

单词 guide
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(your) (daily) bread〕He earns his daily bread as a tourist guide.他靠做导游谋生。剑桥高阶〔-titled〕This oddly-titled book is a beginner's guide to the bits that make up a PC.这本名字古怪的书是学习个人计算机构造的入门指南。柯林斯高阶〔ADVISE〕Ask your tour guide to recommend the best places to eat. 叫导游推荐一下什么地方吃饭最好。朗文写作活用〔Caspar〕In the New Testament, one of the three wise men from the East who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus, guided by the Star of Bethlehem.卡斯帕:《新约》中记载来自东方由伯利恒之星引导的给刚诞生的耶稣带来礼物的三位智者之一美国传统〔EASY〕The booklet is intended to be a user-friendly guide to pension schemes. 这本小册子旨在作为养老金计划的便利指南。朗文写作活用〔FAR〕If you travel to isolated areas, make sure you have a good guide. 如果你到偏僻的地区去旅行,一定要找个好向导。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Maps and guides can be obtained at the tourist office. 地图和旅游指南可在旅游局拿到。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕According to our tour guide, Gibraltar is the largest fortress in the world. 我们的导游说,直布罗陀是世界上最大的军事要塞。朗文写作活用〔INSTRUCTIONS〕The book is an extremely useful guide to starting your own business. 这本书对自己创办公司是非常有用的指南。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕We all followed our guide up the path, Marcus and I bringing up the rear. 我们大家都跟着导游沿小路前行,马库斯和我殿后。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕The guide sounded as if he had learnt his speech by rote. 那导游的话听上去好像是背熟的。朗文写作活用〔Labrador〕Labradors are used as guide dogs for blind people.拉布拉多狗被用作盲人的导盲犬。剑桥高阶〔SEPARATE〕You can break a subject up into sections and guide your learners through it one section at a time. 你可以把一个课题分成几个部分,引导学生一个部分一个部分地学习。朗文写作活用〔Scout〕Scouts and Guides from other areas of the United Kingdom来自英国其他地区的男女童子军成员外研社新世纪〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕Discerning investors will find the guide useful. 有眼光的投资者会发现这指南很有用。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕The tour guide managed to be funny and informative, without overdoing it. 这个导游的讲解做到了既有趣味性又有知识性,并不过火。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Each entry in the guide is brief and immediately comprehensible. 指南中的每一条目都简明扼要、一目了然。朗文写作活用〔UP〕Our guide led us uphill along a steep trail. 导游领我们沿着一条陡峭的小路上山。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕You'll need a guide for your treks in the mountains. 你需要一位向导带你在山上艰苦跋涉。朗文写作活用〔acquisition〕Aerospace The process of locating a satellite, guided missile, or moving target so that its track or orbit can be determined.【太空学】 搜索,探测:探测跟踪一卫星、导弹或移动的目标以确定其位置和轨迹美国传统〔address〕This easy-to-read guide is addressed to those who meet the qualifications.这本容易读懂的手册是为那些合格的人准备的。英汉大词典〔admonish〕The guide admonished the mountain climbers to follow him carefully.向导叫登山者一定要小心翼翼地跟着他前进。英汉大词典〔amoral〕Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.他认为,人类无德,其行为不是出于道德感,而是出于生存的本能。剑桥高阶〔antidote〕The book is a refreshing antidote to the usual guides to communication between men and women.这本书是对男女间交流的常规指导的一个全新矫正。麦克米伦高阶〔appliance〕All major appliances such as refrigerators must have an energy guide label.所有像电冰箱这样的大家电必须有能效等级标识。牛津搭配〔attractively〕It's an attractively illustrated, detailed guide that's very practical.这是一本很实用的指南,插图精美,内容详尽。