

单词 hurl
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔hurl〕hurl a javelin 掷标枪英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl a stone at 向…扔石子英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl accusations at sb.口诛某人英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl insults 恶狠狠地辱骂英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl oneself at (或upon) the enemy 向敌人猛扑过去英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl oneself into the job with enthusiasm 以极大热情投入到工作中英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl oneself to the ground 扑倒在地英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl the tyrant from his throne 把暴君赶下王位英汉大词典〔hurl〕a hurl in a coach乘马车外研社新世纪〔hurl〕to hurl one's father behind him在父亲身后追赶21世纪英汉〔hurl〕to hurl oneself at (或 upon)向…猛扑过去21世纪英汉〔hurl〕to hurl oneself into the water猛地跳入水中21世纪英汉〔hurl〕to hurl something into the air.把某物猛掷到空中。牛津同义词〔nose〕hurl sb. onto his nose 把某人摔个嘴啃泥英汉大词典〔venomous〕hurl venomous attacks at each other 相互进行恶毒攻击英汉大词典




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