

单词 in tears
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRY〕All the worry and anxiety had been too much for her, and she suddenly broke down in tears. 她承受不了那么多的忧虑,突然放声大哭。朗文写作活用〔CRY〕Everyone started to laugh and Frank ran out of the room in tears. 所有人笑起来,弗兰克流着泪奔出房间。朗文写作活用〔CRY〕Most of us were in tears by the time he'd finished his story. 他讲完故事,我们大部分人都哭了。朗文写作活用〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕She was visibly shaken by the severity of her sentence, and left the court in tears. 量刑之重显然使她大受打击,她哭着离开了法庭。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕The virus is present in tears and saliva, but in very small amounts. 这种病毒存在于眼泪和唾液里,但是量很少。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕Never have an affair with a work colleague - they usually end in tears. 千万不要与同事有暧昧关系—这种事通常不会有好结果的。朗文写作活用〔bathe in〕The girl's face was bathed in tears.女孩泪流满面。21世纪英汉〔bathe〕Her eyes were bathed in tears.她眼泪汪汪。英汉大词典〔break down〕The young woman broke down in tears.这名年轻妇人痛哭流涕。柯林斯高阶〔break〕She broke down in tears as she spoke to reporters.她向记者诉说时,忍不住哭了起来。牛津搭配〔break〕She broke down in tears when she heard the news.她听到这个消息禁不住泪流满面。朗文当代〔composure〕The widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure.寡妇失声痛哭,但她的女儿都保持着冷静。朗文当代〔drown in〕Her eyes were drowned in tears.她眼泪汪汪。21世纪英汉〔end in tears〕In our family, discussions about money always seem to end in tears.在我们家,关于钱的讨论似乎总是以不愉快结束。韦氏高阶〔end〕After all that excitement the day was bound to end in tears (= unhappily).在所有的兴奋过后,这一天注定要以不快而结束。牛津搭配〔funny〕Paul; poor Teresa was nearly in tears.没什么好笑的,保罗,可怜的特里萨都快哭了。朗文当代〔go〕She left the room in tears so I went after her.她流着泪离开了房间,于是我跟着追了出去。牛津高阶〔grown〕I don't like to see a grown man in tears.我讨厌看大男人哭鼻子。剑桥高阶〔have〕His sad story almost had us in tears.他悲惨的经历几乎让我们流下了眼泪。麦克米伦高阶〔heart〕Finally, he broke down in tears and poured out his heart to her.最后他潸然泪下,向她倾诉衷肠。牛津搭配〔inevitably〕Their arguments inevitably end in tears.他们的争论不可避免地以眼泪告终。剑桥高阶〔in〕Some of the children were in tears.在哭麦克米伦高阶〔it'll (all) end in tears〕She only met him in May and they were married by July. It'll end in tears, you'll see.她五月才认识他,然后他们七月就结婚了。这不会有好结果的,你等着瞧吧。剑桥高阶〔lead〕She was led away from the courtroom in tears.她哭着被带离法庭。朗文当代〔nearly〕She was nearly in tears.她差点儿落泪。外研社新世纪〔obviously〕He was in tears and obviously very upset.他泪流满面,显然很难过。剑桥高阶〔offstage〕She ran offstage in tears.她哭着跑下台。柯林斯高阶〔offstage〕She ran offstage in tears.她哭着跑下舞台。外研社新世纪〔oratorical〕He reached oratorical heights which left his players in tears.听他说到动情处, 他的队员不禁热泪盈眶。外研社新世纪〔reap〕They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.流着眼泪播种的人,才会享受到收获时的欢乐。21世纪英汉〔seam〕She was falling apart at the seams, spending most of her time in tears.她成天泪汪汪的,都快垮了。牛津高阶〔sofa〕He slumped back on the sofa in tears.他眼含热泪跌回沙发里。牛津搭配〔soft〕I was in tears by the end of the film — I'm awfully soft at times.影片结尾时我已泪水涟涟——我这人有时心肠挺软的。英汉大词典〔sow〕May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy! 愿艰苦创业者终能欢呼成功!英汉大词典〔so〕So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears.就这样,又嚷又叫了一个小时后,她流着泪走了出来。牛津高阶〔tears〕She was in tears.她哭了。外研社新世纪〔tear〕He came to me in tears.他流着泪来找我。牛津搭配〔tear〕I found him in tears in his bedroom.我发现他在卧室里哭泣。剑桥高阶〔tear〕On hearing the bad news, he dissolved in tears.一听到那坏消息,他泪流满面地哭起来。英汉大词典〔tear〕She broke down in tears in court.她在法庭上突然泪如泉涌。牛津搭配〔tear〕The children were all in tears .孩子们全都哭了。朗文当代〔tear〕We found Mary in tears because John had broken her doll.我们发现玛丽在哭,因为约翰弄坏了她的玩具娃娃。英汉大词典〔welter〕The widow weltered in tears.那个寡妇哭成了泪人儿。21世纪英汉He was in tears and obviously very upset.他哭着,显然很难过。剑桥国际Her eyes were bathed in tears. 她眼泪汪汪。译典通I found him in tears (= crying) in his bedroom.我发现他在卧室里哭泣。剑桥国际She fled (from) the room in tears. [T; I + from] 她满脸是泪地逃出了房间。剑桥国际Some people were in tears at the end of the film.影片结束时很多人都落了泪。剑桥国际The little girl was already in tears. 小女孩已经在哭了。译典通They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 流泪撒种的必欢呼收割。译典通




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