柯林斯高阶〔automatically〕A computer automatically guided the plane.一台计算机自动为飞机导航。外研社新世纪〔beginner〕I bought a beginner's guide to computers.我买了一本计算机入门指南。麦克米伦高阶〔boon〕Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted.导盲犬对视力有障碍的人来说是非常有用的。剑桥高阶〔channel〕The medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with the physical world.灵媒:精神导师进行据称与物质世界的交流所凭借的媒介美国传统〔charge〕Guided tours are provided at no charge .免费提供有导游带队的观光游览。朗文当代〔cicerone〕A guide for sightseers.导游:观光者的向导美国传统〔clear〕It's the clearest guide I've used.这是我使用过的解释最为清楚的指南。朗文当代〔clear〕The guide cleared a path for us through the jungle.向导为我们开出了一条穿过丛林的小径。韦氏高阶〔collar〕Any of various ringlike devices used to limit, guide, or secure a machine part.端,轴环:一种环状构造用于限制、引导或系紧机器的部件美国传统〔compact〕Michelin Green Guides, available in a compact format《米其林绿色指南》, 已出袖珍版外研社新世纪〔comprehensive〕He has written a fully comprehensive guide to Rome.他写了一本内容详尽的罗马旅游指南。剑桥高阶〔conduct〕The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.导游带领我们游览了古城遗迹。牛津高阶〔conscience〕Let your conscience be your guide.让你的良心指引你美国传统〔covermount〕The covermount with this week's mag is a handy guide to family holidays.本周杂志的附赠礼品是有关家庭度假的便捷手册。柯林斯高阶〔crib〕It was a direct crib from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.这是直接从《银河系漫游指南》一书中抄袭过来的。外研社新世纪〔cynosure〕Something that serves to guide.指引物,指针:用来作向导的事物美国传统〔definitive〕This little book is the definitive travel guide to Moscow.这本小书是最好的莫斯科旅游指南。麦克米伦高阶〔desert〕The native guides quietly deserted during the night.几个当地向导在夜间悄悄地不辞而别。英汉大词典〔direct〕He directed me to a hotel near the airport (NOT He guided me to a hotel near the airport).他指给我去机场附近的一家旅馆的路。朗文当代〔draft〕A narrow line chiseled on a stone to guide a stonecutter in leveling its surface.琢边:在石头上刻下的引导切石工磨平其表面的窄线美国传统〔dragoman〕An interpreter or guide in countries where Arabic, Turkish, or Persian is spoken.翻译,导游:讲阿拉伯语、土耳其语或波斯语的国家的翻译或导游美国传统〔elbow〕She slid a hand under his elbow to guide him.她悄悄地把手挽到他的胳膊肘下领着他。牛津搭配〔experiment〕Many small birds guide themselves by the stars, as has been verified by experiment.许多小鸟是靠星星导航的,这已被实验所证实。朗文当代〔fallible〕Human reason is a fallible guide.人的理性容易将人引入歧途。外研社新世纪〔folk〕This is it, folks: the best record guide in the business.就是它, 伙计们, 业内最好的唱片指南。外研社新世纪〔folk〕This is it, folks: the best record guide in the business.就是这个,伙计们,业内最好的唱片指南。柯林斯高阶〔forewarn〕The guide had forewarned me of what to expect.指南已预先告知我可能发生的事。外研社新世纪〔gather〕The tour guide gathered the visitors in the hotel lobby.旅游团的导游把参观者们聚集在旅馆大厅。美国传统〔gratuity〕The guides sometimes receive gratuities from the tourists, which supplement their salaries.导游有时会从游客那里得到小费,这使他们在薪金之外又增加一些收入。剑桥高阶〔guide dog〕A dog that has been specially trained to guide a visually impaired or sightless person.导盲狗:经过特殊训练以引导视力有缺陷者或盲人的狗美国传统〔guide price〕The guide price for the house is £475,000.这座房子的参考价是47.5万英镑。剑桥高阶〔guide through〕You need an expert to guide you through the process.你需要一个专家指引你完成整个过程。外研社新世纪〔guide〕As a rough guide, allow half a cup of rice per person.大致定个标准,就是每人半杯米。牛津高阶〔guide〕Can the pilot guide the plane to a safe landing?驾驶员能操纵飞机安全着陆吗?21世纪英汉〔guide〕Captain Shelton guided his plane down the runway and took off.谢尔顿机长驾驶飞机沿跑道滑行起飞。柯林斯高阶〔guide〕Carol will guide you round the museum.