

单词 grand
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Grand Prix〕racing drivers on Grand Prix circuits参加国际汽车大奖赛巡回赛的赛车手外研社新世纪〔Grand Prix〕the Argentine Grand Prix racing driver国际汽车大奖赛阿根廷站的赛车手外研社新世纪〔PICTURE〕a painting of the Grand Canal in Venice by Canaletto 卡纳莱托画的威尼斯大运河朗文写作活用〔Portuguese〕the Portuguese Grand Prix.葡萄牙国际汽车大奖赛柯林斯高阶〔Portuguese〕the Portuguese Grand Prix葡萄牙国际汽车大奖赛外研社新世纪〔abyss〕the gaping abyss between these grand buildings and my own miserable home 这些高楼大厦和自家陋室的天壤之别朗文当代〔baby〕a baby grand piano 一台袖珍型三角钢琴韦氏高阶〔book〕booksb. in at a grand hotel 为某人在一家豪华宾馆预订房间英汉大词典〔enunciation〕the enunciation of grand moral principles对重要道德原则的阐述外研社新世纪〔festoon〕a grand amphitheater, whose huge columns were wreathed with festoons of laurel and of magnolia.壮观的环形剧场,巨大的柱子上缠绕着月桂和木兰花做的花彩柯林斯高阶〔fusty〕a grand rather fusty hotel 一家非常气派的旧式宾馆麦克米伦高阶〔gala〕a grand gala celebrating the town's centennial 庆祝建镇百年的盛大庆典韦氏高阶〔grand duchy〕the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg卢森堡大公国外研社新世纪〔grand master〕a grand master of foreign diplomacy.外交大师美国传统〔grand old man〕the grand old man of the American theater 美国戏剧界元老韦氏高阶〔grand prix〕the Italian Grand Prix 意大利国际赛车大奖赛剑桥高阶〔grand slam〕a golfer trying to win the Grand Slam 努力赢得大满贯的高尔夫球手韦氏高阶〔grand〕grand ideas.崇高的思想。牛津同义词〔grand〕grand mountain scenery壮丽的山峦景色外研社新世纪〔grand〕grand scenery 壮丽的景色英汉大词典〔grand〕a Grand Duke/Duchess 大公爵;大公爵夫人韦氏高阶〔grand〕a grand adventure 愉快的奇遇英汉大词典〔grand〕a grand air 尊贵威严的气势英汉大词典〔grand〕a grand banquet 盛大的宴会英汉大词典〔grand〕a grand country house 豪华的乡间大宅朗文当代〔grand〕a grand hotel 大宾馆英汉大词典〔grand〕a grand marshal 大元帅英汉大词典〔grand〕a grand occasion.盛大的场面。牛津同义词〔grand〕a grand plan to reform US health care 一项改革美国医疗卫生系统的宏伟计划麦克米伦高阶〔grand〕a performance in the grand manner.出众的表演。美国传统〔grand〕spoil 23 grand worth of meat 糟塌价值2万3千元的肉英汉大词典〔grand〕the Grand Canyon 大峡谷剑桥高阶〔grand〕the Grand Hotel 大酒店剑桥高阶〔grand〕the Grand Old Man of British theatre 英国戏剧界的老前辈朗文当代〔grand〕the grand ballroom of a hotel.旅馆的主舞厅美国传统〔grand〕the grand champion 总冠军韦氏高阶〔grand〕the grand sum (或result) of sb.'s achievements 某人的全部成就英汉大词典〔grand〕the beauty of nature's grand design 大自然的宏伟设计之美韦氏高阶〔grand〕the last game played at that grand old stadium 在大体育馆举行的最后一场比赛麦克米伦高阶〔grand〕this grand building in the center of town.这幢位于市中心的宏伟建筑柯林斯高阶〔grand〕this grand building in the centre of town这座位于市中心的宏伟建筑外研社新世纪〔heel〕this once grand and now a little down at heel Piccadilly hotel皮卡迪利这家曾经富丽堂皇如今已经显得有些破旧的酒店外研社新世纪〔imposing〕a grand and imposing building 雄伟壮观的建筑物牛津高阶〔invest ... with〕to invest somebody with the Grand Cross授予某人大十字勋章21世纪英汉〔liqueur〕liqueurs such as Grand Marnier and Kirsch柑曼怡、樱桃酒等利口酒外研社新世纪〔lush〕the lush décor of a grand hotel.豪华酒店的华丽装饰美国传统〔manoeuvre〕carry out grand manoeuvres 举行大规模演习英汉大词典〔narrative〕the grand narratives of history 对历史的宏伟叙述牛津搭配〔narrative〕the grand narratives of nation, race, and faith 对国家、种族和信仰的宏大陈述剑桥高阶〔overarching〕a grand overarching strategy 关乎全局的重大策略剑桥高阶〔post-modernist〕the post-modernist suspicion of grand ideological narratives.后现代主义者对宏大的意识形态叙事的怀疑柯林斯高阶〔razz〕give sb. the grand razz for his funny accent 因某人口音奇特对他大肆嘲笑英汉大词典〔reception〕a grand National Day reception 盛大的国庆招待会英汉大词典〔save〕save one's best clothes for grand occasions 把自己最好的衣服留着在盛大场面上穿英汉大词典〔seafront〕the grand houses along the seafront 滨海区的豪宅牛津高阶〔shot〕a wide-angle shot showing the Grand Canyon 展现大峡谷风光的广角镜头牛津搭配〔theory〕a grand unified theory of the physical forces governing matter 控制物质的各种物理作用力的大统一理论牛津搭配〔track〕a Formula One Grand Prix track(= for motor racing) 一级方程式大奖赛赛道牛津高阶〔unworldly〕the unworldly beauty of the Grand Canyon 大峡谷的超凡之美韦氏高阶〔vizier〕the grand vizier (昔日回教国家的)首相,内阁总理文馨英汉




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