

单词 hilly
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Argonne〕A wooded and hilly region of northeast France between the Meuse and Aisne rivers. The area was a major battleground during World War I.阿尔贡:法国东北部的一丛林丘陵地区,位于默兹河和埃纳河之间。该地区在第一次世界大战期间是主要战场之一美国传统〔Beaujolais〕A hilly region of east-central France west of the Saône River between Mâcon and Lyon. It is noted for its wine.博若莱:法国中东部的一个丘陵地区,位于马孔和里昂之间的索恩河西部。以所产的葡萄酒闻名美国传统〔Casco Bay〕A deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southwest Maine. The bay, with its wooded, hilly islands, is a popular vacation area.卡斯科湾:大西洋的一个深水小湾,位于美国缅因州西南部。该湾以其林木葱郁、多山的岛屿而成为一个大众喜爱的度假圣地美国传统〔Eifel〕A hilly region of western Germany west of the Rhine River. The barren area has limestone moors and crater lakes.艾弗尔:位于德国西部的莱茵河西岸的丘陵地带,土地贫瘠,有石灰岩泥沼和火口湖美国传统〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕The vineyards are hilly and difficult to cultivate. 这几片葡萄园起伏不平,很难耕种。朗文写作活用〔cable car〕Tourists packed the cable cars on the hilly streets of San Francisco.在旧金山起伏的街道上行驶的有轨电车里挤满了观光客。韦氏高阶〔canalize〕Even hilly countries can be canalized.即使在多山的地区也可以开凿运河。21世纪英汉〔east〕The area to the east is hilly.往东是山区。外研社新世纪〔hell〕Driving in a hilly town is hell on the brakes.在起伏不平的城镇里驾车对刹车很有危害美国传统〔hilly〕The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded.交战地区丘陵起伏,树木茂密。柯林斯高阶〔hilly〕The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded.战斗发生 的地方位于树木茂密的丘陵地带。外研社新世纪〔irrigate〕The agricultural land is hilly and the irrigation poor.农田多为丘陵地,灌溉不足。柯林斯高阶〔irrigation〕The agricultural land is hilly and the irrigation poor.农田起伏不平, 灌溉情况很差。外研社新世纪〔north〕The area to the north is hilly.北部地区是丘陵地带。外研社新世纪〔redoubt〕The refugees gathered in a hilly redoubt several miles outside the city.难民们集中在市区数英里外小山上的避难所。韦氏高阶〔trough〕A trough of low pressure over hilly areas will bring heavy thunderstorms overnight.丘陵地区上空的低气压槽将在一夜之间带来强雷阵雨。剑桥高阶〔west〕The area to the west is hilly.西部地区是丘陵地带。外研社新世纪A trough of low pressure over hilly areas will bring heavy thunderstorms and possibly some flooding overnight.丘陵地区上空的低气压槽将会带来大雷雨, 甚至可能一夜间形成洪水泛滥。剑桥国际In the hilly areas of Kenya, women spend nine-tenths of their time collecting water.在肯尼亚的多丘陵地区,妇女们用她们十分之九的时间来打水。剑桥国际San Francisco is a hilly city. 旧金山是个多山丘的城市。译典通The car allows the driver to select an intermediate gear when driving on hilly or twisty roads.这车使司机在山峦起伏或蜿蜒的公路上行驶时可以挂中档。剑桥国际




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