卡萝尔会带你去博物馆看一看。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕Details of how to use the various programs are in the user guide .如何使用各种程序,在用户指南里都有详细的说明。朗文当代〔guide〕Get the booklet Income Tax: A Guide for Married Couples.去买一本名叫《已婚夫妇所得税指南》的手册。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕Harry tried to guide the discussion towards some form of compromise.哈里试图把讨论引向某种形式的妥协。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕He guided her firmly towards the sofa.他引着她稳步走向沙发。朗文当代〔guide〕He guided them through the forest.他领着他们穿过森林。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕He guided us through the intricacies of the divorce law.他给我们解释了离婚法错综复杂的细节。牛津搭配〔guide〕He guided us through the tombs and temples with enthusiasm.他热情地带领我们参观陵墓和庙宇。外研社新世纪〔guide〕He should have let his instinct guide him.他该凭自己的本能行事的呀。外研社新世纪〔guide〕He took Julie's arm and guided her through the doorway.他抓住朱莉的手臂,挽着她通过门道。英汉大词典〔guide〕He took her arm and guided her through the doorway.他拉着她的手臂, 领着她走过门道。外研社新世纪〔guide〕He was always guided by his religious beliefs.他的言行总是以自己的宗教信仰为依归。牛津高阶〔guide〕He was my friend and my guide in the early years of my career.他是我的朋友,也是我早期职业生涯的引路人。韦氏高阶〔guide〕I let my feelings be my guide.我是跟着感觉走。牛津高阶〔guide〕I never follow recipes exactly when I cook - I just use them as rough guides.我烹调时从来不照搬食谱——我只是用它们作个大致指导。剑桥高阶〔guide〕If past experience is any guide, we're in for a long and difficult project.假如过去经历有任何指导意义的话,我们注定要从事一项长期而艰难的工程。韦氏高阶〔guide〕Opinion polls only serve as a rough guide to how people really vote.民意测验只能大略地显示人们投票的意向。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better.我们这本10页的指南有助于您提高生活品质。柯林斯高阶〔guide〕Our feelings are often poor guides for actions.感情往往不能很好指导行动。英汉大词典〔guide〕Schools were firmly guided on the details of the curriculum.学校依照严格的指导安排课程。牛津搭配〔guide〕Searchlights were used to guide the ship into the harbour.用探照灯引领轮船进港。朗文当代〔guide〕She guided her team to victory.她带领球队赢得了胜利。韦氏高阶〔guide〕She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral.她带领我们穿过繁忙的街道去大教堂。牛津高阶〔guide〕She was his guide and his inspiration.她是他的向导,他的灵感之源。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕Slowly he guided the boat towards the dock.他慢慢驾船驶向船坞。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕Teenagers need adults to guide them.十几岁的少年需要大人来引导他们。朗文当代〔guide〕The guide showed us round the castle.导游带我们参观了城堡。外研社新世纪〔guide〕The book is intended to be a guide for new parents.这本书旨在为初为父母者提供指南。韦氏高阶〔guide〕The runway lights guide the plane in to land.机场的跑道灯指引飞机降落。剑桥高阶〔guide〕They hired local people to act as guides.他们雇了当地人当导游。外研社新世纪〔guide〕They used the stars as a guide to find their way back.他们以星星做向导找到了回去的路。韦氏高阶〔guide〕We bought a guide to Paris.我们买了一本巴黎旅游指南。外研社新世纪〔guide〕We can guide you through the maze of financial planning.我们可以指引你们走出财政计划的迷宫。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕We had only the stars to guide us.我们只能看星星辨方向。麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕We hired a guide for our trip to the mountains.我们雇了一名向导带我们爬山。韦氏高阶〔guide〕We hired a guide to take us up into the mountains.我们雇了一个向导带我们进入山区。剑桥高阶〔guide〕We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.我们雇了一名当地人做向导带领我们翻山越岭。