

单词 hop on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET ON OR OFF A BUS, PLANE ETC〕Karl hopped on the first plane back to Germany. 卡尔搭乘第一班飞机回了德国。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕Sue is pinning all her hopes on getting this job. 休把所有的希望都寄托在得到这份工作上。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕More and more Republicans are hopping on the tax bandwagon to attract more voters. 越来越多的共和党人都在赶税务的潮流来吸引更多的选民。朗文写作活用〔addict〕He was addicted to poetry and hoped one day to be a poet himself.他醉心于诗歌,希望有一天自己成为一个诗人。英汉大词典〔anchor〕She anchored her hope on (或in) her friend's help.她寄希望于朋友的帮助。21世纪英汉〔base〕I base my hopes on that good news.我的希望是以那项好消息为根据。文馨英汉〔build on〕I've built all my hopes on this dictionary being published.我寄一切希望于这部词典的出版上了。21世纪英汉〔compliment〕Thank you so much for your help - I hope one day I'll be able to return/repay the compliment (= do something good for you).多谢你的帮助——我希望有朝一日能报答你。剑桥高阶〔fix on〕They fixed all their hopes on their king.他们把他们所有的希望寄托在国王的身上。21世纪英汉〔fix〕They fixed all their hopes on their king.他们把全部希望寄托于国王。英汉大词典〔hope〕He pinned all his hopes on getting that job.他把希望全寄托在得到那份工作上了。牛津搭配〔hope〕They have pinned (all) their hopes on (= they are depending for success on) their new player.他们把(所有)希望都寄托在新队员身上了。剑桥高阶〔hope〕We pin our hopes on the meeting.我们把希望寄托在这次会议上。英汉大词典〔hop〕I hopped on the bus at the traffic lights.我在红绿灯处匆匆跳上公共汽车。剑桥高阶〔hop〕I hopped on the next train.我跳上了下一列火车。牛津高阶〔hop〕I tried to hop on my good foot while holding onto Jim.我抓住吉姆,并用我的那只好脚努力向前跳。剑桥高阶〔hop〕My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board.我和妻子是最早赶到登船的。柯林斯高阶〔hop〕She hopped on the train/elevator/plane.她迅速上了火车/电梯/飞机。韦氏高阶〔hop〕So we hopped on a plane to Boston for the meeting.于是我们乘飞机去波士顿开会。麦克米伦高阶〔horizon〕There are glimmers of hope on the horizon.就快看见希望的曙光了。柯林斯高阶〔horizon〕There are glimmers of hope on the horizon.眼下还有些许希望。外研社新世纪〔pant forth〕The old man panted forth the hope on his deathbed will.老人临终时气喘吁吁地说出了他的临终遗嘱。21世纪英汉〔pin on〕Many cancer patients are pinning their hopes on a new drug that is now being developed.许多癌症病人正寄希望于一种正在研制中的新药。韦氏高阶〔pin on〕The Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election.民主党人把希望寄托在下次选举上。外研社新世纪〔pin on〕You shouldn't pin all your hopes on getting the job.你不能把所有希望寄托在得到这份工作上。韦氏高阶〔pin〕Chris is pinning his hopes on getting into Yale.克里斯把希望寄托在进耶鲁大学上。朗文当代〔pin〕The Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election.民主党人把希望寄托在下次选举上。柯林斯高阶〔pin〕The company is pinning its hopes on the new project.这家公司对此新项目寄予厚望。牛津高阶〔place〕We place the hope on the broad masses.我们把希望寄托于广大群众。21世纪英汉〔put〕I don't put much hope on this plan.我对这计划不寄于更多的希望。21世纪英汉〔rest〕It is dangerous to rest hopes on fanciful hypotheses.把希望建立在空想的假设上是危险的。英汉大词典〔rest〕She rested her last hope on her husband.她把最后的希望寄托在丈夫身上。21世纪英汉〔rest〕We rest our hope on you.我们寄希望于你。英汉大词典〔skip〕To move by hopping on one foot and then the other.跳:通过一会儿这只脚跳然后另一脚跳来移动美国传统〔surpass〕He hopes one day to surpass the world record.他希望有一天能刷新世界纪录。牛津高阶I saw him hop on a bus. 我看见他跳上公车。译典通They have pinned (all) their hopes on (= They are depending for success on) their new player.他们把(所有成功的)希望寄托在新队员身上。剑桥国际




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