

单词 idiom
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔colorist〕a forceful colorist whose idiom was reminiscent of Cézanne.一个追求塞尚风格的优秀配色师美国传统〔hippie〕a hippie idiom 嬉皮士用语英汉大词典〔idiom〕a church in the idiom of the thirteenth century一座13世纪风格的教堂外研社新世纪〔idiom〕a feature of modern jazz idiom 现代爵士乐风格的特点韦氏高阶〔idiom〕a poet's idiom 诗人的风格韦氏高阶〔idiom〕the idiom of the French impressionists; the punk rock idiom.法国印像主义风格;疯狂摇滚乐风格美国传统〔idiom〕the Eliot idiom 艾略特文风英汉大词典〔idiom〕the English idiom unfamiliar to the American reader 美国读者所不熟悉的英国习语英汉大词典〔idiom〕the classical/contemporary/popular idiom 古典╱当代╱通俗风格牛津高阶〔idiom〕the eminently personal idiom of Swinburne 具有鲜明特色的斯温伯恩个人用语英汉大词典〔idiom〕the modern jazz idiom 现代爵士乐风格英汉大词典〔idiom〕the new musical idiom 新的音乐风格朗文当代〔untranslatable〕an untranslatable idiom 不可译习语英汉大词典〔vitality〕the vitality of an idiom 一个习语的生命力英汉大词典




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