牛津高阶〔guide〕We were guided around the museums.我们在导游的带领下参观了博物馆。牛津高阶〔guide〕We were guided to our seats by an usher.迎宾员引领我们找到了座位。韦氏高阶〔guide〕We've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide.我们已安排大家在导游的带领下步行游览这座城市。柯林斯高阶〔guide〕When selecting fresh fish, let your taste buds be your guide.挑选鲜鱼时要靠味觉。外研社新世纪〔guide〕When selecting fresh fish, let your taste buds be your guide.挑选鲜鱼时,要靠味觉才行。柯林斯高阶〔guide〕You'll need an experienced lawyer to guide you through the legal system.你们需要一位有经验的律师把法律体系给你们解释一遍。韦氏高阶〔guide〕Your guide will explain what the different machines were used for.你们的解说员会向你们解释不同机器的用途。麦克米伦高阶〔handy〕First-time visitors to France will find this guide particularly handy.初次来法国的游览者会发现这本旅游指南很有用。剑桥高阶〔heddle〕One of a set of parallel cords or wires in a loom used to separate and guide the warp threads and make a path for the shuttle.综片,综线,综丝:织布机上一组平行的线或金属线,用于分开和引导纱线并为梭子开道美国传统〔hire out〕He's a teacher most of the year, but in the summer he hires himself out as a tour guide.他一年大部分时间在当老师,但在夏季他受雇去当导游。韦氏高阶〔home〕To guide (a missile or an aircraft) to a target automatically.自动导向目标:把(飞弹或航天器)自动导向某一目标美国传统〔inner-directed〕Guided in thought and behavior by one's own set of values rather than societal standards or norms.有主见的:思想和行为由自己的价值体系而不是世俗的标准或形式所引导的美国传统〔interpret〕We had to ask our guide to interpret for us.我们不得不请导游为我们翻译。剑桥高阶〔intricacy〕We can guide investors through the intricacies of the cable industry.我们可以帮助投资者了解复杂的电缆产业。牛津搭配〔in〕The book guides you through the ins and outs of choosing and growing garden flowers.这本书介绍了选择和培育园艺花卉的详情。朗文当代〔leader〕One that leads or guides.引导者:带领或领路的人美国传统〔lead〕To guide (a partner) in dancing.带:在舞蹈中领(舞伴)美国传统〔lead〕To guide a dance partner.带领舞伴美国传统〔lead〕To act as commander, director, or guide.指挥:如指挥官、指导者或向导的行动美国传统〔list〕Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically.旅游指南里的城镇是按字母顺序排列的。牛津高阶〔mark〕An object or a point that serves as a guide.可用来指明方向的物体或点美国传统〔misguide〕To lead or guide in the wrong direction; lead astray.误导:带领或引导进入错误方向;把…引入岐途美国传统〔morning〕During the morning your guide will take you around the city.上午导游会带你到城里四处看看。外研社新世纪〔motion to〕The guide motioned to me to be silent.向导示意叫我别出声。21世纪英汉〔motto〕A maxim adopted as a guide to one's conduct.座右铭:能够作为指导人的行为的格言美国传统〔oblige〕We needed a guide and he was only too happy to oblige.我们需要一个向导,而他很乐意帮忙。剑桥高阶〔offer〕It says in the guide that this area offers some of the best walks in England.旅行指南上说这一乡村地区有几条英格兰最好的徒步线路。剑桥高阶〔one step at a time〕We'll guide you through the process step by step.我们会一步一步地引导你走完整个过程。韦氏高阶〔ordinary〕My wife thought our guide was strange, but he seemed perfectly ordinary to me.我妻子觉得导游有点奇怪,但在我看来他很正常。韦氏高阶〔other-directed〕Directed or guided chiefly by external standards as opposed to one's own standards or values.没有自己主张的:受与自己本身标准或价值观相左的外界标准指导或支配的美国传统〔out-of-date〕The information in the tourist guide is already out-of-date.旅游指南上的资料已经过时。朗文当代〔past〕The past not forgotten is a guide for the future.前事不忘,后事之师。英汉大词典〔paternalism〕The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应该以效率准则而非家长作风为主导。外研社新世纪〔paternalism〕The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应遵循高效原则,杜绝国家家长作风。柯林斯高阶〔pilot〕One who guides or directs a course of action for others.