

单词 ice hockey
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assist〕A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal.助杀,助攻:在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分美国传统〔back-check〕To check or defend against an ice hockey opponent while skating back toward one's own goal.后场阻挡:冰上曲棍球比赛中滑回本方球门区时阻挡或防御对方球员美国传统〔board check〕A body check, as in ice hockey, in which a player pushes or bumps an opponent into the boards.护板阻挡:冰上曲棍球中的身体阻挡,球员令对方球员挤到或撞到球场护板美国传统〔body check〕A check, as in ice hockey, in which a player impedes another with the body.身体阻挡:冰上曲棍球中的阻挡,球员用身体阻截对方美国传统〔captain〕She captained the Canadian ice hockey team for three years.她曾担任加拿大冰球队的队长3年。剑桥高阶〔check〕Sports The act of blocking or impeding an opponent in control of the puck in ice hockey, either with one's body or one's stick.【体育运动】 身体阻挡:在冰球运动中为了控制冰球而用身体或球棍阻挡或挤贴对手的行为美国传统〔check〕Sports To block or impede (an opposing player with the puck) in ice hockey by using one's body or one's stick.【体育运动】 阻挡:在冰球运动中用身体或球棍阻挡或挤贴(控制着冰球的对手)美国传统〔check〕Sports To block or impede an opposing player carrying the puck in ice hockey.【体育运动】 阻拦:冰球运动中阻拦或挤贴控制着冰球的对队员美国传统〔contact〕Ice hockey is a contact sport.冰球是一项允许身体碰撞的运动。韦氏高阶〔crosscheck〕Sports To check illegally in ice hockey by striking an opponent with one's hockey stick held in both hands and lifted off the ice.【体育运动】 阻碍:在冰球比赛中两手握球棍举离冰面以阻挡对手前进,并且被认为是犯规的行为美国传统〔dangerous〕His parents won't let him play ice hockey because they think it's too dangerous.他的父母不让他打冰球,因为他们认为太危险。剑桥高阶〔face〕To start play in ice hockey, lacrosse, and other games by releasing the puck or ball between two opposing players.开球:在冰球、曲棍球和其它的比赛中将冰球或球落在两对手之间进行开球美国传统〔five hole〕The space between a goalie's leg pads, as in ice hockey.五洞:(冰上曲棍球)守门员双腿护垫间的空隙美国传统〔hat trick〕Three consecutive wins, hits, or goals made by one player in one game, as in ice hockey.连续三胜的成绩:如在冰上曲棍球运动等的一场比赛中由一个运动员连续取得的三次胜利、击中或得分美国传统〔high-sticking〕The act of carrying the blade of an ice hockey stick at a height ruled illegal.举杆过肩:在冰球比赛中把球棍弯头举过了规定高度的动作美国传统〔high-stick〕To strike (an opponent) with a high stick in ice hockey.高击:冰上曲棍球中用高击击中(对方球员)美国传统〔hockey〕Ice hockey.冰上曲棍球美国传统〔hook check〕A check in ice hockey in which a defender uses the crook of the stick to pull the puck away from an opponent.钩球阻挡:冰上曲棍球中的阻挡动作,防守球员用曲棍球球杆的弯钩部将冰球从对方球员控制范围内拖离美国传统〔ice〕Sports To shoot (the puck) far out of defensive territory in ice hockey.【体育运动】 冰球中在远离防守区时击(球)美国传统〔icing〕Sports The act of intentionally shooting the puck far out of defensive territory in ice hockey.【体育运动】 死球:冰球运动中故意将球打出防守方区外的行为美国传统〔major league〕A league of principal importance in other professional sports, such as basketball, football, or ice hockey.总联合会:其他重要的职业性体育运动,例如篮球、足球或冰球的联合会美国传统〔neutral zone〕Sports The area of an ice hockey rink between the two blue lines that is neither an offensive nor a defensive zone.【体育运动】 中区:冰上曲棍球球场两条蓝线间既不是进攻区也不是防守区的区域美国传统〔over〕Carey fell over and broke his leg while playing ice hockey.凯里打冰球时跌了一跤,摔断了腿。麦克米伦高阶〔penalty killer〕In ice hockey, any of the players other than the goalie who attempt to prevent the opposition from scoring on a power play.禁闭杀手:冰上曲棍球比赛中,守门员以外的球员试图阻止对方合力强攻得分美国传统〔physical〕Ice hockey is a very physical sport.冰球是一项非常剧烈的运动。韦氏高阶〔poke check〕A check in ice hockey in which a defender uses the blade of the stick to push the puck off the stick of an opponent.捅球,抄截:冰上曲棍球比赛,防守队球员用击球板面将冰球戳离对方球员球杆美国传统〔power play〕A situation in ice hockey in which one team has a temporary numerical advantage because the other team has one or more players in the penalty box.合力强攻:冰球赛中一个队由于另一个队在罚球区中有一至多名球员而暂时拥有的人数上的优势美国传统〔puck control〕An offensive strategy in ice hockey in which a team tries to keep possession of the puck as long as possible so as to limit the opposition's chances to score.控球:冰上曲棍球比赛中的进攻战术,一队试图尽量长时间控球以限制对方球员得分机会美国传统〔puck〕A hard rubber disk used in ice hockey as the playing and scoring medium.冰球:冰球比赛中用于击打和得分的硬橡皮盘状物美国传统〔stickhandle〕To move, maneuver, and have control over the puck in ice hockey or the ball in lacrosse and field hockey.灵活运球:在冰球或长曲棍球或曲棍球中移动、操纵或控制球美国传统〔street hockey〕A variation of ice hockey played on pavement by players wearing shoes or in-line skates and often using a ball instead of a puck.街上曲棍球:冰上曲棍球的变化形式,球员穿普通鞋或直排轮滚轴溜冰鞋在硬路面上比赛并且通常用普通球代替冰球美国传统




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