

单词 hamburger
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕McDonald's finally bowed to consumer pressure and announced that it would no longer use styrofoam boxes to package its hamburgers. 麦当劳最后屈服于消费者的压力,宣布说他们将不再使用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料盒包装汉堡包。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕I'm fed up with health food - I'm going to have a hamburger. 我对健康食品已经腻了,我要吃个汉堡包。朗文写作活用〔BUT〕The hamburger was tough and overcooked. The fries, on the other hand, were terrific, and well worth the money. 汉堡包又硬又烤过了时间,不过炸薯条倒是很好吃,值这个价。朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕How many hamburgers do you think you can eat? 你认为自己能吃下多少个汉堡包?朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕We had dinner at the Ritz, a far cry from our usual hamburger and fries. 我们在里兹饭店吃晚饭,那和我们平常吃的汉堡包和炸薯条可是天差地别了。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕Several people became ill after eating hamburger meat contaminated with the E.coli bacteria. 有几个人在食用了受大肠杆菌污染的汉堡包肉之后生病了。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕He bolted down two hamburgers then washed them down with Coca-Cola. 他三口两口就吃掉了两个汉堡包,然后喝可口可乐把食物顺了下去。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕Do you want that hamburger to eat here or to take away? 那只汉堡包你是在这里吃还是要带走?朗文写作活用〔PURE〕The hamburgers at this restaurant are 100% beef. 这家餐厅里的汉堡包是用100%的牛肉做的。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The sizzle and smell of hamburgers and sausages greeted us as we walked out the back door. 我们走出后门的时候,汉堡包和香肠的嘶嘶声和香味朝我们扑面而来。朗文写作活用〔anticlimactic〕After a sumptuous lunch in a restaurant the hamburger supper is anticlimactic.下馆子吃了一顿丰盛的午饭之后,以汉堡包作晚饭无异是虎头蛇尾的骤变。英汉大词典〔anywhere〕Go anywhere in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.无论走到世界哪个地方,你都能看到这样或那样的汉堡快餐店。剑桥高阶〔blob〕Nick squirted a blob of tomato sauce on his hamburger.尼克把少量番茄酱涂在汉堡包上。麦克米伦高阶〔bulk up〕They tried to bulk him up with pizza and hamburgers.他们试图让他吃比萨饼和汉堡包增加体重。韦氏高阶〔caloric〕Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is highly caloric.汉堡包尽管是快餐,可热量很高。剑桥高阶〔calorific〕Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is highly calorific.汉堡包尽管是快餐,可热量很高。剑桥高阶〔catsup〕He poured catsup on his hamburgers.他将番茄酱倒在汉堡上。文馨英汉〔char〕Dad charred the hamburgers on the grill.爸爸把烤架上的汉堡肉饼给烤焦了。韦氏高阶〔char〕The hamburgers charred on the grill.汉堡肉饼在烤架上被烤焦了。韦氏高阶〔cheeseburger〕A hamburger topped with melted cheese.干酪汉堡包:在上面加有溶化了的干酪的汉堡包美国传统〔chiliburger〕A hamburger covered with chili con carne.香辣汉堡:一种上面浇有香辣肉酱的汉堡包美国传统〔chow down〕The kids chowed down on hamburgers and french fries.孩子们吃了汉堡包和炸薯条。韦氏高阶〔concession〕He runs a concession that sells hot dogs and hamburgers at the ballpark.他在棒球场经营一处卖热狗和汉堡包的小店。