

单词 hot and cold
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔alternate〕alternate hot and cold compresses 交替施用热敷和冷敷英汉大词典〔alternate〕to alternate hot and cold compresses交替使用冷热敷布21世纪英汉〔alternate〕to take alternate hot and cold baths交替地洗热水澡和冷水澡外研社新世纪〔hot〕a basin with hot and cold 有热水和冷水龙头的脸盆英汉大词典〔mixer〕a mixer tap(= one in which hot and cold water can be mixed together before it comes out of the pipe) 冷热水混合龙头牛津高阶〔pipe〕the hot and cold water pipes 冷、热水管牛津搭配〔serve-yourself〕a serve-yourself buffet with a choice of several hot and cold dishes 有几种热菜和冷盘可供选择的自助餐英汉大词典〔tank〕the hot and cold water tanks 冷热水水箱牛津搭配




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