

单词 high court
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COURT/TRIAL〕They lost their case in the High Court and had to pay damages. 他们在高等法院败诉,必须支付赔偿金。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He was declared bankrupt in the High Court yesterday. 昨天在高等法院他被宣布破产了。朗文写作活用〔appeal〕The teenager has been given leave (= allowed) by the High Court to appeal against her two-year sentence.该少女被判刑两年,高级法院允许她如不服判决可提起上诉。剑桥高阶〔award〕A High Court judge awarded her custody of the children.高级法院法官将孩子的监护权判给了她。麦克米伦高阶〔award〕A High Court judge had awarded him £6 million damages.高级法院法官裁定他获得600万英镑的损失赔偿金。柯林斯高阶〔bankrupt〕The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.那家公司经高等法院宣告破产了。牛津高阶〔battler〕This March, a British and an American company will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs.今年3月,一家英国公司和一家美国公司将会在最高法院就光盘压制权展开争夺。柯林斯高阶〔battle〕The two companies will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs.两家公司将为争夺压制光盘权在高等法院打官司。外研社新世纪〔brave〕A High Court judge has braved the wrath of the press with his compassionate sentencing.高等法院的一名法官徇情断案, 触怒媒体。外研社新世纪〔case〕The case will be heard in the High Court.这个案子将在高等法院进行审理。朗文当代〔challenge〕They went to the High Court to challenge the decision.他们就这项判决向高等法院提出上诉。朗文当代〔chancery〕One of the five divisions of the High Court of Justice of Great Britain, presided over by the Lord High Chancellor.大法官法庭:英国最高法院五个部门之一,由大法官主持美国传统〔chief justice〕The presiding judge of a high court having several judges, especially the U.S. Supreme Court.首席法官:一个有数名法官的高级法院主持法官,尤指美国最高法院的大法官美国传统〔comprise〕The high court is comprised of senior, experienced and independent judges.高等法院由经验丰富的资深独立法官组成。外研社新世纪〔constitutionality〕The high court will rule on the constitutionality of the new law.高级法院将对这条新法规的合宪性作出裁决美国传统〔correctly〕The High Court of Parliament began very correctly with a prayer for the Queen.议会最高法院按照常规,开庭前先为女王祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔correctly〕The High Court of Parliament began very correctly with a prayer for the Queen.议会按照规定在开庭前为女王祈祷。外研社新世纪〔court〕She was appointed a high court judge in 1998.1998 年,她获任高等法院法官。牛津搭配〔decision〕The High Court can overturn an earlier decision.最高法院可以推翻先前的判决。麦克米伦高阶〔demolition〕The High Court has granted permission for the demolition work to continue.高等法院批准拆除工作继续进行。柯林斯高阶〔dispense〕The High Court judges dispense justice.高等法院的法官是伸张正义的人。外研社新世纪〔fight〕She vowed to take her fight to the High Court.她发誓要告到高等法院。牛津搭配〔hear〕The case will be heard (= officially listened to) by the High Court.高等法院将审理这个案子。剑桥高阶〔judge〕A High Court judge found him innocent.高等法院的一名法官判他无罪。麦克米伦高阶〔judge〕By next year you could be sitting as a High Court judge.到明年你可能成为高等法院法官。牛津搭配〔jurisdiction〕The High Court has no jurisdiction to hear the appeal.高等法院无权审理这起上诉案。麦克米伦高阶〔lodge〕He lodged an appeal with the High Court.他向高等法院提出上诉。朗文当代〔overturn〕The judgement was overturned in the High Court.这一判决被高级法院撤销。外研社新世纪〔plaintiff〕The plaintiffs obtained an injunction in the High Court.原告方在高等法院得到了禁制令。牛津搭配〔power〕A high court has power to overturn the lower court's decision.高等法院有权推翻低级法院的判决。麦克米伦高阶〔proceed〕In some cases appeals may proceed directly from the High Court to the House of Lords.在有些情况下,上诉可以从高级法院直接转到上议院。牛津搭配〔quash〕The High Court later quashed his conviction for murder.高等法院后来撤销了他犯有谋杀罪的判决。朗文当代〔refer sb to sth/sb〕The High Court has referred the case to the Court of Appeal.高级法院已将此案呈交上诉法院。剑桥高阶〔refer〕He could refer the matter to the high court.他可以将此事交由高等法院裁决。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕He could refer the matter to the high court.他可以把此事交由高等法院裁决。外研社新世纪〔ruling〕She appealed against a High Court ruling that she should be forcibly fed to save her life.高级法院裁决应强制她进食以挽救她的性命,她对此提起上诉。柯林斯高阶〔set〕The High Court has set aside the lower court's ruling.高等法院已经推翻了下级法院的裁决。麦克米伦高阶〔upheld〕The high court upheld the lower court's decision.高级法院维持低级法院的判决。21世纪英汉〔writ〕A writ was filed in the High Court.向高等法院提交令状。牛津搭配〔writ〕He has been served with a High Court writ.他收到了高等法院的传票。牛津搭配He intends to appeal against the verdict in the High Court.他不服判决,打算向高等法院上诉。剑桥国际The High Court dismissed a bankruptcy petition filed against the company.高等法院驳回了针对这家公司提出的破产申请。牛津商务The High Court has ordered his passport to be surrendered.高级法院命令他交出护照。剑桥国际The High Court has referred the case to the Court of Appeal.高等法院把此案转给了上诉法院。剑桥国际The appeal was rejected by the High Court.上诉被高等法院驳回。剑桥国际The case will be heard (=officially listened to) by the High Court.高等法院将审理这个案子。剑桥国际The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.高等法院已宣告这家公司破产。牛津商务The teenager has been given/granted leave (=allowed) by the High Court to appeal against her two-year sentence.高级法院允许这名少女对被判刑2年提出上诉。剑桥国际They're appealing to the High Court to reduce the sentence to a fine.他们向高级法院提出上诉,要求将判刑改为罚款。剑桥国际Two police officers have lost their High Court libel action over a newspaper story which accused them of being liars.两名警官在一件高等法院诽谤案中败诉,该案件是由一则新闻报道指控他们说谎而引起的。剑桥国际




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