领导人:领导或指导他人活动的人美国传统〔plowboy〕A boy who leads or guides a team of animals in plowing.耕童:在耕地时牵着或带领一队牲畜的男孩美国传统〔polar〕Serving as a guide, as a polestar or a pole of the earth.指示的;引导的:用作导向的,如一颗北极星或地球的一极美国传统〔publication〕The guide is being translated into several languages for publication near Christmas.该手册正被译成数种语言,将在临近圣诞节时出版。柯林斯高阶〔rating〕The guide gives restaurants a rating out of 10.该指南按10级制对饭店进行了划分。麦克米伦高阶〔rhapsodize〕A cathedral guide was rhapsodizing over the stained glass.大教堂的导游对教堂的彩色玻璃大加称赞。麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕At the risk of being repetitive, I will say again that statistics are only a guide.尽管会显得啰唆,但我还得再说一遍,统计数字只是一个参考。柯林斯高阶〔rough〕The prices we quote are only a rough guide.我们的报价只是个大概的参考。外研社新世纪〔screed〕A strip of wood, plaster, or metal placed on a wall or pavement as a guide for the even application of plaster or concrete.匀泥尺:放在墙上或人行道上用以标定石灰或水泥厚度的一块木头、石膏或金属板美国传统〔scrutinize〕Lloyds' results were carefully scrutinised as a guide to what to expect from the other banks.对劳埃德银行的业绩进行了仔细分析,以确定对其他银行的表现可以作何种期待。柯林斯高阶〔seamark〕A landmark visible from the sea, used as a guide in navigation.航海标识:在海上可看见的陆标,被用作导航标志美国传统〔shepherd〕One who cares for and guides a group of people, as a minister or teacher.看护人:照顾并指导一群人的人,如部长或教师美国传统〔shepherd〕The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.导游把团队中的其他人带上了公共汽车。朗文当代〔show sb around (sth)〕A guide showed us around the exhibition.一位导游带我们参观了展览。剑桥高阶〔sight〕Our tour guide showed us the sights.导游带我们参观景点。韦氏高阶〔smelly〕Pubs are dirty, smelly and unfriendly, according to the Good Pub Guide.据《好酒吧指南》所说,酒吧一般环境肮脏,气味难闻,而且气氛很不友好。柯林斯高阶〔spirit〕My spirit guide cares for me and protects me.我的灵魂导师关心我、保护我。牛津搭配〔straitjacket〕The national curriculum must be a guide, not a straitjacket.国家课程设置必须是指导性的, 而不是约束性的。外研社新世纪〔straitjacket〕The national curriculum must be a guide, not a straitjacket.国家课程设置必须是指导性的,而不是约束性的。柯林斯高阶〔take〕I took him by the arm and guided him to the lift.我抓着他的手臂, 把他领到电梯那儿。外研社新世纪〔take〕Our guide took us around the cathedral.我们的导游带我们参观了大教堂。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕We were guided around the museums.我们被领着参观了博物馆。牛津高阶〔through〕The book guides you through the whole procedure of buying a house.这本书可以全程指导你买房。朗文当代〔tidbit〕Our guide gave us some interesting tidbits about the history of the castle.导游告诉了我们一些有关这个城堡历史的趣闻。剑桥高阶〔titbit〕Our guide gave us some interesting titbits about the history of the castle.导游告诉了我们一些有关这个城堡历史的趣闻。剑桥高阶〔tour〕Every weekend there are free guided tours of the castle.有导游带领的游览麦克米伦高阶〔tour〕We were given a guided tour(= by sb who knows about the place)of the palace.我们由导游带领参观游览了那座宫殿。牛津高阶〔tutor〕When the students are making their choices, their tutor may well guide them.学生们选修课程时导师会很好地指导他们。英汉大词典〔usual〕It is usual to tip waiters, porters, guides and drivers.给服务员、行李搬运工、导游和司机小费是惯例。柯林斯高阶〔venture〕Don't venture into the jungle without a guide.没有向导,不要冒险进入丛林中。21世纪英汉〔visually〕Guide dogs open up the lives of the blind or visually impaired.导盲犬为盲人或视力受损的人开启了新的生活空间。剑桥高阶〔walk〕We went on a guided walk of the city in the afternoon.下午我们由向导领着在市内走了走。牛津搭配〔way〕Often ways A longitudinal strip on a surface that serves to guide a moving machine part. 