韦氏高阶〔concession〕Joe runs a hamburger concession in the mall.乔在商场内有一个汉堡包摊位。朗文当代〔consume〕They consumed all the hot dogs and hamburgers.他们把热狗和汉堡包统统吃光了。21世纪英汉〔cook up〕I can cook up some hamburgers.我可以马上做些汉堡包出来。韦氏高阶〔cook〕Hamburgers were cooking in the kitchen.厨房里在做汉堡包。朗文当代〔drive-in〕We stopped at a drive-in for a hamburger.我们在一家“免下车”餐馆停下来吃汉堡包。牛津高阶〔earner〕That hamburger stand is a nice little earner (= makes a lot of money).那个汉堡摊可真是赚钱。剑桥高阶〔fast food〕Inexpensive food, such as hamburgers and fried chicken, prepared and served quickly for consumption on the premises or elsewhere.快餐:在店里或其它地方快速准备和提供消费的便宜食品,如汉堡包和炸鸡美国传统〔flip〕Just six months ago, she was flipping hamburgers for $6 an hour.就在6个月以前,她还在干每小时6美元的做汉堡包的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔folk etymology〕Folk etymology has created the cheeseburger and the beanburger, but the first hamburgers were in fact named after the city of Hamburg.民间词源创造了 cheeseburger 和 beanburger,但原始 hamburger 一词实际上是以德国汉堡市命名的。牛津高阶〔glop〕Don't glop up my hamburger with ketchup.不要在我的汉堡包上浇番茄酱。英汉大词典〔go〕A large hamburger to go please.请来一个大汉堡, 带走的。外研社新世纪〔grill〕She put the hamburgers on the grill.她把汉堡包放到烤架上。韦氏高阶〔hamburger〕Add the cooked hamburger to the sauce.请将煮好的碎牛肉放到调味汁里。韦氏高阶〔hamburger〕They served hot dogs and hamburgers at the cookout.野炊聚会上他们提供热狗和汉堡包。韦氏高阶〔hold〕Please hold two tickets for us. Please hold the relish on that hamburger.请留两张票给我们。汉堡包请不要加调料美国传统〔idea〕A hamburger and a milkshake isn't exactly my idea of a gourmet meal! [=it is not what I imagine a gourmet meal to be] 汉堡包和奶昔并不是我想象中的美餐!韦氏高阶〔idiosyncrasy〕One of his idiosyncrasies is eating a hamburger for breakfast.他的癖好之一是吃个汉堡包当早饭。英汉大词典〔inhale〕We'll inhale a few hamburgers.我们要吃它几只汉堡包。英汉大词典〔joint〕We had lunch at a hamburger joint and then went to see a movie.我们在一家汉堡包小店吃了午饭,然后去看电影。剑桥高阶〔ketchup〕She put ketchup on her hamburger.她在汉堡包上涂上番茄沙司。韦氏高阶〔kiosk〕We were eating hamburgers at an all-night kiosk.我们在一家通宵小摊亭里吃汉堡。外研社新世纪〔less〕The hamburgers should contain no less than 50% meat.汉堡包应夹有不少于50%的肉。麦克米伦高阶〔locally〕The restaurant is known locally for its hamburgers.这家饭馆的汉堡包在当地很有名。韦氏高阶〔make〕I'd like a hamburger. No, wait—make that a cheeseburger.我要一个牛肉汉堡包。不,等一下,改成奶酪汉堡包吧。韦氏高阶〔nouvelle cuisine〕Dining out here is easy, with everything from a hamburger to hyperexpensive nouvelle cuisine on your doorstep.在这里出去吃饭很方便, 从汉堡包到极其昂贵的新式烹饪菜肴, 家门口都应有尽有。外研社新世纪〔odd〕Everybody gets two hamburgers and I get the odd one.大家都拿到两只汉堡包,我拿到剩下的一只。英汉大词典〔order〕She put six hamburgers on the griddle at Bud's order.她照巴特的吩咐把6个汉堡包放到铁烤盘里。英汉大词典〔overdo〕The cook overdid the hamburgers.厨师把汉堡包烤过头了。韦氏高阶〔peg〕Instead of dining in top restaurants and wearing expensive suits, he likes to eat hamburgers and buys clothes off the peg.