〕a general who describes himself as an old warhorse 自称为沙场老兵的将军韦氏高阶〔wield〕weighty work which he cannot wield by himself 他无法单独处理的繁重工作英汉大词典




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