

单词 amount of money
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔COST〕to take or ask for an amount of money in return for something you are selling 收费;要价朗文写作活用〔EARN〕to earn an amount of money after tax etc has been taken away 在缴付所得税等之后挣得一定数额的钱朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕an increase in an amount of money 钱的数量的增加朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕a small amount of money 少量的钱朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕a large amount of money 一大笔钱朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕an amount of money 一笔钱朗文写作活用〔PAY〕an amount of money that is paid 支付的钱朗文写作活用〔amount〕a considerable amount of money 相当大一笔钱牛津搭配〔amount〕a considerable amount of money 相当数额的钱朗文当代〔amount〕a large (small) amount of money 一大(小)笔钱英汉大词典〔any〕any amount of money 大量的钱英汉大词典〔astronomically〕an astronomically large amount of money 一笔巨额款项韦氏高阶〔budget〕the education/defence budget(= the amount of money that can be spent on this) 教育╱国防预算牛津高阶〔circulation〕the amount of money in circulation 流通的货币量牛津搭配〔considerable〕a considerable amount of money 相当多的钱麦克米伦高阶〔disproportionate〕the disproportionate amount of money being spent on defence 国防经费与其他支出相比不成比例朗文当代〔enormous〕an enormous amount of money 巨款朗文当代〔equivalent〕an equivalent amount of money 同等数量的钱韦氏高阶〔expenditure〕huge cuts in public expenditure (=the amount of money a government spends on services for the public) 公共开支的大幅度削减朗文当代〔incredible〕an incredible amount of money 惊人的一大笔钱麦克米伦高阶〔least〕the least amount of money 最少量的钱文馨英汉〔like〕receive a like amount of money 收到一笔相同数目的钱英汉大词典〔massive〕a massive amount of money 一大笔钱麦克米伦高阶〔measly〕a measly amount of money 微不足道的一点儿钱剑桥高阶〔mind-boggling〕footballers who earn a mind-boggling amount of money 挣钱多得令人难以想象的足球运动员麦克米伦高阶〔money〕a sum/an amount of money 一笔钱朗文当代〔odds〕odds of ten to one(= ten times the amount of money tha t has been bet by sb will be paid to them if they win) 十比一的赔率牛津高阶〔part with〕parting with a large amount of money 放弃一大笔钱韦氏高阶〔pitifully〕a pitifully small amount of money 不值一提的很少一笔钱韦氏高阶〔rate〕a fixed-rate mortgage(= one in which the amount of money paid back each month is fixed for a particular period) 定额偿还按揭贷款牛津高阶〔small〕a small amount of money 一小笔钱朗文当代〔spend〕the amount of money spent per student 学生每人支出的金额牛津搭配〔standing〕a standing charge(= an amount of money that you pay in order to use a service, such as gas or water) 长期支付的开销牛津高阶〔stupefying〕a stupefying amount of money 令人吃惊的一大笔钱朗文当代〔tab〕an amount of money tabbed for maintenance 维护专项用款韦氏高阶〔terrific〕a terrific amount of money 一笔巨款英汉大词典〔total〕the total amount of money owed by the customer顾客欠款总额外研社新世纪〔tremendous〕a tremendous amount of money 巨额钱款英汉大词典〔undefined〕an undefined amount of money 未确定的金额韦氏高阶〔unspecified〕an unspecified amount of money 数目不详的钱款韦氏高阶stipendiary training (= you receive a fixed amount of money while you do it) 有偿培训牛津商务




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