

单词 hack
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔hacker〕or perhaps from hack [practical joke, clever scheme] from dialectal hack [to embarrass, confuse, play a trick on] 或可能源自 hack [恶作剧,巧妙的花招] 源自 方言 hack [使尴尬,迷糊,捉弄某人] 美国传统〔hack〕hack a budget in half 把预算削减一半英汉大词典〔hack〕hack a farm out of the wilderness (bush) 把荒野(丛林地)开辟为农场 英汉大词典〔hack〕hack a figure out of a rock 把岩石雕刻成人像文馨英汉〔hack〕hack a passage through solid ice 在坚冰上辟出一条通道 英汉大词典〔hack〕hack at the shrubs 砍灌木英汉大词典〔hack〕hack down [off] a branch 砍下[砍断]树枝文馨英汉〔hack〕hack in wheat 碎土播下小麦英汉大词典〔hack〕hack into a bank's computer 非法闯入一家银行的电脑系统英汉大词典〔hack〕hack off dead branches 砍去枯枝英汉大词典〔hack〕hack one's way through (a jungle) 开辟道路(通过丛林)文馨英汉〔hack〕hack one's way through difficulties 克服重重困难前进英汉大词典〔hack〕hack open a path with an iron rod 用铁棍开出一条小路 英汉大词典〔hack〕hack out articles for a magazine 以雇佣文人身份为杂志撰稿英汉大词典〔hack〕hack private information from computers 从他人电脑窃取隐私信息英汉大词典〔hack〕hack prose.平庸乏味的文章美国传统〔hack〕hack sb. into pieces 把某人劈成碎块 英汉大词典〔hack〕hack sb. to death 把某人砍死 英汉大词典〔hack〕a hack writer 受雇为人写文章的人,文丐;创造能力低劣的文人文馨英汉〔hack〕a hack writer 雇佣作家韦氏高阶〔hack〕a hack writer 雇佣文人 英汉大词典〔hack〕a hack writer of cheap romances.撰写庸俗的爱情故事的雇佣文人柯林斯高阶〔hack〕a hack writer of cheap romances写廉价爱情故事的平庸作家外研社新世纪〔hack〕a literary hack 笔耕(者);劣等文人文馨英汉〔hack〕a long hack across the fields 在野外长时间骑马朗文当代〔hack〕a party hack 政党杂务人员牛津高阶〔hack〕a political hack 政治仆从英汉大词典〔hack〕a political hack 政治仆从韦氏高阶〔hack〕a smoker's hack 吸烟人的干咳韦氏高阶〔hack〕couldn't hack a second job.做不了其它工作美国传统〔hack〕do hack work for a living 受雇写文章(或画画等)谋生英汉大词典〔hack〕only if you think you can hack it除非你认为你能应付得了外研社新世纪〔hack〕put sb. under hack 使某人窘迫不堪(或不知所措)英汉大词典〔hack〕to hack a branch off剪枝21世纪英汉〔hack〕to hack in turnip碎土播种萝卜21世纪英汉〔hack〕to hack one's reputation破坏名声21世纪英汉




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