

单词 grammatical form
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔feminine〕Abbr. fem.,f.,F.Grammar Designating or belonging to the gender of words or grammatical forms that refer chiefly to females or to things classified as female.缩写 fem.,f.,F.【语法】 阴性的:属于或指示性别的词或语法形式,主要指女性的或归为女性类的事物美国传统〔gender〕The classification of a word or grammatical form in such a category.有性别的字的区分:在这种类别中,一个单词或语法形式的分类美国传统〔grammatical gender〕Gender assigned to a word arbitrarily or on the basis of its grammatical form.词性:任意地或基于词的语法形式规定给词的性美国传统〔honorific〕A title, phrase, or grammatical form conveying respect, used especially when addressing a social superior.敬语,尊称:用于表达敬意的头衔,短语或语法形式,尤指称呼社会层次较高的人美国传统〔masculine〕Abbr. masc.,m.,M.Grammar Relating or belonging to the gender of words or grammatical forms that refer chiefly to males or to things classified as male.缩写 masc.,m.,M.【语法】 阳性的,阳性词的:属于或关于阳性的或在语法上主要是指阳性的或归类为阳性的美国传统〔plural〕Abbr. pl.,plu.Grammar Of, relating to, or being a grammatical form that designates more than one of the things specified.缩写 pl.,plu.【语法】 复数形态的:属于、关于或是表示特定事物中的一个以上事物语法形式的美国传统〔third person〕A grammatical form belonging to such a set.第三人称:属于第三人称的某种语法形式美国传统〔third person〕A set of grammatical forms used in referring to a person or thing other than the speaker or the one spoken to.第三人称:一套用于指说话人或说话对象之外的人或物的语法形式美国传统〔third person〕Reference of a grammatical form to a person or thing other than the speaker or the one spoken to.第三人称:一种与谈话者及说话对象之外的人或物有关的语法形式美国传统I spent most of my time in French lessons conjugating (= listing the different grammatical forms of) irregular verbs.我法语课的大部分时间都花在整理配对的不规则动词上面。剑桥国际




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