

单词 in rows
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLD〕The little children sat in rows in the freezing classroom. 小孩子在冰冷的教室里排排坐着。!朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Sow the seeds in rows about 20 centimetres apart. 一行行播下种子,每行间距约20厘米。朗文写作活用〔align〕The desks were neatly aligned in rows.书桌一行行排得整整齐齐的。朗文当代〔array〕A rectangular arrangement of quantities in rows and columns, as in a matrix.数组:量数横为行,纵为列的矩形排列,如矩阵中美国传统〔cat's-eye〕A glass or plastic reflector designed to glow in the beam of a headlight, used on a vehicle as a safety device or set in rows along a highway as lane markers.反射装置:在汽车前灯的照耀下闪光的玻璃或塑料制反射装置,用于汽车的安全设备或在高速公路上成列安置作为道路标志美国传统〔conducive〕Chairs in rows are not as conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle.椅子成排摆放不如成圈摆放便于讨论。牛津高阶〔cornbraid〕To style (hair) in rows of thin braids; cornrow.编麦穗发型:把头发编成一行行的细辫;编成玉米状发型美国传统〔corncob〕The hard, thick, cylindrical central core on which are borne the grains or kernels of an ear of corn, usually in rows.玉米棒子芯:玉米穗上通常一列列的,上面长有玉米颗粒的坚硬而厚的圆柱中心美国传统〔cornrow〕To arrange or style (hair) by dividing into sections and braiding close to the scalp in rows.玉米辫子发型:把(头发)分绺编为成排的辫子,贴于头皮上美国传统〔drill〕To sow (seeds) in rows.条播(种子):成排播种美国传统〔in〕The desks were arranged in rows of ten.课桌每10张排成一排。剑桥高阶〔in〕They sat in rows.他们一排一排地坐着。牛津高阶〔lath〕A thin strip of wood or metal, usually nailed in rows to framing supports as a substructure for plaster, shingles, slates, or tiles.板条:作为灰泥、木瓦、石板瓦或瓦片基部结构的细木条或金属条,常被成排钉起来用于构架支撑美国传统〔line〕They lined up in rows.他们排成一行行的。牛津同义词〔pew〕One of the long, fixed benches with backs that are arranged in rows for the seating of a congregation in church.教堂长椅:教堂里为集会而设的一种成行排列的带靠背的固定长椅美国传统〔place〕Chairs were hastily placed in rows for the parents.椅子匆忙摆成了几排,等着家长们到来。柯林斯高阶〔range〕To arrange or dispose in a particular order, especially in rows or lines.排列,配置:组织成特定的顺序,特别是排成行或列美国传统〔rank〕The books were neatly ranked in rows.这些书籍整整齐齐地排列成行。韦氏高阶〔salmagundi〕A salad of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, and onions, often arranged in rows on lettuce and served with vinegar and oil.意式凉菜拼盘:用切好的肉、鲵鱼、蛋和洋葱制成的沙拉,常放在莴苣叶上排成行与醋和油摆出美国传统〔seriate〕Arranged or occurring in a series or in rows.顺序排列的:按照一系列或一排排列或发生的美国传统〔sow〕Sow the seeds in rows.一垄一垄地播种。牛津高阶〔tile〕A thin, flat or convex slab of hard material such as baked clay or plastic, laid in rows to cover walls, floors, and roofs.瓦片,瓷砖:用烤过的粘土或塑料等硬质材料制成的薄而扁平或凸起的块板,成排摆放来覆盖墙面、地板和房顶美国传统Cars emblazoned with the company logo were parked in rows.汽车排成几行停着,上面都有醒目的公司标识。剑桥国际Sprinkle the seeds thinly in rows and cover lightly with soil.稀疏地撒下一排排种子,轻轻盖上土。剑桥国际The data is arranged in rows and columns.数据按栏列排列。牛津商务The desks were arranged in rows of ten.桌子以每排十张排列。剑桥国际




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