

单词 have the best
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEST〕I chose a Japanese camera because I wanted to have the best. 我选购了一部日本相机,因为我想要最好的。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕She was determined that her children should have the best possible education. 她下决心要让孩子尽可能接受最好的教育。朗文写作活用〔accept〕The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe.欧洲工人的劳动环境公认是最好的。牛津高阶〔acknowledge〕This part of the city is acknowledged to have the best restaurants.大家公认城里这一地区的餐馆最好。韦氏高阶〔best〕Enjoying the combination of five star luxury with our friendly personal service, you'll have the best of both worlds.您将同时享受五星级的豪华设施与友好的个性化的服务。麦克米伦高阶〔best〕He'll have the best of care.他会得到最好的照顾。柯林斯高阶〔best〕He'll have the best of treatment.他会得到最好的治疗。外研社新世纪〔best〕I have a wonderful family and a great job, so I feel that I have the best of both worlds.我有美满的家庭和不错的工作,真可谓两全其美。韦氏高阶〔best〕If you go to Ireland in June, you should have the best of the weather.如果你6月份去爱尔兰,你应该会赶上最好的天气。麦克米伦高阶〔best〕They live in a village but it's only an hour from London so they have the best of both worlds.他们住在一个村子里,但离伦敦只有一小时的路程,所以农村和城市的好处他们都能享受得到。朗文当代〔best〕We want the kids to have the best possible education.我们想让孩子们接受最好最好的教育。牛津高阶〔brain〕We have the best brains in the land working on this problem.我们找到了国内最好的专家来解决这个问题。剑桥高阶〔care〕The children will have the best of care in this nursery.孩子们在这个托儿所里会得到最好的照顾。英汉大词典〔deny〕Many parents deny themselves so that their children can have the best.为了让孩子们生活得称心如意,很多父母宁肯自己节衣缩食。剑桥高阶〔fight over〕The children always fight each other over who should have the best seat.孩子们经常相互争吵,为的是决定谁应该坐最好的位子。21世纪英汉〔good〕His parents wanted Raymond to have the best possible education.父母想让雷蒙德接受最好的教育。柯林斯高阶〔happiness〕We want our children to have the best possible chance of happiness.我们希望自己的孩子得到追求幸福的最佳机会。朗文当代〔insistence〕Her insistence that she should have the best room annoyed everyone.她坚持要最好的房间,这使大家都很恼火。剑桥高阶〔know〕This resort is considered by those who are in the know to have the best downhill skiing in Europe.了解情况的人认为,这个度假胜地有着欧洲最理想的滑雪坡道。剑桥高阶〔precisely〕They have the best medical care precisely because of high taxes.他们之所以拥有最好的医疗服务完全是因为高税收。麦克米伦高阶〔strength〕The team may not have the best players, but it plays to its strengths.这个队也许没有最优秀的选手,但他们善于发挥自己的长处。牛津搭配〔the best/worst of both worlds〕I have the best of both worlds—a wonderful family and a great job.我的生活两全其美——家庭美满,工作理想。韦氏高阶〔whole〕I have the best job in the whole wide world.我拥有一份世上最好的工作。朗文当代〔without〕Without wanting to sound too boastful, I think we have the best television programmes in the world.我并不是想吹嘘,我确实觉得我们有世界上最精彩的电视节目。朗文当代He lives on a farm and works in a big city in order to have the best of both worlds. 他住在农庄而在大城市工作,以便享有两者之优点。译典通Her insistence that she should have the best room annoyed everyone.她坚持要最好的房间,这使大家都很恼火。剑桥国际




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