

单词 humane
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕French revolutionaries considered death by guillotine to be a more humane method of execution. 法国革命党人将上断头台视为较人道的处决方式。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Imprisonment is not a humane form of punishment. 监禁是一种不人道的惩罚方式。朗文写作活用〔Christian〕Showing a loving concern for others; humane.人道的,友好的:对他人的爱和关心;人道的美国传统〔animal rights〕The rights to humane treatment claimed on behalf of animals, especially the right not to be exploited for human purposes.动物权:代表动物要求仁慈对待的权力,尤指被人类用以自肥的权力美国传统〔eminently〕My solution is painless, humane, and eminently sensible.我的解决方法是没有痛苦的、人道的而且非常合理。文馨英汉〔humanely〕In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill.在19世纪中叶,多罗西娅·迪克斯开始发起为精神病患者争取人道待遇的运动。柯林斯高阶〔humanely〕Their aim is for a more just and humane society.他们的目标是建立一个更加公正、博爱的社会。柯林斯高阶〔humane〕Conditions in the prison are more humane now.监狱如今的条件更人道了。韦氏高阶〔humane〕In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill.在19世纪中叶, 多罗西娅·迪克斯就发起了以人道的方式治疗精神病患者的运动。外研社新世纪〔humane〕Is it humane to kill animals for food?宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?牛津同义词〔humane〕It's not humane to treat animals that way.那样对待动物是不人道的。韦氏高阶〔humane〕Many of us are working for a more humane and civilized society.我们有多人正在创造更有人情味和更文明的社会而工作。文馨英汉〔humane〕The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal (= the way that causes the least pain) is to kill it quickly.对待为病痛所折磨的动物,比较人道的办法就是尽快结束它的生命。剑桥高阶〔humane〕Their aim is for a more just and humane society.他们的目标是要建立一个更有正义感、更加人道的社会。外研社新世纪〔humane〕They write letters demanding humane treatment of prisoners.他们写信要求人道地对待囚犯。麦克米伦高阶〔humanity〕A humane characteristic, attribute, or act.人性:仁慈的特征、品质或行动美国传统〔mercy〕These nouns mean kind, forgiving, or sympathetic and humane treatment of or disposition toward others.这些名词都表示仁慈的、宽容的、同情的以及对他人的人道对待方式。美国传统〔stake out〕Those who want to take child abuse seriously today must stake out a humane child protection practice.当前想要认真对待虐待儿童问题的人们必须明确保护儿童的人道主义行为的具体做法。柯林斯高阶〔treatment〕The law requires humane treatment of prisoners.法律要求人道对待囚犯。韦氏高阶I don't think it's humane to keep people alive with machines.我认为用机器维持人的生命是不人道的。剑桥国际She spoke very convincingly of the need for a more humane prison system.她关于需要一个更人道的监狱制度的发言很有说服力。剑桥国际The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal (= the way that causes the least pain) is to kill it quickly.使受伤动物少受痛苦的办法是迅速杀了它。剑桥国际The new prison governor is much more humane than her predecessor.新的监狱长比她的前任仁慈多了。剑桥国际




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