

单词 habits
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adscititious〕adscititious customs and habits 异俗英汉大词典〔crusted〕crusted habits 固定的习惯文馨英汉〔disorganized〕disorganized work habits 无条理的工作习惯英汉大词典〔dissocial〕dissocial habits 不爱交际的习惯英汉大词典〔domestic〕the habits of the domestic cat 家猫的习性麦克米伦高阶〔eat〕eating habits 饮食习惯朗文当代〔formation〕the formation of good habits 良好习惯的养成英汉大词典〔habit〕habits and customs 习俗 英汉大词典〔habit〕a survey on eating habits in the UK.对于英国人饮食习惯的调查柯林斯高阶〔habit〕a survey on eating habits in the UK一项对英国人的饮食习惯进行的调查外研社新世纪〔habit〕an effort to change the buying habits of the British public 为改变英国公众购物习惯而作出的努力牛津搭配〔habit〕fall into (或 pick up) bad habits 养成坏习惯 英汉大词典〔habit〕good/bad habits 良好习惯;恶习牛津高阶〔habit〕healthy eating habits 健康的饮食习惯麦克米伦高阶〔habit〕poor eating habits 不良的饮食习惯牛津搭配〔habit〕the spending habits of the average British woman 普通英国妇女的消费习惯朗文当代〔habit〕women's television viewing habits 女性的收视习惯牛津搭配〔hazardous〕hazardous driving habits 危险的驾驶习惯韦氏高阶〔hygiene〕children with poor hygiene habits 有不良卫生习惯的小孩牛津搭配〔impetuous〕be impetuous in one's habits 生性急躁英汉大词典〔implant〕habits that had been implanted early in childhood.早在童年时代就养成的习惯美国传统〔implant〕implant good habits in children 循循善诱地使孩子养成良好习惯英汉大词典〔implant〕to implant good habits in children使孩子养成好习惯21世纪英汉〔ingrained〕ingrained prejudice; the ingrained habits of a lifetime.根深蒂固的偏见;一生的根深蒂固的习惯美国传统〔ingrain〕ingrain habits 固习(或积习)英汉大词典〔inimical〕habits inimical to good health.不利于健康的习惯美国传统〔inimical〕habits inimical to health 有害健康的习惯韦氏高阶〔injurious〕eating habits that are injurious to one's health.对人健康不利的饮食习惯美国传统〔lapse〕a lapse into bad habits 沾染上坏习惯韦氏高阶〔lapse〕lapse into bad habits 沾染坏习气英汉大词典〔marginal〕the marginal cultural habits of new immigrant groups 新移民集团的尚未完全同化的文化习惯英汉大词典〔miserly〕miserly habits 守财奴(似)的习惯英汉大词典〔moderate〕a person of moderate habits 有良好生活习惯的人韦氏高阶〔old〕old customs and habits 旧风俗旧习惯英汉大词典〔permanent〕a permanent change in your eating habits 饮食习惯的永久改变朗文当代〔pick〕to pick up bad habits 染上坏习惯牛津高阶〔poll〕a poll on eating habits 关于饮食习惯的一项民意测验朗文当代〔postural〕poor postural habits 不良的姿势习惯韦氏高阶〔pretension〕the pretensions and prejudices and habits of the rich 富人的虚荣、偏见和积习英汉大词典〔questionnaire〕devise a questionnaire on children's reading habits 设计问卷调查儿童阅读习惯英汉大词典〔read〕read up (on) the habits of elephants 研究大象的习性 英汉大词典〔regularity〕regularity of habits 习惯的恒常不变英汉大词典〔remonstrate〕remonstrate with sb. about (或 on, upon, regarding) his bad habits 对某人就其不良习惯进行谏诫英汉大词典〔reprobate〕a man of reprobate habits 有恶习的人英汉大词典〔reversion〕reversion to bad habits 坏习惯的恢复英汉大词典〔shopping〕detailed portraits of consumers' shopping habits 消费者购物习惯的详细描述牛津搭配〔slide〕slide into bad habits 陷入恶习文馨英汉〔slovenly〕slovenly habits 邋遢的习惯韦氏高阶〔spending〕her husband's extravagant spending habits 她丈夫奢侈的消费习惯牛津搭配〔studious〕studious habits 好学的习惯韦氏高阶〔survey〕a survey on American drinking habits 对美国人饮酒习惯的民意调查韦氏高阶〔tidy〕tidy habits 爱整齐的习惯牛津高阶〔uncleanly〕uncleanly habits of spitting 随地吐痰不爱清洁的习惯英汉大词典〔unhealthy〕unhealthy eating habits 不健康的饮食习惯韦氏高阶〔vagrant〕vagrant habits 游民习性英汉大词典〔vile〕vile habits 恶习英汉大词典〔wasteful〕wasteful habits 挥霍的习惯英汉大词典〔wicked〕wicked habits 恶习英汉大词典〔wishful〕her wishful attempts to change her husband's bad habits 她试图改变丈夫坏习惯的一厢情愿的努力韦氏高阶〔yoke〕the yoke of old habits 旧习惯的羁绊英汉大词典




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