

单词 in equity
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔court of chancery〕A court with jurisdiction in equity.衡平法院:具有平等司法权的法院美国传统〔plea〕A special answer depending on or demonstrating one or more reasons why a suit should be delayed, dismissed, or barred in equity law.答辩:依据或表明公正的法律案件应被推迟、驳回或阻止的一个或多个原因的特定的回答美国传统〔prayer〕The request of a complainant, as stated in a complaint or in equity, that the court grant the aid or relief solicited.诉讼请求:原告请求得到法庭协助或所要求的救助的请求,如在申诉或衡平法中的请求美国传统〔vice chancellor〕Law A judge in equity courts ranking below a chancellor.【法律】 副首席法官:地位低于法庭审判官的衡平法庭法官美国传统He was prepared to commit $1 billion in equity to a purchase.他准备拨出相当于10亿美元的股票来购买。剑桥国际




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