

单词 headway
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕If either side is to make any headway in these negotiations, they must be prepared to compromise. 不管哪方想要在谈判中有所进展,他们一定得作好妥协的准备。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Sylvia's teachers all say that she has made great headway this term. 西尔维娅的老师都说这学期她进步很大。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕The new agreement indicated that the government was at last making headway against the terrorists. 新协议表明政府在对抗恐怖分子方面终于取得了进展。朗文写作活用〔headway〕Foreign firms have made little headway in the U.S. market.外国公司在美国市场进展甚微。朗文当代〔headway〕He is not disappointed at the failure to make headway towards resolving their differences.他们之间的分歧依然未能解决,他对此并不感到沮丧。柯林斯高阶〔headway〕I'm not making much headway with 'War and Peace'.《战争与和平》这本书我还没读多少。外研社新世纪〔headway〕I'm trying to learn to drive, but I'm not making much headway (with it).我想学开车,可是进步缓慢。剑桥高阶〔headway〕Little headway has been made so far in the negotiations.谈判至今未取得进展。剑桥高阶〔headway〕Stormy weather stopped the ship from making headway.船在暴风雨天气里不能前进。朗文当代〔headway〕The headway between each bus is fixed at three minutes.每两班公共汽车之间的时距定为3分钟。英汉大词典〔headway〕The Allies were making good headway up in the north-west.西北方的盟军向前推进了不少。外研社新世纪〔headway〕The boat was unable to make much headway against the tide.船逆着潮水没法开快。牛津高阶〔headway〕The buses are running on five-minute headway.公共汽车每隔五分钟开出一辆。文馨英汉〔headway〕The factory is making some headway in pollution control.该厂在控制污染方面有一些进展。英汉大词典〔headway〕The ship could make no headway in the rough sea.航船在惊涛骇浪中无法前进。英汉大词典〔headway〕The system uses a GPRS network to locate buses and establish the headway.这一系统运用GPRS网络对公共汽车进行定位并设定发车间隔。外研社新世纪〔headway〕The vessel made no headway.船无法前进。外研社新世纪〔headway〕The wind kept the boat from making headway toward shore.大风使这条船无法靠岸。韦氏高阶〔headway〕There was concern in the city that police were making little headway in the investigation.市民担心警方的调查没有取得什么进展。外研社新世纪〔headway〕There was concern in the city that police were making little headway in the investigation.警方在调查中未能取得什么进展,对此市民有些担心。柯林斯高阶〔headway〕They have made some headway towards resolving the dispute.他们在解决这一争端上取得了一些进展。麦克米伦高阶〔headway〕They were making little headway in the investigation.他们的调查没有什么进展。文馨英汉〔headway〕They've recently made some headway in their search for a cure.他们最近在探索疗法方面取得了一些进展。韦氏高阶〔headway〕We are making little headway with the negotiations.我们的谈判没有取得什么进展。牛津高阶〔headway〕We're gradually making headway with the project.我们在逐步推进这个项目。韦氏高阶〔seaway〕The headway of a ship.航进:轮船的前行美国传统〔span〕His research in cancer that spanned 15 years has made considerable headway in the end.他对癌症持续15年的研究终于取得了极大的进展。21世纪英汉I'm trying to learn to drive, but I'm not making much headway (with it).我想学开车,可进展缓慢。剑桥国际In the food retail sector Tesco made headway, rising 0.8%.在食品零售部门,特易购公司的股票升值了,上涨了 0.8%。牛津商务Little headway has been made so far in the negotiations.谈判至今仍未取得进展。剑桥国际She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills. 她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。译典通The company seems to be making some headway against its competitors.看来公司在和对手的竞争中取得了一些进展。剑桥国际The pound made headway against the euro.英镑兑欧元升值。牛津商务The ship made little headway in the storm. 航船在暴风骤雨中几乎无法前进。译典通




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