

单词 amount to the same thing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amount〕It is stated differently but amounts to the same thing.那说法不同,而实际上是一回事。21世纪英汉〔amount〕It'll cost a lot—well, take a lot of time, but it amounts to the same thing.付出会很多 — 哦,得花大量时间,不过反正都是一回事。牛津高阶〔amount〕Ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing .归根结底,他们的想法都是一回事。朗文当代〔it all amounts/comes to the same thing〕It doesn't matter whether you do it first or last - it all amounts to the same thing.你最先做还是最后做这件事都无所谓——结果都一样。剑桥高阶〔same〕It doesn't matter whether she was happy to leave or not. It amounts to the same thing – she's gone.她走得开不开心无所谓,结果都一样 — 她已经走了。朗文当代It doesn't matter whether you do it first or last --it all amounts to the same thing.不管你把这件事放在最先做还是最后做----结果反正一样。剑桥国际




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