

单词 impairment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AIDS dementia complex〕The neurological disease complex that is sometimes experienced by AIDS patients, caused by neuron injury and death and characterized by cognitive impairment.艾滋病痴呆综合症:艾滋病病人偶尔患有的精神病综合症,由神经元受损及死亡引起,症状为认知能力下降美国传统〔Asperger's syndrome〕A psychiatric disorder, most often noted during the early school years, characterized by impairments in social interaction and repetitive behavior patterns.亚斯普杰氏症候群:常发生在小学低年级学生中的精神紊乱,症状为社交能力差和重复性的行为模式美国传统〔abulia〕Loss or impairment of the ability to make decisions or act independently.意志缺失,丧志症:做出决断或独自行动的能力遭到损害或丧失美国传统〔afflict〕There are two main problems which afflict people with hearing impairments.听力有障碍的人主要受到两大问题的困扰。外研社新世纪〔afflict〕There are two main problems which afflict people with hearing impairments.听力有障碍的人们主要受到两大问题的困扰。柯林斯高阶〔apoplexy〕Sudden impairment of neurological function, especially that resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage; a stroke.中风:神经功能的突然损害,尤指因脑损伤而导致;中风美国传统〔apraxia〕Total or partial loss of the ability to perform coordinated movements or manipulate objects in the absence of motor or sensory impairment.运动不能,失用症:消失肌肉运动或感官损害时,进行协调运动或控制物体时能力的总体或部分丧失美国传统〔asylum〕An institution for the care of people, especially those with physical or mental impairments, who require organized supervision or assistance.收容所,救济院,精神病院:为人们提供帮助的场所,尤指对身体或精神有缺陷的,需要有组织地管理或帮助的人美国传统〔biofouling〕The impairment or degradation of something, such as a ship's hull or mechanical equipment, as a result of the growth or activity of living organisms.生物毁损:因活生物体的繁殖或活动而使物体(如船体或机械设备)受到损坏或退化美国传统〔cataract〕Pathology Opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causing impairment of vision or blindness.【病理学】 白内障:眼球晶状体或眼膜的不透明,能引起视力损伤或失明美国传统〔challenged〕Having a disability or impairment.残障的:有残疾或缺损美国传统〔contraindication〕Contraindications for this drug include liver or kidney impairment.这种药物的禁忌证包括肝脏或肾脏损伤。外研社新世纪〔contraindication〕Contraindications for this drug include liver or kidney impairment.这种药物的禁忌证包括肝脏或肾脏损伤。柯林斯高阶〔damage〕Impairment of the usefulness or value of person or property; harm.损害,破坏:对有用或有价值的人或财产的破坏;伤害美国传统〔deficit〕A deficiency or impairment in mental or physical functioning.缺陷:身心功能方面的不健全美国传统〔degeneration〕Medicine Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.【医学】 变性:特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质美国传统〔disability〕A disadvantage or deficiency, especially a physical or mental impairment that prevents or restricts normal achievement.限制,不利条件:不利的条件或不健全,尤指由于身体或智力受损而阻碍或限制正常发展美国传统〔drunk〕Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor to the point of impairment of physical and mental faculties.醉的:过度饮用酒精饮料,导致妨碍身体和大脑的正常功能美国传统〔dysarthria〕Difficulty in articulating words, caused by impairment of the muscles used in speech.发音困难,构音障碍:发音肌肉损伤所造成发音困难与不清晰美国传统〔dyscalculia〕Impairment of the ability to solve mathematical problems, usually resulting from brain dysfunction.计算障碍:数学计算能力低下,常由脑部功能损伤而引起美国传统〔dysgraphia〕Impairment of the ability to write, usually caused by brain dysfunction or disease.书写困难:书写能力受损,通常因大脑机能障碍或疾病引起美国传统〔dyskinesia〕An impairment in the ability to control movements, characterized by spasmodic or repetitive motions or lack of coordination.运动障碍:限制运动能力的障碍,以痉挛或频繁重复的动作或缺乏协调性为特征美国传统〔dyslexia〕A learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words.诵读困难:一种学习障碍,症状是识别或理解书写文字的能力受到损伤美国传统〔dysphasia〕Impairment of speech and verbal comprehension, especially when associated with brain injury.难语症,诵读困难症:语言或文字理解能力受损,尤指那些与大脑受损伤相联系的美国传统〔impairment〕He has a visual impairment in the right eye.他右眼有视力障碍。外研社新世纪〔impairment〕He has a visual impairment in the right eye.他右眼视力有损伤。柯林斯高阶〔impairment〕Renal impairment needs to be treated urgently.肾功能障碍必须尽快医治。剑桥高阶〔impairment〕The loud noise caused impairment of her hearing.巨大的噪声对她的听力造成了损伤。韦氏高阶〔mild cognitive impairment〕People with mild cognitive impairment have an increased risk of developing dementia.轻度认知缺损者得痴呆症的风险较高。剑桥高阶〔paralysis〕Loss or impairment of the ability to move a body part, usually as a result of damage to its nerve supply.瘫痪症,麻痹症:通常由于移动身体某一部位的神经供给受破坏而使其能力丧失或受阻美国传统〔physically challenged〕Having a physical disability or impairment, especially one that limits mobility.身体残障的:有身体方面的残疾或是损伤的,特别指无法行动的人美国传统〔sequela〕Mild cognitive impairment is a sequela of having multiple concussions while playing football.轻度认知障碍是因踢足球而遭受多次脑震荡的一个后遗症。剑桥高阶〔wear〕Gradual impairment or diminution resulting from use or attrition.穿破,磨损:因使用或磨损造成的逐渐损坏或减少美国传统〔wind-broken〕Suffering from the heaves or other impairment of breathing. Used of a horse.气喘的,呼吸困难的:受气喘或其他呼吸不畅的。用于指马美国传统An impairment charge will have to be taken (= paid) to cover the drop in value of their properties.他们不得不收取减值费以弥补财产的贬值。牛津商务Lack of oxygen at birth can result in mental impairment.出生时缺氧会造成智力损伤。剑桥国际




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