

单词 addressed
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔address〕addressed me in low tones.低声与我交谈美国传统〔address〕addressed the issue of absenteeism.处理旷工事宜美国传统〔bold〕an envelope addressed to her in a bold black hand 用又粗又黑的字写给她的一个信封朗文当代〔enclose〕please enclose a stamped addressed envelope请附上邮资已付、写好地址的回邮信封外研社新世纪〔envelope〕an envelope addressed in my mother's round handwriting 用我母亲的圆体字迹书写地址的信封牛津搭配〔feminist〕the concerns addressed by the feminist movement.女权运动致力解决的问题柯林斯高阶〔incorrect〕an incorrectly addressed letter 地址有误的信件牛津高阶〔master〕the letter was addressed to Master John Owen. 这封信的收信人是约翰·欧文少爷。剑桥高阶〔over〕addressed us over the loudspeaker; can't tell you over the phone.透过扩音器对我们演讲;不能通过电话告诉你美国传统〔package〕a package addressed to Miss Claire Montgomery.寄给克莱尔·蒙哥马利小姐的包裹柯林斯高阶〔time〕knocked three times; addressed Congress for the last time before retirement.敲了三下;退休前最后一次在议会演讲美国传统a letter addressed to ‘The Occupiers’ 写给“住户”的一封信牛津商务




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