比起穿着昂贵的套装到高档饭店吃饭,他更喜欢吃汉堡、买成衣。柯林斯高阶〔plunge〕When they left, Tom at once plunged into his hamburger.等他们走开,汤姆马上拿起汉堡包大嚼起来。英汉大词典〔range〕Items on the menu range from American fare like hamburgers and hot dogs to Italian pasta dishes.菜单上的食物种类从汉堡包和热狗一类美式食品到意大利面食应有尽有。韦氏高阶〔relish〕She busied herself adding more relish to her hamburger.她忙着给自己的汉堡包多加些佐料。英汉大词典〔residue〕The grill was covered in a greasy residue from the hamburgers.烤肉架上沾满了汉堡肉饼残留的油脂。韦氏高阶〔send〕Let's send out for hamburgers.让我们派人去找汉堡吧美国传统〔side〕I ordered a side of fries with my hamburger.我点了汉堡包,外加薯条作为配菜。韦氏高阶〔steak〕A hamburger is far more fatty than lean steak.汉堡比瘦牛排脂肪含量高多了。牛津搭配〔stink of〕The whole stadium stink of the hamburger.整个体育场内散发着汉堡包的香味。21世纪英汉〔strip〕Goff's Charcoal Hamburgers on Lover's Lane, a busy commercial strip in North Dallas.位于北达拉斯的一条名为“情人巷”的繁华商业街上的戈夫炭烤汉堡店柯林斯高阶〔unhealthy〕Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips.不要吃不健康食品,如汉堡和薯条。柯林斯高阶〔wanna〕I wanna hamburger, Mom.我想吃汉堡包,妈妈。剑桥高阶Hamburgers and fries were not really suited to his epicurean tastes.汉堡包和炸薯条并不真正对他美食家的胃口。剑桥国际Hamburgers are named after the German city of Hamburg and don't actually contain any ham--they are made of beef.汉堡包是以德国的汉堡市命名的,其中实际上并没有火腿----它们是牛肉做的。剑桥国际Hamburgers are often eaten with mustard or ketchup.汉堡包常和芥末或番茄酱一起吃。剑桥国际Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is very calorific (=it contains a lot of calories.) 尽管是快餐,但一个汉堡包含有很高的卡路里。剑桥国际Discarded hamburger cartons littered the pavements.废弃的汉堡包盒被随意丢在人行道上。剑桥国际Gimme a hamburger and fries.给我一份汉堡包和油炸土豆。剑桥国际Go anywhere in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.不管你走到世界上什么地方,你都会看到某种汉堡包式快餐厅。剑桥国际He had a hamburger and chips and then jelly and ice cream for dessert.他吃了份汉堡包和薯片,然后吃了果冻和冰淇淋作为甜点。剑桥国际He has a concession to sell hamburgers in the town center.他有在市中心卖汉堡包的特许。剑桥国际I wanna hamburger, Mom.妈妈,我想要只汉堡包。剑桥国际Put the hamburgers on the grill. 把汉堡牛排放到烤架上。译典通She managed to eat a massive hamburger without smudging her lipstick.她在不擦糊口红的情况下,吃了很大一个汉堡包。剑桥国际The kebab and hamburger have become debased fast-food versions of their original selves.烤肉串和汉堡包已由原来的含义降指为蹩脚的快餐。剑桥国际The new style of hamburger is based on lean meat with water replacing much of the fat.新型的汉堡包主要是采用以水分代替大部分脂肪的瘦肉。剑桥国际The stadium was littered with bottles and hamburger wrappers--the detritus of yesterday's rock concert.体育馆里扔满了瓶子和汉堡包包装纸----昨天摇滚音乐会的残留物。剑桥国际Veggieburgers can be fried or grilled and are often eaten as a vegetarian alternative to hamburgers.植物蛋白饼可以油炸,可以烘烤,往往是素食者用以取代汉堡包的食物。剑桥国际We had lunch at a hamburger joint and then went to see a movie.我们在一家汉堡包店吃了午饭,然后去看了电影。剑桥国际We stopped at a drive-in for a hamburger.我们在一家免下车餐馆停下来买汉堡包。牛津商务




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