

单词 hieroglyphic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Palenque〕An ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa. The Temple of Inscriptions is noted for its hieroglyphic tablets.帕伦克:墨西哥南部的古代玛雅城市,位于东南。其神庙的铭文以其象形文字的碑文著称美国传统〔cartouche〕An oval or oblong figure in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that encloses characters expressing the names or epithets of royal or divine personages.漩涡花饰牌匾:古埃及象形文字中的一种椭圆形或长方形造型,里面圈有表示皇族或神职人员名字或标号的字母美国传统〔hieratic〕Constituting or relating to a simplified cursive style of Egyptian hieroglyphics, used in both sacred and secular writings.手写草书体的:与古埃及一种草书手写体有关的,这种草书手写体用于宗教或世俗书写中美国传统〔hieroglyphics〕I've never come across hieroglyphics like the handwriting of Peter Smallwood.我从未见过像彼得·斯莫尔伍德那么难辨认的笔迹。柯林斯高阶〔hieroglyphics〕I've never come across hieroglyphics like the handwriting of Peter Smallwood.我从未见过像彼得•斯莫尔伍德那样潦草难辨的笔迹。外研社新世纪〔hieroglyphic〕I received one of her hieroglyphics, begging me to come soon.我接到她一封字迹潦草得像鬼画符似的信,求我急速前去。英汉大词典〔hieroglyphic〕Often hieroglyphics (used with a sing. or pl. verb)Hieroglyphic writing, especially that of the ancient Egyptians. 常作 hieroglyphics (与单数或复数动词连用)象形文字书写体系,特指古埃及人的图形手写文字美国传统〔hieroglyph〕A picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing.象形文字:象形文字书写体系中所使用的图画或符号美国传统〔pictograph〕A record in hieroglyphic symbols.用象形符号做的记录美国传统Hieroglyphics are carved into the walls of the temple.寺庙的墙壁上刻着象形文字。剑桥国际




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