

单词 hard-boiled
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Scotch egg〕A hard-boiled egg wrapped in sausage meat, coated with bread crumbs, and deep-fried.苏格兰煮蛋:包在腊肠肉里并裹上面包渣的煎鸡蛋,还要透彻油煎美国传统〔bread〕He was a hard-boiled businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.他是一个不动感情专讲实际的商人,深知自己的利益所在。英汉大词典〔caricature〕His performance in the film was a caricature of a hard-boiled detective.他在影片中把一个冷硬派侦探演得很夸张。韦氏高阶〔chef's salad〕A tossed green salad that usually includes raw vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, and julienne strips of cheese and meat.特大色拉:一种搅拌的蔬菜色拉,通常包括生蔬菜、煮鸡蛋、干酪丝和肉丝美国传统〔gumshoe〕The movie's main character is a hard-boiled gumshoe.电影主角是一名作风强硬的私家侦探。韦氏高阶〔hard-boiled〕She ate a hard-boiled egg for breakfast.她吃了个煮透的鸡蛋当早饭。外研社新世纪〔hard-boiled〕She's hard-boiled, tough and funny.她冷峻、坚韧而风趣。柯林斯高阶〔hard-boiled〕She's hard-boiled, tough and funny.她愤世嫉俗、性格顽强而又风趣。外研社新世纪〔hard-boiled〕The film stars Kathleen Turner as the hard-boiled detective of Sarah Paretsky's novel.根据萨拉‧帕雷特斯基的小说改编的电影中,凯瑟琳‧特纳担纲主角,扮演冷酷的警探。剑桥高阶〔peel〕Peel and quarter four hard-boiled eggs.将四个煮老的鸡蛋剥皮, 每个切成四等份。外研社新世纪〔pirog〕A large, flat, usually square or rectangular Russian pastry filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage often mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs.(某种)俄式馅饼:一种大而扁的、常做成正方或长方形的俄罗斯馅饼,用细肉末或白菜和熟鸡蛋碎末做馅美国传统〔rubbery〕The hard-boiled eggs were tough and rubbery.煮过头的鸡蛋吃起来韧硬似橡胶。韦氏高阶〔salade niçoise〕A salad of tomatoes, anchovies, black olives, and other ingredients, especially green beans, tuna, and hard-boiled egg.尼斯式色拉:以蕃茄、?鱼、黑橄榄和其它原料,尤指青豆、鲔鱼及久煮蛋等所做成的色拉美国传统〔wager〕He tried to eat 50 hard-boiled eggs, for a wager.他为了打赌试图吃下50个全熟的煮鸡蛋。剑桥高阶He tried to eat 50 hard-boiled eggs, for a wager.他跟人打赌,试图吃下50只煮熟的蛋。剑桥国际The film stars Kathleen Turner as the hard-boiled detective of Sarah Paretsky's novel.该影片起用凯瑟琳·特纳扮演莎拉·帕瑞斯基小说中不动感情的侦探。剑桥国际




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