

单词 in several
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕High unemployment rates are a perennial problem in several European countries. 失业率高是一些欧洲国家长期的问题。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕There were riots in several cities after it was announced that the price of bread would rise by 200%. 宣布面包价格要上涨200%之后,有几个城市发生了骚乱。朗文写作活用〔GAY〕Rose was criticized for the racist and homophobic lyrics in several of his songs. 罗斯因为他的几首歌曲里有涉及种族歧视和憎恨同性恋的歌词而受到了指责。朗文写作活用〔INFORMATION〕Full details about the company's plans will be announced in several months. 该公司规划的全部细节将于几个月后公布。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕This dream can be interpreted in several different ways. 这个梦可以有几种不同的解释。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕Carlos, alias "The Jackal', is wanted by police in several countries. 卡斯,别名“胡狼”,在好几个国家里被警方通缉。朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕Carpets are available in several different widths. 地毯有几种不同的宽度可供选择。朗文写作活用〔adept〕He's adept in several languages.他熟练掌握数种语言。韦氏高阶〔appear〕Jill Bennett appeared in several of his plays.吉尔•贝内特参演过他的几部剧作。外研社新世纪〔arrival〕Since his arrival at the club, he has brought in several star players.他加入俱乐部之后,带来了几个明星运动员。麦克米伦高阶〔ban〕The film was banned (= the government prevented it from being shown) in several countries.这部电影在几个国家都禁止放映。剑桥高阶〔caricature〕Charles Dickens caricatured lawyers (= represented them in a way that made them look silly) in several of his novels.查尔斯•狄更斯在几部小说里对律师进行了讽刺性描述。剑桥高阶〔command〕He didn't just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.他不仅仅发号施令,还身先士卒参加了几次激战。柯林斯高阶〔command〕He didn't just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.他不仅担任过指挥官, 还在好几次激烈的战役中亲自上阵杀敌。外研社新世纪〔customize〕You can customize the software in several ways.你可用几种方法按需要编制这个软件。牛津高阶〔deal〕He has been mixed up in several shady deals with arms dealers.他卷入了几宗与军火商的地下交易。牛津搭配〔discipline〕She has received training in several academic disciplines.她受过几门学科的培训。韦氏高阶〔fracture〕One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.一根支柱出现了裂痕, 有几处已粗略修补过。外研社新世纪〔go off〕The lights went off in several villages because of the storm.这场暴风雨造成了几个村庄停电。剑桥高阶〔height〕The table is available in several different heights.这款桌子有几种不同的高度供选择。牛津高阶〔interest〕He has controlling interests in several ventures.他握有好几家企业的控股股权。牛津搭配〔mail〕The firm has offices in several large cities, but does most of its business by mail.该公司在几座大城市设有办事处, 但大部分业务仍靠邮递进行。外研社新世纪〔metaphor〕The ladder metaphor works in several ways.梯子的隐喻有几重含义。牛津搭配〔not〕I sent in several reports but not one was published.我提交了好几篇报告, 但一篇都没有发表。外研社新世纪〔operate〕That business operates in several countries.那家商行在几个国家有业务活动。英汉大词典〔parallel〕This attempt at government reform has parallels in several other countries.在其他几个国家有类似的政府改革尝试。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕The party won at least one county, and ran a close second in several others.该党派至少在一个郡获胜,而在其他几个郡也和第一名相距甚微。柯林斯高阶〔shade〕This hair colouring comes in several shades.这种染发剂有几种深浅不同的颜色。剑桥高阶〔sketch〕The family house appears in several of her sketches.她的几幅素描中均出现了家宅。牛津搭配〔stage name〕Under the stage name of Beverly Brooks, Patricia had small parts in several British films.帕特里夏以贝弗利·布鲁克斯的艺名在几部英国电影中饰演过小角色。柯林斯高阶〔track〕The track was damaged in several places.铁轨有几个地方毁坏了。朗文当代〔trial〕We will trial the new drug in several hospitals.我们将在几家医院试用这种新药。剑桥高阶〔unacceptable〕The report found what it described as "unacceptable levels of air pollution" in several major cities.在几个大城市里都出现了这份报告所表述的“难以忍受的空气污染状况”。剑桥高阶〔unusual〕The organization is unusual in several respects.这个机构的特别之处体现在几个方面。牛津搭配〔variety〕Our supermarket stocks apples in several different varieties.我们超市有几个不同品种的苹果。剑桥高阶〔vary〕The drug is available in several forms, and dosages vary accordingly.这种药有几种形态,服用剂量也相应不同。牛津搭配〔version〕The software comes in several versions for different types of computers.该软件有适用于不同类型计算机的几种版本。麦克米伦高阶〔walnut〕The stool comes in several sizes in walnut or mahogany.凳子有好几种尺寸, 材质分胡桃木和桃花心木两种。外研社新世纪〔way〕His plan is defective in several [a number of] ways.他的计划在几个方面有缺点。文馨英汉〔way〕Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways.传染病的感染途径有几种。牛津高阶〔width〕The carpet is available in several widths.这种地毯有好多种宽度。韦氏高阶〔work in〕She worked in several important points in her article.她在她的文章中加进了几个要点。韦氏高阶She has taken part in several excavations of Roman settlements across Europe.她参加过在欧洲各地进行的罗马人定居地的数起挖掘工作。剑桥国际She was the subject of laudatory (= expressing praise) articles in several New York magazines.她是几家纽约杂志的文章称赞的对象。剑桥国际She's proficient in several languages.她精通几种语言。牛津商务That was the worst I've seen him play in several years.那是几年内我看到他表现最差的一次。剑桥国际The investigation found unacceptably high levels of lead in several areas of the city.调查在城市几个地区发现了不可接受的高铅浓度。剑桥国际We set up stalls in several shopping malls as part of an event marketing campaign.作为活动营销活动的一个项目,我们在几家商场设立了摊位。牛津商务We're trialing (= testing) the new drug in several hospitals.我们正在几所医院试用新药。剑桥国际You can customize the software in several ways.你可以用几种方式按需要编制软件。牛津商务




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