

单词 hm
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔H.M.S.〕The Navy is sending a ship, the HMS Alacrity, to escort us in.海军派出一艘舰艇——“轻捷”号英国王家舰艇——为我们护航入港。外研社新世纪〔HMS〕HMS Belfast 英国皇家海军战舰“贝尔法斯特”号朗文当代〔HMS〕HMS Illustrious 英国皇家海军航母卓越号剑桥高阶〔HMS〕He served on board HMS Warrior.他在英国皇家海军舰艇“勇士号”上服役。麦克米伦高阶〔HM〕HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services.皇家消防署总督察柯林斯高阶〔HM〕HM Chief Inspector of Fire Services皇家消防部门总督察外研社新世纪〔HM〕HM the Queen.女王殿下柯林斯高阶〔HM〕HM the Queen女王陛下外研社新世纪〔back door〕HMI is to be privatised by the back door because the half of HMI who will not be employed by it will have to go and set up as private consultants.皇家教育监督局其实是以一种偷偷摸摸的方式私有化,因为那部分不再被雇用的人员将不得不自立门户成为私人顾问。剑桥高阶〔command〕He had been in command of HMS Churchill for nearly a year.他指挥过英国皇家海军舰艇“丘吉尔”号将近一年。外研社新世纪〔decommission〕HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts.作为削减国防开支的一部分,英国皇家海军舰艇“厌战”号宣布退役。柯林斯高阶〔decommission〕HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts.英国皇家海军厌战号战列舰退役了, 这是削减国防开支计划的措施之一。外研社新世纪〔embarkation〕They travelled to Portsmouth, where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown.他们行至朴次茅斯,在那里登上了英国皇家海军“声望号”战列巡洋舰。柯林斯高阶〔escort〕HMS Tamarisk served as a convoy escort in the North Sea.英国皇家海军舰艇“柽柳”号在北海提供护航服务。外研社新世纪〔hereby〕You are hereby appointed Sub-Lieutenant HMS Tartar.兹任命你为皇家海军舰艇“鞑靼人”号中尉。外研社新世纪〔hereby〕You are hereby appointed Sub-Lieutenant RNVR of HMS Tartar.你被任命为皇家海军舰艇“鞑靼人”号的皇家海军志愿后备队中尉。柯林斯高阶〔hms〕HMS Apollo 皇家海军阿波罗号牛津高阶〔hm〕HM Customs 英国海关牛津高阶〔hm〕HM the Queen 女王陛下牛津高阶〔name〕The aptly named HMS “Victorious” helped the British Royal Navy win an important victory.取名贴切的皇家海军舰艇“胜利”号助英国皇家海军赢得了一次重要胜利。韦氏高阶HMS Ark Royal 皇家海军“皇家方舟”号舰剑桥国际




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