

单词 ah
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETTER〕What's wrong with this TV set? It doesn't seem to be working -- ah, that's more like it. 这电视机怎么啦?好像是坏了一哦,现在好一点了。朗文写作活用〔ON TIME〕Ah, Mrs Shields, you're right on time! 啊,希尔德夫人,你来得正好准时!朗文写作活用〔ah〕Ah me! 哎哟!英汉大词典〔ah〕Ah well, better luck next time.好啦好啦,祝你下次运气好一些。牛津高阶〔ah〕Ah yes, I remember now.啊,对了,我现在想起来了。麦克米伦高阶〔ah〕Ah, I remember the good old days.啊,我记得过去那些美好时光。韦氏高阶〔ah〕Ah, I see.啊,我明白了。剑桥高阶〔ah〕Ah, Jessica, how wonderful to see you! 啊,杰茜卡,见到你真是太好了!剑桥高阶〔ah〕Ah, but ...啊,不过…文馨英汉〔ah〕Ah, but that may not be true.不过嘛,那可能不是真的。牛津高阶〔ah〕Ah, how beautiful she is! 啊,她好漂亮!文馨英汉〔ah〕Ah, so many questions, so little time.啊, 这么多的问题, 这么少的时间。外研社新世纪〔ah〕Ah, so many questions, so little time.啊,这么多问题,这么短的时间。柯林斯高阶〔ah〕Ah, so that's where the idea came from! 啊,原来这个主意是这么来的!韦氏高阶〔ah〕Ah, that feels good.啊,那种感觉很好。韦氏高阶〔ah〕Ah, that's really kind of you.啊,你可真好。麦克米伦高阶〔ah〕Ah, there you are! 啊,你原来在这儿!牛津高阶〔ah〕Ah, this coffee is good.啊,这咖啡真好。牛津高阶〔ah〕Ah, well, ...啊,好吧[算了]…文馨英汉〔ah〕Ah, what a lovely baby! 啊,多可爱的宝宝啊!剑桥高阶〔ah〕Ah, yes, now I remember.啊,是的,现在我想起来了。韦氏高阶〔ah〕Have you seen Jackie? Ah, there she is.你看见杰基啦?啊,她在那儿。麦克米伦高阶〔ah〕I'm meeting Anna Langenbach. Ah, this seems to be the train now.我要去见安娜·朗根巴赫。啊,这像是我要乘坐的火车了。柯林斯高阶〔ah〕I'm meeting Anna Turner. Ah, this seems to be the train now.我来接安娜•特纳。啊, 好像就是现在这趟火车。外研社新世纪〔ah〕Why has the train stopped? Ah, now we're off again.火车怎么停了?啊,现在又开了。剑桥高阶〔better〕Ah, that's better. I needed to sit down.啊,现在好多了,我需要坐下来。朗文当代〔bless〕Was she crying? Ah, bless! 她哭了吗?哎呀,小可怜!剑桥高阶〔character〕Ah Q is the principal character in one of Lu Xun's novels.阿Q是鲁迅一部小说中的主人公。英汉大词典〔come〕Ah, here comes the bus at last! 啊,公共汽车终于来了!朗文当代〔diddums!〕He called you a bad name, did he? Ah, diddums! 他骂了你,是不是?哎哟,真可笑!剑桥高阶〔dotey〕Ah, a dotey little love she was.啊,她真是个惹人爱的小宝贝。英汉大词典〔footloose〕Ah, I was still footloose and fancy-free(= free to enjoy myself)in those days.啊,那些日子我还是自由自在、无忧无虑的。牛津高阶〔grace〕Ah so you've decided to grace us with your presence! 啊,这么说你已经决定光临,给我们增辉添彩!朗文当代〔here〕Ah, here you are! I've been looking everywhere for you.哦,你在这儿!我一直在到处找你呢。麦克米伦高阶〔here〕Ah, here's the book I've been looking for.哇,这正是我一直在找的书。韦氏高阶〔here〕Ah, look – here's the postman.啊,瞧! 邮递员来了。朗文当代〔here〕I know I left my glasses in here. Ah, here we are!我知道我把眼镜落在这儿了。啊, 找到了。外研社新世纪〔here〕Now where did I put Sally's letter? Ah, here we are! 咦,我把萨莉的信放在哪儿了?哦,找到了!麦克米伦高阶〔life〕Ah, this is the life! Lying on the beach, sipping cool drinks.啊,这样才是生活!在沙滩上躺躺,喝着清凉的饮料。朗文当代〔me〕Ah (或Dear) me! 哎哟! 英汉大词典〔render〕Ah Q was well (poorly) rendered by him.阿Q被他演得活龙活现(演砸了)。英汉大词典〔there〕Ah, there's the book I've been looking for.啊,这就是我一直在找的那本书。韦氏高阶〔the〕The True Story of Ah Q 《阿Q正传》英汉大词典〔those were the days〕We were young and madly in love. Ah, those were the days! 我们当时都很年轻,正处于热恋之中。唉,那时候多好啊!剑桥高阶〔um and ah〕After some umming and ahing, we decided to move in together.犹豫了一会儿后,我们决定一起搬进去。麦克米伦高阶〔um and ah〕Stop umming and ahing and just get on with it.不要犹豫不决了,快点做吧。麦克米伦高阶〔very〕Ah, the very man I was looking for!啊, 这正是我要找的人!外研社新世纪〔yes〕Ah yes, but think of all the family life they're missing.是这样,不过别忘了他们错过了多少天伦之乐。柯林斯高阶Ah yes, now I see what's wrong--the wires have come loose.啊,是的,现在我知道什么出毛病了----是导线松了。剑桥国际Ah, Jessica, I'm glad you could make it.啊,杰西卡,我很高兴你能赶到。剑桥国际Ah, at last I've got a bite.哈,鱼终于上钩了。剑桥国际Ah, it's wonderful to see you again.啊,再次见到你太好了。剑桥国际Ah, that's terrible, you must have been in such pain.啊,太可怕了,你一定曾处于这样的痛苦之中。剑桥国际I need something to give this sauce a bit of flavour -- ah, a lemon should do the trick.我需要点什么给这个调料加一点味----啊,一个柠檬就该行了。剑桥国际




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