常作 ways 导轨:表面上的纵向槽,用于导引运动的机器部件美国传统〔write〕We're going to a Spanish restaurant that was written up in Time Out's good food guide.我们准备去《消费导刊》美食向导栏目介绍过的一家西班牙餐厅。朗文当代As managing director, she guided company policy for twenty years.作为总经理,她控制公司政策达20年。剑桥国际At the inn, we said goodbye to our guides and the mules that had carried us so surefootedly through the Sierra Mazatec.在旅馆中,我们向导游和把我们从马萨特克山脉安安稳稳驮到这儿的骡子告别了。剑桥国际For the last three days of the tour we had a more amiable guide.在最后三天的旅游中,我们有了一位更和气的导游。剑桥国际He guided the ship safely into harbor. 他驾驶轮船安全入港。译典通He has written a fully comprehensive guide to Rome.他写了一本详尽的罗马旅游指南。剑桥国际Here are half a dozen hotels, picked at random from the latest edition of the guide.这里有6 个旅店,是从最新的指南上随便找的。剑桥国际Highly sensitive accelerometers can be used to guide missiles and drones. 高度敏感的加速仪可以用来指引火箭和无人飞机。译典通If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own risk. 如果你不等向导来便走进洞去,后果由你自己负责。译典通It would be foolish to go on an expedition into the mountains without taking a guide.不带一个向导进山作一次探险会是很愚蠢的。剑桥国际Labradors make good guide dogs because of their calm temperament.纽芬兰猎犬因它们生性平和而成为优良的引路狗。剑桥国际Martin guided him to the reception-room. 马丁将他领到接待室。译典通Our guide led us over/through the mountains.我们的向导带领我们穿过了山区。剑桥国际Our guide misled us. 我们的向导带错了路。译典通Robert, a sleekly groomed 22-year-old, told us he was our guide for the day.罗伯特,一位22岁打扮整洁时髦的年轻人,告诉我们他是当天的导游。剑桥国际She trains guide dogs for the blind.她为盲人训练向导狗。剑桥国际She was previously employed as a tour guide.她以前受聘为导游。剑桥国际The guide dog wears a working harness which allows it to lead its blind owner.引路狗戴着工作用具以引导它的盲主人。剑桥国际The book is supposed to be the layperson's guide to home repairs.该书是指导外行人做家庭修理工作的。剑桥国际The curator guided us round the gallery, pointing out the most famous paintings in the collection.博物馆长带领我们参观画廊,指出展品中最有名的作品。剑桥国际The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures.健康和安全主任将为你解释一遍安全规程。牛津商务The hotel was written up favourably in last year's holiday guide.去年的度假指南中对这家旅店的评价很好。剑桥国际The package uses a wizard to guide you through the testing process.这个软件包采用向导全程引导测试进程。牛津商务The pilot guided the plane in to land.飞行员操纵飞机着陆。剑桥国际There were 7 of them exclusive of the guide. 她们一行共七人,不包括向导。译典通These figures are just a rough guide.这些只是大致的数字。牛津商务They have been tireless in raising money for guide dogs for the blind.他们一直坚持不懈地筹款给盲人配备导盲犬。剑桥国际This grammar guide falls between two stools--it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.这本语法指南两边都不适用,对初学者太难,对水平高的学生又不够详细。剑桥国际We needed a guide and he was only too happy to oblige.我们需要一个导游,他很高兴帮忙。剑桥国际We went on a guided tour of/(Br also) round the cathedral/museum/castle/factory.我们在向导带领下参观了大教堂/博物馆/城堡/工厂。剑桥国际We were shown round by a well-informed guide.我们在一位见多识广的导游带领下参观。剑桥国际We were shown round the gallery by a guide with a plummy accent/voice.一位话音故作浑厚的导游带领我们参观画廊。剑桥国际When we went to France, we were accompanied by an English-speaking tour guide.我们去法国的时候,一位讲英语的导游陪着我们。剑桥国际You can download the site's 10-step guide to investing.可以从这个网站下载投资 10 步指南。牛津商务You could argue that humans are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.你可以论辩说,人类是非道德性的,引导他们的不是任何道德感,而是求生存的本能。剑桥国际




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