

单词 habituate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔habituated〕More people are habituated to cigarettes than to drugs or alcohol in this country.在这个国家,烟民比瘾君子或酒鬼要多。柯林斯高阶〔habituated〕People in the area are habituated to the idea of learning from the person above how to do the work.该地区的人们习惯于向上级学习如何工作。柯林斯高阶〔habituated〕We find children's emotional needs difficult to respond to because we are habituated to disregarding our own.我们难以对孩子们的情感需求作出反应,这是因为我们习惯于忽视自己的情感需求。剑桥高阶〔habituate〕He had habituated himselfto (或 He was habituated to) the solitary life.他已习惯于过离群索居生活。英汉大词典〔habituate〕He has habituateed himselfto working till midnight.他已习惯于工作到半夜。英汉大词典〔habituate〕He used to habituate the dirty bars during those days in Europe.在欧洲的那些日子他常常去下等酒吧。21世纪英汉〔habituate〕In my opinion you won't go, you're habituated to luxury.我劝你还是别去,你过惯了奢华的日子,受不了那份苦。21世纪英汉〔habituate〕Many things to habituate, someone said, could be given up.有些专家说,很多成瘾性的行为可以戒除掉。21世纪英汉〔habituate〕Over the centuries, these animals have become habituated to living in a dry environment.经过许多世纪,这些动物已经习惯于生活在干燥的环境里。朗文当代〔habituate〕The dog slowly became habituated to its new home. = The dog slowly habituated itself to its new home.那只狗慢慢适应了它的新家。韦氏高阶〔habituate〕The responsibility of command had habituated him to making quick decisions.指挥的职责已使他习惯于当机立断。英汉大词典〔habituation〕The process of habituating or the state of being habituated.成为习惯:养成习惯的过程或养成习惯的状态美国传统We find children's emotional needs difficult to respond to because we are habituated to disregarding our own.我们发现孩子们的感情需求难以得到回应,这是因为我们习惯于忽视自己的感情需求。剑桥国际




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